DocCheck Publish CaseStudy 01

DocCheck Publish CaseStudy 01, updated 11/2/17, 8:29 PM

collectionsBusiness News

DocCheck - the European Social Medwork.

As one of more than 1,000,000 registered DocCheck members, you are part of the largest community of healthcare professionals in Europe. Here you can further your learning online, network with your peers and exchange or actively contribute your own knowledge. The free DocCheck password in addition gives you quick access to websites of pharmaceutical companies and medical publishers, which are intended only for professionals.

About Jack Berlin

Founded Accusoft (Pegasus Imaging) in 1991 and has been CEO ever since.

Very proud of what the team has created with edocr, it is easy to share documents in a personalized way and so very useful at no cost to the user! Hope to hear comments and suggestions at

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