m90 Liverpool to Burwood

m90 Liverpool to Burwood, updated 11/6/22, 5:03 PM


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M90 Burwood to Liverpool
How to use this timetable
This timetable provides a snapshot of service information in
24-hour time (e.g. 5am = 05:00, 5pm = 17:00). Information
contained in this timetable is subject to change without notice.
Please note that timetables do not include minor stops,
additional trips for special events, short term changes, holiday
timetable changes, real-time information or any disruption
For the most up-to-date times, use the Trip Planner or
Departures at transportnsw.info
Real-time planning
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Accessible services
All new buses are wheelchair-accessible with low-level floors
and space for wheelchairs, prams or strollers. Look for the
symbol in this timetable. Some older buses may not have all the
features you need. There will be more accessible services as
older buses are replaced.
Who is providing my bus services?
The bus services shown in this timetable are run by Transdev
In Sydney and surrounding regions, fares are based on:
the distance you travel from tap on to tap off
the mode of transport you choose
whether you're eligible for a concession fare or free travel
any Opal benefits such as discounts and capped fares that apply.
You can use an Opal card or a contactless payment to pay for
your travel.
Opal cards
An Opal card is a smartcard you keep and reuse. Add value
before you travel, and tap on and tap off to pay your fares
throughout Sydney, the Blue Mountains, the Central Coast, the
Hunter and the Illawarra.
Which Opal card is right for you?
Adult – Customers 16 years or older who are not entitled
to any concessions and normally pay full fare.
Child/Youth – For customers aged 4-15 (inclusive), or customers
16 years or older who hold a NSW/ACT Senior Secondary
Student Concession Card.
Gold Senior/Pensioner – For eligible NSW and interstate
seniors, pensioners, war widows/ers and asylum seekers.
Concession – For eligible tertiary students, job seekers,
apprentices and trainees.
How to get an Opal card
You can get an Adult or Child/Youth Opal card over the counter
at Opal retailers that display the Opal sign
. To find your
nearest retailer visit transportnsw.info/opal.
If you are eligible to travel with concession fares, you can apply
for a Gold Senior/Pensioner or Concession Opal card online. Visit
transportnsw.info/opal for more information.
Contactless payments
If you have an American Express, Mastercard, Visa card or linked
device, you can use it to pay for all public transport on the Opal
network. Just make sure to tap on and tap off at Opal readers at
the beginning and end of your trip.
Always separate your cards when you tap on and tap off so your
preferred card is charged.
You will receive the same travel benefits of an Adult Opal card
when you tap on and tap off consistently with the same credit
card, debit card or linked device. This includes daily, weekly and
weekend travel caps, and a $2 transfer discount when you
change between metro/train, ferry, bus and light rail services
within 60 minutes. Adult Opal fare pricing applies.
Find out more at transportnsw.info/contactless
Explanation of definitions and symbols
Wheelchair Accessible
Wednesday only
Tuesday, Wednesday only
MThF Monday, Thursday & Friday
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Valid from: 10 Oct 2022
Creation date: 04 Nov 2022
NOTE: Information is correct on date of download.
Monday to Friday
Bankstown Station
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 05:06 05:26 05:46 05:56 06:06 06:16 06:26 06:33 06:40
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
05:09 05:29 05:49 05:59 06:09 06:19 06:29 06:37 06:44
Liverpool Station
05:16 05:36 05:56 06:06 06:16 06:26 06:36 06:46 06:53
Liverpool Station
05:18 05:38 05:58 06:08 06:18 06:28 06:38 06:48 06:55
Monday to Friday
Strathfield Station
06:22 06:32 06:42 06:52 07:02
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
06:28 06:38 06:48 06:58 07:08
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 05:56
06:31 06:41 06:51 07:01 07:11
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
06:33 06:43 06:53 07:03 07:13
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
06:38 06:48 06:58 07:08 07:18
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
06:44 06:54 07:04 07:14 07:24
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
06:55 07:05 07:15 07:25 07:35
Bankstown Station
06:24 06:34 06:44 06:52 06:59 07:09 07:19 07:29 07:39
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
06:30 06:40 06:50 06:58 07:05 07:15 07:25 07:35 07:45
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
06:35 06:45 06:55 07:03 07:10 07:20 07:30 07:40 07:50
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
06:44 06:54 07:04 07:12 07:19 07:29 07:39 07:49 07:59
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
06:45 06:55 07:05 07:13 07:20 07:30 07:40 07:50 08:00
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
06:48 06:58 07:08 07:16 07:23 07:33 07:43 07:53 08:03
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 06:48 06:58 07:08 07:16 07:23 07:33 07:43 07:53 08:03
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
06:52 07:02 07:12 07:20 07:27 07:37 07:47 07:57 08:07
Liverpool Station
07:01 07:11 07:21 07:29 07:36 07:46 07:56 08:06 08:16
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
All Saints' College, Campbell St, Liverpool
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
Liverpool Station
07:03 07:13 07:23 07:31 07:38 07:48 08:05 08:15 08:25
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Monday to Friday
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
08:00 08:10 08:20
Strathfield Station
07:12 07:22 07:32 07:42 07:52 08:02 08:12 08:22 08:32
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
07:18 07:28 07:38 07:48 07:58 08:08 08:18 08:28 08:38
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 07:21 07:31 07:41 07:51 08:01 08:11 08:21 08:31 08:41
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
07:23 07:33 07:43 07:53 08:03 08:13 08:23 08:33 08:43
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
07:28 07:38 07:48 07:58 08:08 08:18 08:28 08:38 08:48
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
07:34 07:44 07:54 08:04 08:14 08:24 08:34 08:44 08:54
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
07:45 07:55 08:05 08:15 08:25 08:35 08:45 08:55 09:05
Bankstown Station
07:49 07:59 08:09 08:19 08:29 08:39 08:49 08:59 09:09
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
07:55 08:05 08:15 08:25 08:35 08:45 08:55 09:05 09:15
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
08:00 08:10 08:20 08:30 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:10 09:20
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
08:09 08:19 08:29 08:39 08:49 08:59 09:09 09:19 09:29
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
08:10 08:20 08:30 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:10
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
08:13 08:23 08:33 08:43 08:53 09:03 09:13
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 08:13 08:23 08:33 08:43 08:53 09:03 09:13
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
08:17 08:27 08:37 08:47 08:57 09:07 09:17
Liverpool Station
08:26 08:36 08:46 08:56 09:06 09:16 09:26
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
08:30 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:10 09:20 09:30
Liverpool Station
08:35 08:45 08:55 09:05 09:15 09:25 09:35
Monday to Friday
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30
Strathfield Station
08:42 08:57 09:12 09:27 09:42 09:57 10:12 10:27 10:42
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
08:48 09:03 09:18 09:33 09:48 10:03 10:18 10:33 10:48
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 08:51 09:06 09:21 09:36 09:51 10:06 10:21 10:36 10:51
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
08:53 09:08 09:23 09:38 09:53 10:08 10:23 10:38 10:53
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
08:58 09:13 09:28 09:43 09:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:58
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
09:04 09:19 09:34 09:49 10:04 10:19 10:34 10:49 11:04
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15
Bankstown Station
09:19 09:34 09:49 10:04 10:19 10:34 10:49 11:04 11:19
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
09:25 09:40 09:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:25
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
09:39 09:54 10:09 10:24 10:39 10:54 11:09 11:24 11:39
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
