Field Trip Attraction/Resource Expo

Field Trip Attraction/Resource Expo, updated 11/16/16, 5:11 AM


Field Trip Attraction/Resource Expo on Thursday, January 12, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

To pay by credit card or paypal, follow this link: Payment Center 

About Friends of County Parks

The Friends of the County Parks, established in 1988, is a group of concerned citizens joining together to promote financial and community support to the Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Department. They develop public awareness of recreation as an important part of day-to-day life. 

Funds provided by The Friends of the County Parks are used as a supplement to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department budget and does not replace allocated tax dollars. These additional funds helps maintain, improve, and enhance services provided by the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department. The Friends of the County Parks enjoys a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit exemption status.

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November 8, 2016

Youth Group Sales or Vendor Attraction:


Dana McDonald

Senior Special Events Coordinator

Subject: Field Trip Attraction/Resource Expo

Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting Field Trip
Attraction/Resource Expo on Thursday, January 12, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Set-up time will begin at 10 a.m. The Field Trip Expo will be attended by Hillsborough County
Parks and Recreation Department’s Summer Camps, HOST Summer Camps, Boys and Girls
Clubs, etc. Approximately 150 leisure professionals from within Hillsborough County will be
attending this workshop. All of these agencies will be seeking information to further enhance their
summer camp programs.

The Expo will be held at All People’s Life Center located at 6105 E. Sligh Ave, Tampa, FL 33617
(813-744-5595). Last year over 30 vendors participated in the Field Trip Attraction/Resource
Expo providing information both on in-house activities that can be brought to the camp site as well
as information on location-based programs and field trip venues for summer campers.

The fee for participating in the Field Trip Attraction/Resource Expo is $30.00 per vendor. These
funds will go into an account set up for Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department
employees to attend future workshops and trainings through organizations like Florida Recreation
and Park Association. Checks or money orders must be payable to “Friends of the County Parks”.

Each vendor is requested to bring the following information, in sufficient quantities to cover a
projected attendance of 400:
 Group price information
 Age group your attraction/vendor presentation is appropriate for
 What the attraction/vendor has to offer
 Lunch packages available
 Suggested length of stay at attraction or length of presentation
 Transportation and cost per child if available
 Any posters, postcards, calendars about special event etc would be helpful too. These
items can be hung up/handed out at our registration for Summer Camps promoting the
field trips and/or presentations coming to the Summer Camp Sites
 6’ Table Linen
 Power Cords and strips if power is requested
You will be provided one (1) 6’ table and two (2) chairs as part of your registration fee. There will
be a $5.00 fee for each additional table you require.

Please be aware that Hillsborough County, as well as many other municipal governments have
strict requirements for summer field trip vendors. If you are not currently a vendor in the
procurement system, do not accept credit cards or do not invoice for payment at a later date, please
get with the representatives from the respective municipalities to determine what it will entail for a
successful experience for all next summer.

Attached is the Field Trip Attraction/Resource Expo confirmation form. Please fill out and
return no later than Wednesday, December 21, 2016. Applications can be scanned and sent
back to or mailed. All Payments must be mailed to
the Brandon Recreation Center at:

Attention: Mary Clements Fowler
502 E. Sadie Street
Tampa, FL 33510

Thank you in advance for your interest in helping to make Summer Camp Programs throughout
Hillsborough County and Central Florida enjoyable and affordable for our participants; some of
who have never been to any attractions or seen some of your presentations. Space is limited, so
please respond by Wednesday, December 21, 2016.

contact me


Dana McDonald
Senior Special Event Coordinator
Parks and Recreation Department

Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation
Field Trip Attraction/Resource Vendor Expo Confirmation Sheet

Reminder: This form and payment are due back to our office by Wednesday, December 21,

______ I will attend the Field Trip Attraction/Vendor Expo on Thursday, January 12, 2016
($30.00 registration fee).

______ I will need _____ additional tables ($5.00 each)

______ Check/Money Order #_____________ in the amount of $30.00 (plus additional tables)
Checks or money orders payable to Friends of the County Parks. Mailed to: 502 E. Sadie Street,
Tampa, FL 33510 (Attn: Mary Clements Fowler).

_______ Need Outlet for power.

______ I am unable to attend the Field Trip Attraction/Vendor Expo on Thursday, January 12,

Attraction/Vendor Name________________________________________________________

Contact Name_________________________________________________________________

Staff Attending Expo___________________________________________________________

Attraction/Vendor Phone Number _______________________________________________

Attraction/Vendor Email Address _______________________________________________

General Directions to All People’s Life Center:

From I-4, take the 50th Street exit heading north. 50th will curve to the right and become 56th
Avenue. Cross Hillsborough Ave (SR 92) and proceed to Sligh Avenue. Turn right on Sligh
(King High School). All People’s Life Center will be on the right. Park in the rear of the building.
Set up will begin at 10am day of the event.