Information about dredging Sweetwater Creek
About Jack Berlin
Founded Accusoft (Pegasus Imaging) in 1991 and has been CEO ever since.
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Time to Dredge Sweetwater Creek
To: Huther, 4311; Ragano, 4309; Godsey, 4307; Linden, 4219; Jackson,
4217; Hryharrow, 4215; Norgart, 4213; Pokoj, 4211; Stine, 4209; Berlin,
Cc: Sweetwater Homeowners' Board
Last week, as many of you know, Rick Norgart invited the ten homes
directly on the sandbar (see above) that stretches for Memorial Bridge for
over a 1,000 feet to just past my dock to meet with Gator Dredging and
representatives of the Homeowners' Association at his office. The meeting
occurred on May 25th and lasted a couple of hours.
Basically, the result of this meeting was two initiatives: 1. Immediate action
by the ten homes most affected by the sandbar. 2. A longer term,
neighborhood project to more broadly fund a reserve for future creek
maintenance issues.
We will work with the Homeowners' Association to hopefully make this
second initiative happen, but the purpose of this memo is initiative number
Gator Dredging is coming back to us with a proposal to dredge a 15 foot
wide channel past my dock. We expect this cost to be around $100,000.
If the ten of us on the mud bar will all commit to get dredging done, it
will get done and done very soon
, likely this fall. It does mean each of us
being willing to commit $5,000 to $15,000 based on our property location
and value. The six owners at the meeting last week were all in, so we just
need four more to say yes and we can move forward.
The Association board members that attended agreed that if we would take
the lead this time, they would push for a neighborhood fund to take care of
the 'next times'. Some sort of small onwater or offwater special
assessment to go into reserves. No guarantees this ever will happen! That
has to be voted on by the entire community and that may take years, if
ever, so if we want our creek dredged in the short term, it is on us.
If we
don't do it, it is not going to get done.
We need 100% participation to get this done.
Each of us will see a $30,000 $90,000 home value improvement
this effort
so the return on this investment is a nobrainer for each of us.
I am ready to discuss this with each of you as quickly as I can.
Please email me at or call me (leave a
message and a good time to call back) at 8138856718.
Questions, concerns, suggestions want to hear them, but
please don't make me chase you I need to hear from every
one of you
then put out a second status report to each of us
and the Homeowners' Board.
I look forward to speaking to each of you very soon.
Thank you,
Jack Berlin
4207 Saltwater