09:40 09:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:25 11:40
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
09:43 09:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:43
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 09:43 09:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:43
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
09:47 10:02 10:17 10:32 10:47 11:02 11:17 11:32 11:47
Liverpool Station
09:55 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:55 11:10 11:25 11:40 11:55
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
09:58 10:13 10:28 10:43 10:58 11:13 11:28 11:43 11:58
Liverpool Station
10:02 10:17 10:32 10:47 11:02 11:17 11:32 11:47 12:02
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Monday to Friday
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45
Strathfield Station
10:57 11:12 11:27 11:42 11:57 12:12 12:27 12:42 12:57
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03 12:18 12:33 12:48 13:03
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 11:06 11:21 11:36 11:51 12:06 12:21 12:36 12:51 13:06
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08 12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
11:13 11:28 11:43 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:13
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
11:19 11:34 11:49 12:04 12:19 12:34 12:49 13:04 13:19
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30
Bankstown Station
11:34 11:49 12:04 12:19 12:34 12:49 13:04 13:19 13:34
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
11:40 11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 13:10 13:25 13:40
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
11:54 12:09 12:24 12:39 12:54 13:09 13:24 13:39 13:54
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 13:10 13:25 13:40 13:55
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:13 13:28 13:43 13:58
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 11:58 12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:13 13:28 13:43 13:58
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
12:02 12:17 12:32 12:47 13:02 13:17 13:32 13:47 14:02
Liverpool Station
12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 13:10 13:25 13:40 13:55 14:10
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
12:13 12:28 12:43 12:58 13:13 13:28 13:43 13:58 14:13
Liverpool Station
12:17 12:32 12:47 13:02 13:17 13:32 13:47 14:02 14:17
Monday to Friday
Day Restrictions
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00
14:20 14:30
Strathfield Station
13:12 13:27 13:42 13:57 14:12
14:32 14:42
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
13:18 13:33 13:48 14:03 14:18
14:38 14:48
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 13:21 13:36 13:51 14:06 14:21
14:41 14:51
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
13:23 13:38 13:53 14:08 14:23 14:30
14:43 14:53
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
13:28 13:43 13:58 14:13 14:28 14:36
14:48 14:58
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
13:34 13:49 14:04 14:19 14:34 14:44
14:54 15:04
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 14:55
15:05 15:15
Bankstown Station
13:49 14:04 14:19 14:34 14:49 14:59 14:59 15:09 15:19
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
13:55 14:10 14:25 14:40 14:55
15:05 15:15 15:25
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00
15:10 15:20 15:30
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
14:09 14:24 14:39 14:54 15:09
15:19 15:29 15:39
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
14:10 14:25 14:40 14:55 15:10
15:20 15:30 15:40
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
14:13 14:28 14:43 14:58 15:13
15:23 15:33 15:43
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 14:13 14:28 14:43 14:58 15:13
15:23 15:33 15:43
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
14:17 14:32 14:47 15:02 15:17
15:27 15:37 15:47
Liverpool Station
14:25 14:41 14:56 15:11 15:26
15:36 15:46 15:56
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
14:28 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30
15:40 15:50 16:00
Liverpool Station
14:32 14:50 15:05 15:20 15:35
15:45 15:55 16:05
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Monday to Friday
Day Restrictions
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
15:00 15:10 15:20 15:30 15:40
Strathfield Station
15:12 15:22 15:32 15:42 15:52
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
15:19 15:29 15:39 15:49 15:59
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South
15:23 15:33 15:43 15:53 16:03
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
15:16 15:25 15:35 15:45 15:55 16:05
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
15:15 15:21 15:21 15:31 15:41 15:51 16:01 16:11
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
15:22 15:28 15:28 15:38 15:48 15:58 16:08 16:18
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
15:35 15:41 15:41 15:51 16:01 16:11 16:19 16:29
Bankstown Station
15:29 15:39 15:45 15:45 15:55 16:05 16:15 16:23 16:33
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
15:35 15:45 15:51 15:51 16:01 16:11 16:21 16:29 16:39
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
15:40 15:50 15:56 15:56 16:06 16:16 16:26 16:34 16:44
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
15:49 15:59 16:05 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:35 16:43 16:53
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
15:50 16:00 16:06 16:06 16:16 16:26 16:36 16:44 16:54
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
15:53 16:03 16:09 16:12 16:19 16:29 16:39 16:47 16:57
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 15:53 16:03 16:09 16:12 16:19 16:29 16:39 16:47 16:57
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
15:57 16:07 16:13 16:16 16:23 16:33 16:43 16:51 17:01
Liverpool Station
16:06 16:16 16:25 16:25 16:35 16:45 16:55 17:00 17:10
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
16:10 16:20 16:29 16:29 16:39 16:49 16:59 17:04 17:14
Liverpool Station
16:15 16:25 16:34 16:34 16:44 16:54 17:04 17:09 17:19
Monday to Friday
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:40 16:50 17:00 17:10
Strathfield Station
16:02 16:12 16:22 16:32 16:42 16:52 17:02 17:12 17:22
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
16:09 16:19 16:29 16:39 16:49 16:59 17:09 17:19 17:29
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 16:13 16:23 16:33 16:43 16:53 17:03 17:13 17:23 17:33
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
16:15 16:25 16:35 16:45 16:55 17:05 17:15 17:25 17:35
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
16:21 16:31 16:41 16:51 17:01 17:11 17:21 17:31 17:41
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
16:28 16:38 16:48 16:58 17:08 17:18 17:28 17:38 17:48
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
16:39 16:49 16:59 17:09 17:19 17:29 17:39 17:49 17:59
Bankstown Station
16:43 16:53 17:03 17:13 17:23 17:33 17:43 17:53 18:03
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
16:49 16:59 17:09 17:19 17:29 17:39 17:49 17:59 18:09
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
16:54 17:04 17:14 17:24 17:34 17:44 17:54 18:04 18:14
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
17:03 17:13 17:23 17:33 17:43 17:53 18:03 18:13 18:23
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
17:04 17:14 17:24 17:34 17:44 17:54 18:04 18:14 18:24
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
17:07 17:17 17:27 17:37 17:47 17:57 18:07 18:17 18:27
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 17:07 17:17 17:27 17:37 17:47 17:57 18:07 18:17 18:27
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
17:11 17:21 17:31 17:41 17:51 18:01 18:11 18:21 18:31
Liverpool Station
17:20 17:30 17:40 17:50 18:00 18:10 18:20 18:30 18:40
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
17:24 17:34 17:44 17:54 18:04 18:14 18:24 18:34 18:44
Liverpool Station
17:29 17:39 17:49 17:59 18:09 18:19 18:29 18:39 18:49
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Monday to Friday
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
17:20 17:30 17:40 17:50 18:00 18:10 18:20 18:30 18:45
Strathfield Station
17:32 17:42 17:52 18:02 18:12 18:22 18:32 18:41 18:56
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
17:39 17:48 17:58 18:08 18:18 18:28 18:38 18:46 19:01
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 17:43 17:51 18:01 18:11 18:21 18:31 18:41 18:49 19:04
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
17:45 17:53 18:03 18:13 18:23 18:33 18:43 18:51 19:06
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
17:51 17:58 18:08 18:18 18:28 18:38 18:48 18:56 19:11
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
