Boys & Girls Soccer Registration & Summer Camps 2023: Houston La Liga Tryouts & Training

Boys & Girls Soccer Registration & Summer Camps 2023: Houston La Liga Tryouts & Training, updated 5/26/23, 4:42 PM


It's time for soccer tryouts, and the Villarreal Houston Soccer Academy is ready. Register today for 2023 tryouts and summer camps - and learn how the soccer star in your life could be chosen for an immersive week of training in Spain! Visit

Villarreal Houston Soccer Academy 18610 Page Forest Drive, Atascocita, Texas 77346, United States Website Email

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Boys & Girls Soccer Registration & Summer
Camps 2023: Houston La Liga Tryouts & Training
Load up the kids, and don't forget
the water bottles. Soccer season
is coming around, and it's time to
register your tiny teammates,
before the tryouts next month.
The Villareal Houston Soccer
Academy has announced the
dates for this year's tryouts and
their summer camp - luckily,
you can register easily, online.
Tryouts for the Villarreal
Houston Soccer Club will
happen between May
22nd - May 24th at the
Fall Creek Sports
Complex, in NE Houston.
You can register your kids,
right now, for free on their
website. Both boys and
girls are welcome, as long
as they were born on or
between 2009 - 2018.
It's okay if there's a
language barrier -
Villarreal will have
UEFA Licensed
Spanish coaches on-
site, just to help out.
There's a lot going on, but you
can find all the details, and the
registration forms, on their
website - and don't forget to
check out their summer camp,
in Humble, Texas.
They're also going to send 2
lucky players to Spain, to train
with the real Yellow Submarine
for a week! You can find all the
details on their website.
Register today, just visit