Increase sales and enhance the shopping experience with the MageAnts Magento 2 Free Shipping Bar Extension. This engaging tool displays a customizable bar that informs customers about how much more they need to spend to qualify for free shipping, encouraging higher cart values.
Key Features:
Customizable Design: Tailor the free shipping bar to match your store’s theme and branding.
Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates to show customers how close they are to reaching the free shipping threshold.
Flexible Placement: Display the bar on various pages, including the homepage, category pages, and product pages.
Personalized Messaging: Craft compelling messages to motivate customers to add more items to their cart.
Responsive Design: Ensure a seamless experience across all devices.
Boost your average order value and enhance customer satisfaction with the MageAnts Free Shipping Bar Extension for Magento 2. Drive more sales by encouraging customers to meet the free shipping threshold effortlessly.
About MageAntsStore
MageAnts is your trusted partner of Magento Custom Development & Hyvä theme development solutions provider. Put your trust in us to create an online presence for you. Let us bring you into the digital age to embark on an incredible journey. Enhance your Magento store with our Magento 2 extensions & extend store functionality.
shipping bar – Magento 2
Supported Version: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 1
Table Of Contents
Preface ......................................……………………………………......3
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE .........…………..…..4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually ………………………………….......5
Backend Example ………………………………………………………...……...6
Extension configuration………………………………………………………...6
Frontend Example…………………………………………………………………14 2
- Free Shipping Bar is an important and simple strategy for store owners to
stimulate customers to purchase more products so that they can get the free
shipping. With the release of Free Shipping Bar extension, store owners can
totally notify the lacking cash amount of customers for getting the free ship
or notify them that they have accumulated enough money to get the free
shipping when purchasing.
- Besides that, Mageants Free Shipping Bar is highly customizable about
the design and position. Store owners can design and put the Free Shipping
bar on any position they want. This is an ideal extension for every store to
boost sales effectively. 3
There are two ways of installing extension in magento2.
2) Manually install extension.
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE (Recommended).
Follow below steps to install extension from the command line.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory.
If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management.
Step 4: Enter the following at the command line:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the admin
panel and switch to Stores → Configuration → Mageants →
Freeshippingbar. The module will be displayed in the admin panel. 4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory.
If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management Edit
app/etc/config.php file and add one line code:
‘Mageants_Freeshippingbar’ → 1
Step 4: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the
admin panel and switch to Stores → Configuration → Mageants →
Freeshippingbar, the module will be displayed in the admin panel. 5
Backend example
After Installation of Extension login to magento admin panel to set
configuration of the extension.
Extension Configuration
You can find configuration at Stores → Configuration →
Mageants → Free Shipping Bar.
From this grid admin can enable/disable(Pause) the free shipping
bar and also can delete the Free Shipping Bar. 6
Free Shipping Bar Management:
Free shipping bar management is visible at Marketing → Free
Shipping Bar → Free Shipping Bar Management.
Free Shipping Bar Management Grid:
Here admin can add the New Free Shipping Bar or edit existing Free
Shipping Bar as follow. 7
General Setting:
Here admin provides name, status, priority, Store Views and From &
To date range for the Free Shipping Bar 8
What To Display:
Here admin specifies the Goal which is the Freeshipping Threshold for
the Free Shipping bar message which will be shown on Front-end.
Admin also needs to provide properties to the Free shipping message
as follows: 9
After providing all the necessary properties to free shipping message,
admin can preview the Free Shipping Bar with free shipping message
under Preview Template section.
This same shipping bar will be visible on front-end wherever admin
include Free Shipping Bar. 10
Where To Display:
Here admin set the Position and Allow Page for the Free Shipping Bar
to display on front-end.
When admin selects All pages to be allowed then admin can specify
exclude page by giving URL or action name.
By providing exclude page, free shipping bar will display on all page
excluding given URL or action name. 11
Admin can also set Allow Page to be Specific Page.
Under Specific Page section, admin gets an option to set specific
pages and categories to be included to show free shipping bar
on front-end as follows. 12
Select Product:
Here admin can select the product on which Free Shipping Bar to be
After the products are selected, Free shipping bar message appears
on that selected product page on front-end.
When these products are added to cart and their total achieves the
goal then shipping charges will be zero and customer gets free ship-
ping for their order. 13
Frontend Example
The free shipping bar will be displayed on the front-end when
admin creates free shipping bar from back-end.
Free shipping bar on the category product view page. 14
The goal of free shipping bar changes automatically after user add
the product to cart
When the goal is achieved, user get notify that they are eligible for
free shipping. 15
Here you can show the Free Shipping Bar on selected product.
Once the user is eligible for free shipping and when user comes
on the checkout page, they will get to know that they have free
shipping for their order as follow. 16
Free shipping on payment page. 17
Thank you!
if you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us at:
Your feedback is absolutely welcome! 18