17:58 18:04 18:14 18:24 18:34 18:44 18:54 19:02 19:17
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
18:09 18:15 18:25 18:35 18:45 18:55 19:05 19:12 19:27
Bankstown Station
18:13 18:19 18:29 18:39 18:49 18:59 19:09 19:15 19:30
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
18:24 18:34 18:44
19:20 19:35
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
18:27 18:37 18:47
19:23 19:38
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
18:34 18:44 18:54
19:29 19:44
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
18:35 18:45 18:55
19:30 19:45
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
18:38 18:48 18:58
19:32 19:47
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton
18:38 18:48 18:58
19:32 19:47
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
18:42 18:52 19:02
19:36 19:51
Liverpool Station
18:50 19:00 19:10
19:44 19:59
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
18:53 19:03 19:13
Liverpool Station
18:57 19:07 19:17
19:46 20:01
Monday to Friday
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
19:00 19:15 19:30 19:50 20:10 20:40 21:10
Strathfield Station
19:11 19:26 19:41 20:01 20:21 20:51 21:21 21:51 22:21
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
19:16 19:31 19:46 20:06 20:26 20:56 21:26 21:56 22:26
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 19:19 19:34 19:49 20:09 20:29 20:59 21:29 21:59 22:29
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
19:21 19:36 19:51 20:11 20:31 21:01 21:31 22:01 22:31
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
19:26 19:41 19:56 20:16 20:36 21:06 21:36 22:06 22:36
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
19:32 19:47 20:02 20:22 20:42 21:12 21:42 22:12 22:42
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
19:42 19:57 20:12 20:32 20:52 21:22 21:52 22:22 22:52
Bankstown Station
19:45 20:00 20:15 20:35 20:55 21:25
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
19:50 20:05 20:20
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
19:53 20:08 20:23
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
19:59 20:14 20:29
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
20:00 20:15 20:30
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
20:02 20:17 20:32
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 20:02 20:17 20:32
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
20:06 20:21 20:36
Liverpool Station
20:14 20:29 20:44
Liverpool Station
20:16 20:31 20:46
Monday to Friday
Strathfield Station
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 22:59
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
Bankstown Station
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
Strathfield Station
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
Bankstown Station
06:34 07:09
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
06:40 07:15
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
06:43 07:18
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
06:50 07:25
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
06:51 07:26
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
06:54 07:29
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 06:24 06:54 07:29 07:49 08:09 08:29 08:49 09:09 09:29
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
06:28 06:58 07:33 07:53 08:13 08:33 08:53 09:13 09:33
Liverpool Station
06:37 07:07 07:42 08:01 08:22 08:41 09:02 09:21 09:42
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
07:45 08:05 08:25 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:45
Liverpool Station
06:39 07:09 07:49 08:09 08:29 08:49 09:09 09:29 09:49
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
08:40 09:00 09:20 09:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20
Strathfield Station
08:52 09:12 09:32 09:52 10:12 10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
08:58 09:18 09:38 09:58 10:18 10:38 10:58 11:18 11:38
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 09:01 09:21 09:41 10:01 10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21 11:41
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
09:03 09:23 09:43 10:03 10:23 10:43 11:03 11:23 11:43
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
09:08 09:28 09:48 10:08 10:28 10:48 11:08 11:28 11:48
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
09:14 09:34 09:54 10:14 10:34 10:54 11:14 11:34 11:54
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
09:25 09:45 10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05
Bankstown Station
09:29 09:49 10:09 10:29 10:49 11:09 11:29 11:49 12:09
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15 11:35 11:55 12:15
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
09:38 09:58 10:18 10:38 10:58 11:18 11:38 11:58 12:18
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
09:45 10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
09:46 10:06 10:26 10:46 11:06 11:26 11:46 12:06 12:26
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
09:49 10:09 10:29 10:49 11:09 11:29 11:49 12:09 12:29
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 09:49 10:09 10:29 10:49 11:09 11:29 11:49 12:09 12:29
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
09:53 10:13 10:33 10:53 11:13 11:33 11:53 12:13 12:33
Liverpool Station
10:02 10:22 10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02 12:22 12:42
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45
Liverpool Station
10:09 10:29 10:49 11:09 11:29 11:49 12:09 12:29 12:49
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20
Strathfield Station
11:52 12:12 12:32 12:52 13:12 13:32 13:52 14:12 14:32
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
11:58 12:18 12:38 12:58 13:18 13:38 13:58 14:18 14:38
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 12:01 12:21 12:41 13:01 13:21 13:41 14:01 14:21 14:41
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
12:03 12:23 12:43 13:03 13:23 13:43 14:03 14:23 14:43
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
12:08 12:28 12:48 13:08 13:28 13:48 14:08 14:28 14:48
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
12:14 12:34 12:54 13:14 13:34 13:54 14:14 14:34 14:54
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
12:25 12:45 13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05
Bankstown Station
12:29 12:49 13:09 13:29 13:49 14:09 14:29 14:49 15:09
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
12:35 12:55 13:15 13:35 13:55 14:15 14:35 14:55 15:15
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
12:38 12:58 13:18 13:38 13:58 14:18 14:38 14:58 15:18
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
12:45 13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
12:46 13:06 13:26 13:46 14:06 14:26 14:46 15:06 15:26
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
12:49 13:09 13:29 13:49 14:09 14:29 14:49 15:09 15:29
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 12:49 13:09 13:29 13:49 14:09 14:29 14:49 15:09 15:29
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
12:53 13:13 13:33 13:53 14:13 14:33 14:53 15:13 15:33
Liverpool Station
13:02 13:22 13:42 14:02 14:22 14:42 15:02 15:22 15:42
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25 15:45
Liverpool Station
13:09 13:29 13:49 14:09 14:29 14:49 15:09 15:29 15:49
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20
Strathfield Station
14:52 15:12 15:32 15:52 16:12 16:32 16:52 17:12 17:31
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
14:58 15:18 15:38 15:58 16:18 16:38 16:58 17:18 17:36
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 15:01 15:21 15:41 16:01 16:21 16:41 17:01 17:21 17:39
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
15:03 15:23 15:43 16:03 16:23 16:43 17:03 17:23 17:41
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
15:08 15:28 15:48 16:08 16:28 16:48 17:08 17:28 17:46
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
15:14 15:34 15:54 16:14 16:34 16:54 17:14 17:34 17:52
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
15:25 15:45 16:05 16:25 16:45 17:05 17:25 17:45 18:02
Bankstown Station
15:29 15:49 16:09 16:29 16:49 17:09 17:29 17:49 18:06
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
15:35 15:55 16:15 16:35 16:55 17:15 17:35 17:55 18:12
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
15:38 15:58 16:18 16:38 16:58 17:18 17:38 17:58 18:15
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
15:45 16:05 16:25 16:45 17:05 17:24 17:44 18:04 18:21
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
15:46 16:06 16:26 16:46 17:06 17:26 17:46 18:06 18:22
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
15:49 16:09 16:29 16:49 17:09 17:27 17:47 18:07 18:24
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 15:49 16:09 16:29 16:49 17:09 17:27 17:47 18:07 18:24
