Hope-Based Curriculum Helps Pre-K-12 Students In Arizona Overcome Adversity & Stress

Hope-Based Curriculum Helps Pre-K-12 Students In Arizona Overcome Adversity & Stress, updated 3/15/23, 5:36 AM


It's important that educators have the tools to support their students, especially those who have or are currently enduring the effects of ACE. Hope Rising's EI curriculum teaches students psycho-social skills to reduce emotional trauma, increasing their chances for a successful future. Go to https://hoperisingedu.com/

Hope Rising 3750 West Main Street Suite AA, Norman, Oklahoma 73072, United States Website https://hoperisingsel.com/ Phone +1-405-676-4140 Email info@hoperisingsel.com

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Hope-Based Curriculum Helps pre-K-12 Students In
Arizona Overcome Adversity & Stress
As an educator, it's challenging to
know how best to support
students who have or are
currently struggling with a difficult
home life or any type of adverse
childhood experience.
We want to encourage our students toward the
greatest version of themselves, but for those in
the midst of enduring an ACE, a traditional
academic curriculum might not be enough.
Hope Rising has developed the world's first
hope-certified emotional intelligence curriculum
that helps Pre-K-12 students build resilience to
overcome the negative effects of ACEs.
Students who have endured
one or multiple ACEs often
withdraw from socializing,
suffer from a loss of
confidence, and struggle to
express their feelings.
When not properly
addressed, ACEs can result
in chronic health issues,
mental illness, and
substance abuse issues
later in a student's life.
"My Best Me", Hope Rising's
research-based EI curriculum,
enhances students' cognitive
competence and builds their
resilience by teaching them
integrated psycho-social skills.
In fact, all of the EI skills taught
in the "My Best Me" curriculum,
have been identified by the CDC
as effective prevention for the
negative and long-term effects of
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