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
15:53 16:13 16:33 16:53 17:13 17:31 17:51 18:11 18:28
Liverpool Station
16:02 16:22 16:42 17:02 17:22 17:39 17:59 18:19 18:36
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
16:05 16:25 16:45 17:05 17:25
Liverpool Station
16:09 16:29 16:49 17:09 17:29 17:41 18:01 18:21 18:38
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
17:40 18:00 18:20 18:40 19:00
Strathfield Station
17:51 18:11 18:31 18:51 19:11 19:26 19:41 20:11 20:41
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
17:56 18:16 18:36 18:56 19:16 19:31 19:46 20:16 20:46
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 17:59 18:19 18:39 18:59 19:19 19:34 19:49 20:19 20:49
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
18:01 18:21 18:41 19:01 19:21 19:36 19:51 20:21 20:51
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
18:06 18:26 18:46 19:06 19:26 19:41 19:56 20:26 20:56
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
18:12 18:32 18:52 19:12 19:32 19:47 20:02 20:32 21:02
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
18:22 18:42 19:02 19:22 19:42 19:57 20:12 20:42 21:12
Bankstown Station
18:26 18:46 19:06 19:26 19:46 20:01 20:16 20:46
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
18:32 18:52 19:12 19:32 19:52
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
18:35 18:55 19:15 19:35 19:55
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
18:41 19:01 19:21 19:41 20:01
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
18:42 19:02 19:22 19:42 20:02
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
18:44 19:04 19:24 19:44 20:04
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
Liverpool Station
Liverpool Station
Strathfield Station
21:11 21:41 22:26 23:11
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
21:16 21:46 22:31 23:16
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 21:19 21:49 22:34 23:19
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
21:21 21:51 22:36 23:21
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
21:26 21:56 22:41 23:26
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
22:02 22:47
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
Bankstown Station
Sunday & Public Holidays
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
08:20 08:40 09:00 09:20 09:40
Strathfield Station
08:31 08:51 09:11 09:31 09:51
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
08:36 08:56 09:16 09:36 09:56
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South
08:39 08:59 09:19 09:39 09:59
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
08:41 09:01 09:21 09:41 10:01
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
08:46 09:06 09:26 09:46 10:06
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
08:52 09:12 09:32 09:52 10:12
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
09:02 09:22 09:42 10:02 10:22
Bankstown Station
07:32 07:52 08:32 08:52 09:06 09:26 09:46 10:06 10:26
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
07:37 07:57 08:37 08:57 09:12 09:32 09:52 10:12 10:32
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
07:40 08:00 08:40 09:00 09:15 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
07:46 08:06 08:46 09:06 09:21 09:41 10:01 10:21 10:41
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
07:47 08:07 08:47 09:07 09:22 09:42 10:02 10:22 10:42
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
07:49 08:09 08:49 09:09 09:24 09:44 10:04 10:24 10:44
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 07:49 08:09 08:49 09:09 09:24 09:44 10:04 10:24 10:44
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
07:53 08:13 08:53 09:13 09:28 09:48 10:08 10:28 10:48
Liverpool Station
08:01 08:21 09:01 09:21 09:36 09:56 10:16 10:36 10:56
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
09:39 09:59 10:19 10:39 10:59
Liverpool Station
08:03 08:23 09:03 09:23 09:43 10:03 10:23 10:43 11:03
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Sunday & Public Holidays
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40
Strathfield Station
10:11 10:31 10:51 11:11 11:31 11:51 12:11 12:31 12:51
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
10:16 10:36 10:56 11:16 11:36 11:56 12:16 12:36 12:56
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 10:19 10:39 10:59 11:19 11:39 11:59 12:19 12:39 12:59
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21 11:41 12:01 12:21 12:41 13:01
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
10:26 10:46 11:06 11:26 11:46 12:06 12:26 12:46 13:06
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52 12:12 12:32 12:52 13:12
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02 12:22 12:42 13:02 13:22
Bankstown Station
10:46 11:06 11:26 11:46 12:06 12:26 12:46 13:06 13:26
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52 12:12 12:32 12:52 13:12 13:32
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
10:55 11:15 11:35 11:55 12:15 12:35 12:55 13:15 13:35
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
11:01 11:21 11:41 12:01 12:21 12:41 13:01 13:21 13:41
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02 12:22 12:42 13:02 13:22 13:42
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
11:04 11:24 11:44 12:04 12:24 12:44 13:04 13:24 13:44
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 11:04 11:24 11:44 12:04 12:24 12:44 13:04 13:24 13:44
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
11:08 11:28 11:48 12:08 12:28 12:48 13:08 13:28 13:48
Liverpool Station
11:16 11:36 11:56 12:16 12:36 12:56 13:16 13:36 13:56
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
11:19 11:39 11:59 12:19 12:39 12:59 13:19 13:39 13:59
Liverpool Station
11:23 11:43 12:03 12:23 12:43 13:03 13:23 13:43 14:03
Sunday & Public Holidays
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40
Strathfield Station
13:11 13:31 13:51 14:11 14:31 14:51 15:11 15:31 15:51
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
13:16 13:36 13:56 14:16 14:36 14:56 15:16 15:36 15:56
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 13:19 13:39 13:59 14:19 14:39 14:59 15:19 15:39 15:59
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
13:21 13:41 14:01 14:21 14:41 15:01 15:21 15:41 16:01
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
13:26 13:46 14:06 14:26 14:46 15:06 15:26 15:46 16:06
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
13:32 13:52 14:12 14:32 14:52 15:12 15:32 15:52 16:12
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
13:42 14:02 14:22 14:42 15:02 15:22 15:42 16:02 16:22
Bankstown Station
13:46 14:06 14:26 14:46 15:06 15:26 15:46 16:06 16:26
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
13:52 14:12 14:32 14:52 15:12 15:32 15:52 16:12 16:32
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
13:55 14:15 14:35 14:55 15:15 15:35 15:55 16:15 16:35
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
14:01 14:21 14:41 15:01 15:21 15:41 16:01 16:21 16:41
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
14:02 14:22 14:42 15:02 15:22 15:42 16:02 16:22 16:42
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
14:04 14:24 14:44 15:04 15:24 15:44 16:04 16:24 16:44
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 14:04 14:24 14:44 15:04 15:24 15:44 16:04 16:24 16:44
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
14:08 14:28 14:48 15:08 15:28 15:48 16:08 16:28 16:48
Liverpool Station
14:16 14:36 14:56 15:16 15:36 15:56 16:16 16:36 16:56
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
14:19 14:39 14:59 15:19 15:39 15:59 16:19 16:39 16:59
Liverpool Station
14:23 14:43 15:03 15:23 15:43 16:03 16:23 16:43 17:03
M90 Burwood to Liverpool
Sunday & Public Holidays
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:40 18:00 18:20 18:40
Strathfield Station
16:11 16:31 16:51 17:11 17:31 17:51 18:11 18:31 18:51
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
16:16 16:36 16:56 17:16 17:36 17:56 18:16 18:36 18:56
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 16:19 16:39 16:59 17:19 17:39 17:59 18:19 18:39 18:59
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
16:21 16:41 17:01 17:21 17:41 18:01 18:21 18:41 19:01
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
16:26 16:46 17:06 17:26 17:46 18:06 18:26 18:46 19:06
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
16:32 16:52 17:12 17:32 17:52 18:12 18:32 18:52 19:12
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
16:42 17:02 17:22 17:42 18:02 18:22 18:42 19:02 19:22
Bankstown Station
16:46 17:06 17:26 17:46 18:06 18:26 18:46 19:06 19:26
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
16:52 17:12 17:32 17:52 18:12 18:32 18:52 19:12 19:32
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
16:55 17:15 17:35 17:55 18:15 18:35 18:55 19:15 19:35
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
17:01 17:21 17:41 18:01 18:21 18:41 19:01 19:21 19:41
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
17:02 17:22 17:42 18:02 18:22 18:42 19:02 19:22 19:42
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
17:04 17:24 17:44 18:04 18:24 18:44 19:04 19:24 19:44
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton 17:04 17:24 17:44 18:04 18:24 18:44 19:04 19:24 19:44
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
17:08 17:28 17:48 18:08 18:28 18:48 19:08 19:28 19:48
Liverpool Station
17:16 17:36 17:56 18:16 18:36 18:56 19:16 19:36 19:56
Elizabeth St opp All Saints' Catholic Church,
Liverpool Station
17:23 17:38 17:58 18:18 18:38 18:58 19:18 19:38 19:58
Sunday & Public Holidays
Westfield Burwood, Burwood Rd, Burwood
19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00
Strathfield Station
19:11 19:41 20:11 20:41 21:11 21:41 22:11
Liverpool Rd before Plymouth St, Strathfield
19:16 19:46 20:16 20:46 21:16 21:46 22:16
Liverpool Rd opp Prentice Lane, Strathfield South 19:19 19:49 20:19 20:49 21:19 21:49 22:19
Hume Hwy opp Hedges Ave, Strathfield South
19:21 19:51 20:21 20:51 21:21 21:51 22:21
Chullora Marketplace, Waterloo Rd, Greenacre
19:26 19:56 20:26 20:56 21:26 21:56 22:26
Noble Ave before Boronia Rd, Greenacre
19:32 20:02 20:32 21:02 21:32 22:02 22:32
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
19:42 20:12 20:42 21:12 21:42 22:12 22:42
Bankstown Station
19:46 20:16 20:46 21:16 21:46 22:16 22:46
Bankstown Home, Chapel Rd, Bankstown
Milperra Rd at Victoria St, Revesby
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
Milperra Rd before Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
Newbridge Rd opp Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton
Newbridge Rd after Nuwarra Rd, Moorebank
Liverpool Station
Liverpool Station
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
05:20 05:40
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
05:29 05:49
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
05:33 05:52
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
05:34 05:53
06:13 06:21 06:30
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
05:37 05:57
06:17 06:25 06:34
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
05:38 05:58
06:18 06:26 06:35
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
05:46 06:06
06:26 06:34 06:43
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
05:49 06:09
06:29 06:37 06:46
Bankstown Station
05:13 05:33 05:48 05:56 06:16 06:26 06:36 06:44 06:53
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
05:16 05:36 05:51 05:59 06:19 06:29 06:39 06:47 06:56
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
05:24 05:44 05:59 06:09 06:29 06:39 06:49 06:57 07:06
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
05:30 05:50 06:05 06:15 06:35 06:45 06:55 07:03 07:12
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
05:33 05:53 06:08 06:19 06:39 06:49 06:59 07:07 07:16
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
05:35 05:55 06:10 06:22 06:42 06:52 07:02 07:10 07:20
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
05:39 05:59 06:14 06:26 06:46 06:56 07:06 07:14 07:25
Strathfield Station
05:44 06:04 06:19 06:32 06:52 07:02 07:12 07:20 07:31
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
07:30 07:43
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
06:25 06:35 06:45 06:55 07:05 07:15 07:25 07:35 07:45
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
06:35 06:45 06:55 07:05 07:15 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:55
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
06:38 06:48 06:58 07:08 07:18 07:28 07:38 07:48 07:58
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
06:39 06:49 06:59 07:09 07:19 07:29 07:39 07:49 07:59
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
06:44 06:54 07:04 07:14 07:24 07:34 07:44 07:54 08:04
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
06:45 06:55 07:05 07:15 07:25 07:35 07:45 07:55 08:05
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
06:53 07:03 07:13 07:23 07:33 07:43 07:53 08:03 08:13
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
06:56 07:06 07:16 07:26 07:36 07:46 07:56 08:06 08:16
Bankstown Station
07:03 07:13 07:23 07:33 07:43 07:53 08:03 08:13 08:23
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
07:06 07:16 07:26 07:36 07:46 07:56 08:06 08:16 08:26
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
07:17 07:27 07:37 07:47 07:57 08:07 08:17 08:27 08:37
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
07:24 07:34 07:44 07:54 08:04 08:14 08:24 08:34 08:44
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
07:28 07:38 07:48 07:58 08:08 08:18 08:28 08:38 08:48
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
07:32 07:42 07:52 08:02 08:12 08:22 08:32 08:42 08:52
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
07:37 07:47 07:57 08:07 08:17 08:27 08:37 08:47 08:57
Strathfield Station
07:43 07:53 08:05 08:15 08:25 08:35 08:45 08:55 09:05
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
07:55 08:05 08:17 08:27 08:37 08:47 08:57 09:07 09:17
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
07:55 08:05 08:15 08:25 08:35 08:49 09:04 09:15 09:30
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
09:20 09:35
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
08:05 08:15 08:25 08:35 08:45 08:59 09:14 09:29 09:44
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
08:08 08:18 08:28 08:38 08:48 09:02 09:17 09:32 09:47
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
08:09 08:19 08:29 08:39 08:49 09:03 09:18 09:33 09:48
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
08:14 08:24 08:34 08:44 08:54 09:07 09:22 09:37 09:52
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
08:15 08:25 08:35 08:45 08:55 09:08 09:23 09:38 09:53
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
08:23 08:33 08:43 08:53 09:03 09:16 09:31 09:46 10:01
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
08:26 08:36 08:46 08:56 09:06 09:19 09:34 09:49 10:04
Bankstown Station
08:33 08:43 08:53 09:03 09:13 09:26 09:41 09:56 10:11
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
08:36 08:46 08:56 09:06 09:16 09:29 09:44 09:59 10:14
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
08:47 08:57
09:16 09:26 09:39 09:54 10:09 10:24
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
08:54 09:04
09:22 09:32 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
08:58 09:08
09:26 09:36 09:49 10:04 10:19 10:34
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
09:02 09:12
09:29 09:39 09:52 10:07 10:22 10:37
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
09:07 09:17
09:34 09:44 09:56 10:11 10:26 10:41
Strathfield Station
09:15 09:25
09:42 09:52 10:02 10:17 10:32 10:47
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
09:27 09:37
09:54 10:04 10:14 10:29 10:44 10:59
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
09:50 10:05 10:20 10:35 10:50 11:05 11:20 11:35 11:50
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
09:59 10:14 10:29 10:44 10:59 11:14 11:29 11:44 11:59
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
10:02 10:17 10:32 10:47 11:02 11:17 11:32 11:47 12:02
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
10:03 10:18 10:33 10:48 11:03 11:18 11:33 11:48 12:03
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
10:07 10:22 10:37 10:52 11:07 11:22 11:37 11:52 12:07
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
10:08 10:23 10:38 10:53 11:08 11:23 11:38 11:53 12:08
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
10:16 10:31 10:46 11:01 11:16 11:31 11:46 12:01 12:16
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
10:19 10:34 10:49 11:04 11:19 11:34 11:49 12:04 12:19
Bankstown Station
10:26 10:41 10:56 11:11 11:26 11:41 11:56 12:11 12:26
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
10:29 10:44 10:59 11:14 11:29 11:44 11:59 12:14 12:29
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
10:39 10:54 11:09 11:24 11:39 11:54 12:09 12:24 12:39
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
10:49 11:04 11:19 11:34 11:49 12:04 12:19 12:34 12:49
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
10:52 11:07 11:22 11:37 11:52 12:07 12:22 12:37 12:52
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
10:56 11:11 11:26 11:41 11:56 12:11 12:26 12:41 12:56
Strathfield Station
11:02 11:17 11:32 11:47 12:02 12:17 12:32 12:47 13:02
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
11:14 11:29 11:44 11:59 12:14 12:29 12:44 12:59 13:14
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Monday to Friday
Day Restrictions
Liverpool Station
12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15
13:30 13:45
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
12:05 12:20 12:35 12:50 13:05 13:20
13:35 13:50
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
12:14 12:29 12:44 12:59 13:14 13:29
13:44 13:59
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
12:17 12:32 12:47 13:02 13:17 13:32
13:47 14:02
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
12:18 12:33 12:48 13:03 13:18 13:33
13:48 14:03
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
12:22 12:37 12:52 13:07 13:22 13:37
13:52 14:07
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
12:23 12:38 12:53 13:08 13:23 13:38
13:53 14:08
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
12:31 12:46 13:01 13:16 13:31 13:46
14:01 14:16
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
12:34 12:49 13:04 13:19 13:34 13:49
14:04 14:19
Bankstown Station
12:41 12:56 13:11 13:26 13:41 13:56
14:11 14:26
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
12:44 12:59 13:14 13:29 13:44 13:59
14:14 14:29
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
12:54 13:09 13:24 13:39 13:54 14:09
14:24 14:39
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15
14:30 14:45
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
13:04 13:19 13:34 13:49 14:04 14:19 14:25 14:34 14:49
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
13:07 13:22 13:37 13:52 14:07 14:22 14:28 14:37 14:52
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
13:11 13:26 13:41 13:56 14:11 14:26 14:31 14:41 14:56
Strathfield Station
13:17 13:32 13:47 14:02 14:17 14:32 14:40 14:47 15:02
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
13:29 13:44 13:59 14:14 14:29 14:44
14:59 15:14
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
14:10 14:22
15:02 15:15
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
14:15 14:27
15:07 15:20
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
14:25 14:38
15:18 15:31
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
14:28 14:42
15:22 15:35
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
14:29 14:43
15:03 15:13 15:23 15:36
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
14:34 14:48
15:08 15:18 15:28 15:41
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
14:35 14:49
15:09 15:19 15:29 15:42
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
14:43 14:57
15:17 15:27 15:37 15:50
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
14:47 15:01
15:21 15:31 15:41 15:54
Bankstown Station
14:54 15:08 15:18 15:28 15:38 15:48 16:01
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
14:57 15:11 15:21 15:31 15:41 15:51 16:04
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
14:54 15:04 15:07 15:21 15:31 15:41 15:51 16:01 16:14
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
15:00 15:10 15:14 15:28 15:38 15:48 15:58 16:08 16:21
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
15:04 15:14 15:18 15:32 15:42 15:52 16:02 16:12 16:25
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
15:07 15:17 15:21 15:35 15:45 15:55 16:05 16:15 16:28
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
15:11 15:21 15:26 15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:33
Strathfield Station
15:17 15:27 15:34 15:48 15:58 16:08 16:18 16:28 16:41
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
15:29 15:39 15:46 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:40 16:53
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
15:35 15:45 15:55 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:35 16:45
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:40 16:50
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
15:51 16:01 16:11 16:21 16:31 16:41 16:51 17:01
Holsworthy Station
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
15:45 15:55 16:05 16:15 16:25 16:35 16:45 16:55 17:05
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
15:46 15:56 16:06 16:16 16:26 16:36 16:46 16:56 17:06
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
15:51 16:01 16:11 16:21 16:31 16:41 16:51 17:01 17:11
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
15:52 16:02 16:12 16:22 16:32 16:42 16:52 17:02 17:12
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:40 16:50 17:00 17:10 17:20
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
16:04 16:14 16:24 16:34 16:44 16:54 17:04 17:14 17:24
Bankstown Station
16:11 16:21 16:31 16:41 16:51 17:01 17:11 17:21 17:31
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
16:14 16:24 16:34 16:44 16:54 17:04 17:14 17:24 17:34
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
16:24 16:34 16:44 16:54 17:04 17:14 17:24 17:34 17:44
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
16:31 16:40 16:50 17:00 17:10 17:20 17:30 17:40 17:50
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
16:35 16:44 16:54 17:04 17:14 17:24 17:34 17:44 17:54
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
16:38 16:47 16:57 17:07 17:17 17:27 17:37 17:47 17:57
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
16:43 16:51 17:01 17:11 17:21 17:31 17:41 17:51 18:01
Strathfield Station
16:51 16:57 17:07 17:17 17:27 17:37 17:47 17:57 18:07
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
17:03 17:09 17:19 17:29 17:39 17:49 17:59 18:09
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
16:55 17:05 17:15 17:25 17:35 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:25
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
17:00 17:10 17:20 17:30 17:40 17:50 18:05 18:20 18:30
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
17:11 17:21 17:31 17:41 17:51 18:01 18:13 18:28 18:38
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
17:15 17:25 17:35 17:45 17:55 18:05 18:16 18:31 18:41
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
17:16 17:26 17:36 17:46 17:56 18:06 18:17 18:32 18:42
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
17:21 17:31 17:41 17:51 18:01 18:11 18:20 18:35 18:45
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
17:22 17:32 17:42 17:52 18:02 18:12 18:21 18:36 18:46
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
17:30 17:40 17:50 18:00 18:10 18:20 18:27 18:42 18:52
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
17:34 17:44 17:54 18:04 18:14 18:23 18:30 18:45 18:55
Bankstown Station
17:41 17:51 18:01 18:11 18:21 18:29 18:36 18:51 19:00
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
17:44 17:54 18:04 18:14 18:24 18:32
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
17:54 18:04 18:13 18:23 18:33 18:41
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
18:00 18:10 18:19 18:29 18:39 18:47
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
18:04 18:14 18:22 18:32 18:42 18:51
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
18:07 18:17 18:25 18:35 18:45 18:54
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
18:11 18:21 18:28 18:38 18:48 18:58
Strathfield Station
18:17 18:27 18:34 18:44 18:54 19:04
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
18:29 18:39
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Monday to Friday
Liverpool Station
18:35 18:50 19:07 19:22 19:37 20:07 20:37 21:28
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
18:40 18:55 19:11 19:26 19:41 20:11 20:41 21:32
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
18:48 19:03 19:18 19:33 19:48 20:18 20:48 21:39
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
18:51 19:06 19:21 19:36 19:51 20:21 20:51 21:43
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
18:52 19:07 19:22 19:37 19:52 20:22 20:52
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
18:55 19:10 19:25 19:40 19:55 20:25 20:55
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
18:56 19:11 19:26 19:41 19:56 20:26 20:56
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
19:02 19:17 19:32 19:47 20:02 20:32 21:02
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
19:05 19:20 19:35 19:50 20:05 20:35 21:05
Bankstown Station
19:11 19:26 19:41 19:56 20:11 20:40 21:11
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
19:14 19:29 19:44
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
19:23 19:38 19:53
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
19:29 19:44 19:59
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
Strathfield Station
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
Monday to Friday
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
Strathfield Station
Liverpool Station
08:05 08:25
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
08:14 08:34
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
08:17 08:37
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
07:38 07:58 08:18 08:38
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
07:41 08:01 08:21 08:41
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
07:42 08:02 08:22 08:42
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
07:49 08:09 08:29 08:49
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
07:52 08:12 08:32 08:52
Bankstown Station
05:55 06:35 06:59 07:19 07:39 07:59 08:19 08:39 08:59
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
05:58 06:38 07:02 07:22 07:42 08:02 08:22 08:42 09:02
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
06:07 06:47 07:12 07:32 07:52 08:12 08:32 08:52 09:12
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
06:13 06:53 07:18 07:38 07:58 08:18 08:38 08:58 09:18
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
06:16 06:56 07:21 07:41 08:01 08:21 08:41 09:01 09:21
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
06:19 06:59 07:24 07:44 08:04 08:24 08:44 09:04 09:24
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
06:23 07:03 07:28 07:48 08:08 08:28 08:48 09:08 09:28
Strathfield Station
06:29 07:09 07:34 07:54 08:14 08:34 08:54 09:14 09:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
08:05 08:25 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:45
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Liverpool Station
08:45 09:05 09:20 09:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
09:25 09:45 10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
08:54 09:14 09:34 09:54 10:14 10:34 10:54 11:14 11:34
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
08:57 09:17 09:37 09:57 10:17 10:37 10:57 11:17 11:37
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
08:58 09:18 09:38 09:58 10:18 10:38 10:58 11:18 11:38
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
09:01 09:21 09:41 10:01 10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21 11:41
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
09:02 09:22 09:42 10:02 10:22 10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
09:09 09:29 09:49 10:09 10:29 10:49 11:09 11:29 11:49
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
09:12 09:32 09:52 10:12 10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52
Bankstown Station
09:19 09:39 09:59 10:19 10:39 10:59 11:19 11:39 11:59
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
09:22 09:42 10:02 10:22 10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
09:32 09:52 10:12 10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52 12:12
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
09:38 09:58 10:18 10:38 10:58 11:18 11:38 11:58 12:18
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
09:41 10:01 10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21 11:41 12:01 12:21
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
09:44 10:04 10:24 10:44 11:04 11:24 11:44 12:04 12:24
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
09:48 10:08 10:28 10:48 11:08 11:28 11:48 12:08 12:28
Strathfield Station
09:54 10:14 10:34 10:54 11:14 11:34 11:54 12:14 12:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45
Liverpool Station
11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45 13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
11:54 12:14 12:34 12:54 13:14 13:34 13:54 14:14 14:34
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
11:57 12:17 12:37 12:57 13:17 13:37 13:57 14:17 14:37
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
11:58 12:18 12:38 12:58 13:18 13:38 13:58 14:18 14:38
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
12:01 12:21 12:41 13:01 13:21 13:41 14:01 14:21 14:41
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
12:02 12:22 12:42 13:02 13:22 13:42 14:02 14:22 14:42
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
12:09 12:29 12:49 13:09 13:29 13:49 14:09 14:29 14:49
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
12:12 12:32 12:52 13:12 13:32 13:52 14:12 14:32 14:52
Bankstown Station
12:19 12:39 12:59 13:19 13:39 13:59 14:19 14:39 14:59
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
12:22 12:42 13:02 13:22 13:42 14:02 14:22 14:42 15:02
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
12:32 12:52 13:12 13:32 13:52 14:12 14:32 14:52 15:12
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
12:38 12:58 13:18 13:38 13:58 14:18 14:38 14:58 15:18
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
12:41 13:01 13:21 13:41 14:01 14:21 14:41 15:01 15:21
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
12:44 13:04 13:24 13:44 14:04 14:24 14:44 15:04 15:24
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
12:48 13:08 13:28 13:48 14:08 14:28 14:48 15:08 15:28
Strathfield Station
12:54 13:14 13:34 13:54 14:14 14:34 14:54 15:14 15:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25 15:45
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Liverpool Station
14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:02 16:22 16:42 17:02 17:22
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
14:45 15:05 15:25 15:45 16:07 16:27 16:47 17:07 17:27
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
14:54 15:14 15:34 15:54 16:15 16:35 16:55 17:15 17:35
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
14:57 15:17 15:37 15:57 16:18 16:38 16:58 17:18 17:38
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
14:58 15:18 15:38 15:58 16:19 16:39 16:59 17:19 17:39
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
15:01 15:21 15:41 16:01 16:22 16:42 17:02 17:22 17:42
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
15:02 15:22 15:42 16:02 16:23 16:43 17:03 17:23 17:43
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
15:09 15:29 15:49 16:09 16:29 16:49 17:09 17:29 17:49
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
15:12 15:32 15:52 16:12 16:32 16:52 17:12 17:32 17:52
Bankstown Station
15:19 15:39 15:59 16:19 16:39 16:59 17:19 17:39 17:59
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
15:22 15:42 16:02 16:22 16:42 17:02 17:22 17:42 18:02
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
15:32 15:52 16:12 16:32 16:52 17:12 17:32 17:52 18:12
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
15:38 15:58 16:18 16:38 16:58 17:18 17:38 17:58 18:18
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
15:41 16:01 16:21 16:41 17:01 17:21 17:41 18:01 18:21
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
15:44 16:04 16:24 16:44 17:04 17:24 17:44 18:04 18:24
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
15:48 16:08 16:28 16:48 17:08 17:28 17:48 18:08 18:28
Strathfield Station
15:54 16:14 16:34 16:54 17:14 17:34 17:54 18:14 18:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
16:05 16:25 16:45 17:05 17:25 17:45 18:05 18:25 18:45
Liverpool Station
17:45 18:05 18:20 18:40 19:20 19:51 20:50
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
17:50 18:10 18:25 18:45 19:25 19:56 20:55
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
17:58 18:18 18:33 18:53 19:33 20:04 21:03
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
18:01 18:21 18:37 18:56 19:36 20:07 21:07
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
18:02 18:22
18:57 19:37 20:08
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
18:05 18:25
19:00 19:40 20:11
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
18:06 18:26
19:01 19:41 20:12
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
18:12 18:32
19:07 19:47 20:18
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
18:15 18:35
19:10 19:50 20:21
Bankstown Station
18:21 18:41
19:16 19:56 20:27
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
18:24 18:44
19:19 19:59 20:30
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
18:33 18:53
19:28 20:08 20:39
21:17 22:02
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
18:39 18:59
19:34 20:14 20:45
21:23 22:08
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
18:42 19:02
19:37 20:17 20:48
21:26 22:11
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
18:45 19:05
19:40 20:20 20:51
21:29 22:14
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
18:48 19:08
19:43 20:23 20:54
21:32 22:17
Strathfield Station
18:54 19:14
19:49 20:29 21:00
21:38 22:23
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
Strathfield Station
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Sunday & Public Holidays
Liverpool Station
08:10 08:30 08:50 09:10 09:30
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
08:18 08:38 08:58 09:18 09:38
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
08:21 08:41 09:01 09:21 09:41
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
08:22 08:42 09:02 09:22 09:42
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
08:25 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:45
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
08:26 08:46 09:06 09:26 09:46
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
08:32 08:52 09:12 09:32 09:52
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
08:35 08:55 09:15 09:35 09:55
Bankstown Station
07:21 07:41 08:01 08:21 08:41 09:01 09:21 09:41 10:01
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
07:24 07:44 08:04 08:24 08:44 09:04 09:24 09:44 10:04
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
07:33 07:53 08:13 08:33 08:53 09:13 09:33 09:53 10:13
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
07:39 07:59 08:19 08:39 08:59 09:19 09:39 09:59 10:19
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
07:42 08:02 08:22 08:42 09:02 09:22 09:42 10:02 10:22
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
07:45 08:05 08:25 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:45 10:05 10:25
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
07:48 08:08 08:28 08:48 09:08 09:28 09:48 10:08 10:28
Strathfield Station
07:54 08:14 08:34 08:54 09:14 09:34 09:54 10:14 10:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
08:05 08:25 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:45 10:05 10:25 10:45
Sunday & Public Holidays
Liverpool Station
09:50 10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30 11:50 12:10 12:30
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
09:58 10:18 10:38 10:58 11:18 11:38 11:58 12:18 12:38
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
10:01 10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21 11:41 12:01 12:21 12:41
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
10:02 10:22 10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02 12:22 12:42
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
10:06 10:26 10:46 11:06 11:26 11:46 12:06 12:26 12:46
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
10:12 10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32 11:52 12:12 12:32 12:52
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15 11:35 11:55 12:15 12:35 12:55
Bankstown Station
10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21 11:41 12:01 12:21 12:41 13:01
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
10:24 10:44 11:04 11:24 11:44 12:04 12:24 12:44 13:04
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
10:33 10:53 11:13 11:33 11:53 12:13 12:33 12:53 13:13
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
10:39 10:59 11:19 11:39 11:59 12:19 12:39 12:59 13:19
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
10:42 11:02 11:22 11:42 12:02 12:22 12:42 13:02 13:22
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
10:45 11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45 13:05 13:25
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
10:48 11:08 11:28 11:48 12:08 12:28 12:48 13:08 13:28
Strathfield Station
10:54 11:14 11:34 11:54 12:14 12:34 12:54 13:14 13:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
11:05 11:25 11:45 12:05 12:25 12:45 13:05 13:25 13:45
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Sunday & Public Holidays
Liverpool Station
12:45 13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
12:50 13:10 13:30 13:50 14:10 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:30
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
12:58 13:18 13:38 13:58 14:18 14:38 14:58 15:18 15:38
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
13:01 13:21 13:41 14:01 14:21 14:41 15:01 15:21 15:41
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
13:02 13:22 13:42 14:02 14:22 14:42 15:02 15:22 15:42
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
13:05 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25 15:45
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
13:06 13:26 13:46 14:06 14:26 14:46 15:06 15:26 15:46
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
13:12 13:32 13:52 14:12 14:32 14:52 15:12 15:32 15:52
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
13:15 13:35 13:55 14:15 14:35 14:55 15:15 15:35 15:55
Bankstown Station
13:21 13:41 14:01 14:21 14:41 15:01 15:21 15:41 16:01
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
13:24 13:44 14:04 14:24 14:44 15:04 15:24 15:44 16:04
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
13:33 13:53 14:13 14:33 14:53 15:13 15:33 15:53 16:13
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
13:39 13:59 14:19 14:39 14:59 15:19 15:39 15:59 16:19
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
13:42 14:02 14:22 14:42 15:02 15:22 15:42 16:02 16:22
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
13:45 14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25 15:45 16:05 16:25
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
13:48 14:08 14:28 14:48 15:08 15:28 15:48 16:08 16:28
Strathfield Station
13:54 14:14 14:34 14:54 15:14 15:34 15:54 16:14 16:34
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
14:05 14:25 14:45 15:05 15:25 15:45 16:05 16:25 16:45
Sunday & Public Holidays
Liverpool Station
15:45 16:05 16:25 16:45 17:05 17:25 17:40 18:00 18:30
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
15:50 16:10 16:30 16:50 17:10 17:30 17:45 18:05 18:35
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
15:58 16:18 16:38 16:58 17:18 17:38 17:53 18:13 18:43
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
16:01 16:21 16:41 17:01 17:21 17:41 17:56 18:16 18:46
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
16:02 16:22 16:42 17:02 17:22 17:42 17:57 18:17 18:47
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
16:05 16:25 16:45 17:05 17:25 17:45 18:00 18:20 18:50
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
16:06 16:26 16:46 17:06 17:26 17:46 18:01 18:21 18:51
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
16:12 16:32 16:52 17:12 17:32 17:52 18:07 18:27 18:57
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
16:15 16:35 16:55 17:15 17:35 17:55 18:10 18:30 19:00
Bankstown Station
16:21 16:41 17:01 17:21 17:41 18:01 18:16 18:36 19:06
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
16:24 16:44 17:04 17:24 17:44 18:04
18:39 19:09
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
16:33 16:53 17:13 17:33 17:53 18:13
18:48 19:18
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
16:39 16:59 17:19 17:39 17:59 18:19
18:54 19:24
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
16:42 17:02 17:22 17:42 18:02 18:22
18:57 19:27
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
16:45 17:05 17:25 17:45 18:05 18:25
19:00 19:30
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
16:48 17:08 17:28 17:48 18:08 18:28
19:03 19:33
Strathfield Station
16:54 17:14 17:34 17:54 18:14 18:34
19:09 19:39
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
17:05 17:25 17:45 18:05 18:25 18:45
19:20 19:50
M90 Liverpool to Burwood
Sunday & Public Holidays
Liverpool Station
19:00 20:00 20:50
Westfield Liverpool, George St, Liverpool
19:05 20:05 20:55
St Joseph Catholic Church, Newbridge Rd,
Chipping Norton
19:13 20:13 21:03
Newbridge Rd before Rickard Rd, Chipping
19:16 20:16 21:07
Milperra Rd after Henry Lawson Dr, Milperra
19:17 20:17
Mercedes Benz Ashford Av near Bullecourt Av,
19:20 20:20
University of Western Sydney, Bullecourt Ave,
19:21 20:21
Milperra Rd opp The River Rd, Revesby
19:27 20:27
Chapel Rd opp Bankstown Home, Bankstown
19:30 20:30
Bankstown Station
19:36 20:36
Bankstown Central, The Mall, Bankstown
19:39 20:39
Boronia Rd before Noble Ave, Greenacre
19:48 20:48
Waterloo Rd before Hume Hwy, Greenacre
19:54 20:54
Hume Hwy before Hedges Ave, Strathfield
19:57 20:57
Liverpool Rd at Wallis Ave, Strathfield
20:00 21:00
The Broadway, The Boulevarde, Strathfield
20:03 21:03
Strathfield Station
20:09 21:09
Westfield Burwood, Victoria St, Burwood
20:20 21:20
& Liverpool
Parramatta &
Sydney CBD
Sydney CBD
Sydney CBD
The line on the map shows the route
of buses departing Liverpool. Buses
arriving Liverpool to set down operate via
Bigge St, Elizabeth St (near Westfield),
George St and Moore St to terminate at
Liverpool interchange.
University of
Western Sydney
The Broadway
Burwood RdRailway Pde
Morwick St
Redmyre Rd
Raw SqAl
eThe BoulevardeAlbyn Rd
Coronation PdeHomebush RdLiverpool RdCentenary DrRoberts RdHume Hwy
Waterloo RdCardigan Rd
Noble RdHillcrest AveBoronia Rd
Rookwood RdChapel RdHume Hwy
Macauley Ave
Chapel Rd SthCanterbury Rd
Eldridge Rd
The River RdMilperra Rd
Marigold StArmour St
Horsley RdBullecourt Ave
Ashford AveHenry Lawson DrNuwarra RdHeathcote Rd
Newbridge Rd
Rickard Rd
Jacobs StThe Appian WayNorth Tce
The Mall
South Tce
Fetherstone StChapel Rd9
Sydney CBD
& Liverpool
Restwell StBankstown Inset
Train towards
Terminus St
Scott St
Moore St
Elizabeth St
Campbell St
George StBigge StCollege StM90
Livepool Inset
Diagrammatic Map
Not to Scale
Bus route start/finish
Train line/station
Bus route
Bus route number
Route M90