Diet and Diabetes

Diet and Diabetes, updated 3/13/16, 2:37 AM


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DIET AND DIABETES: Recipes foR success 1
P h y s i c i a n s c o m m i t t e e f o r r e s P o n s i b l e m e d i c i n e
5 1 0 0 W i s c o n s i n a v e., n. W., s u i t e 4 0 0 • W a s h i n g t o n, d c 2 0 0 1 6
P h o n e ( 2 0 2 ) 6 8 6 - 2 2 1 0 • f a x ( 2 0 2 ) 6 8 6 - 2 2 1 6 • P c r m @ P c r m . o r g • W W W . P c r m . o r g
Diabetes Basics
In the past few years, much of what we thought we knew about
diabetes has been turned on its head. New understanding of the
nutritional causes of diabetes gives us the power to keep it from
occurring or to turn it around.
Here is what is supposed to happen: Our bodies turn starchy and
sweet foods into glucose for our muscle cells to use for fuel. Insulin,
a hormone made in the pancreas, ushers glucose into the cells. People
with type 2 diabetes, the most common type, generally have enough
insulin. However, their cells become resistant to it, leaving too much
glucose in the bloodstream, where it can cause problems.
Over the short run, people with uncontrolled diabetes may feel tired,
thirsty, urinate frequently, and notice blurred vision. In the long run,
they are at risk for heart disease, kidney problems, vision loss, nerve
damage, and other difficulties.
Dietary Approaches to Diabetes
Diabetes diets typically call for portion
control, carbohydrate limits and, for those who
are overweight, calorie restrictions. Fortunately,
there is another way. Low-fat, plant-based
diets are ideal for diabetes and the conditions
associated with it, such as heart disease,
weight gain, high cholesterol, and high blood
pressure. And they offer the nice advantage of
not requiring any weighing or measuring of
portions. Going hungry is not necessary!
The old approach had us cutting down on
carbohydrates. It’s true that overly processed
carbohydrates—those made with sugar or white
flour, for example—are poor choices. However,
delicious unprocessed or minimally processed
foods, such as potatoes, rice, oats, beans, pasta,
fruit, and vegetables, were the main part of the
diet in countries where people were traditionally
fit and trim and where diabetes was rare.
Unfortunately, highly processed carbohydrates
and affordable meat and cheese dishes have
moved in, and now we have a worldwide type
2 diabetes epidemic.
Diet and Diabetes:
Recipes for success
A low-fat vegetarian approach recognizes that whole-food
carbohydrates are fine; it’s the fat in our diets that is the problem. New
information suggests that fat in animal products and oils interferes
with insulin’s ability to move glucose into the cells.1 Eating less fat
reduces body fat. Less body fat allows insulin to do its job. However,
choosing skinless chicken, skim milk, and baked fish is not enough
of a change for most people to beat diabetes.
The new approach eliminates fatty foods and animal protein, such as
meats, dairy products, and oils, and offers unlimited grains, legumes,
fruits, and vegetables. One study found that 21 of 23 patients on oral
medications and 13 of 17 patients on insulin were able to get off of
their medications after 26 days on a near-vegetarian diet and exercise
program.2 During two- and three-year follow-ups, most people with
diabetes treated with this regimen have retained their gains.3 The dietary
changes are simple, but profound, and they work.
Success Story
" A Plant-Based Diet Helped
Me Lose 100 Pounds and
Saved My Life"
eric o’Grey lost more than 100 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes after
transitioning to a low-fat, plant-based diet. Within a year, eric lost 103 pounds,
lowered his cholesterol by 160 points, restored his blood pressure and glucose
levels, and went off all medications, which cost him close to $1,000 each month.
He now enjoys creating healthful recipes with his family and competes in local
road races—with competitors half his age.
Learn more about eric’s inspiring story by visiting
2 DIET AND DIABETES: Recipes foR success
A 2006 study, conducted by the Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine with the George Washington University and
the University of Toronto, looked at the health benefits of a low-fat,
unrefined, vegan diet (excluding all animal products) in people with
type 2 diabetes.4 Portions of vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes
were unlimited. The vegan diet group was compared with a group
following a portion-controlled, higher-fat diet based on American
Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines. The results of this 22-week
study were astounding:
 Forty-three percent of the vegan group and 26 percent of the
ADA group reduced their diabetes medications. Among those
whose medications remained constant, the vegan group lowered
hemoglobin A1C, an index of long-term blood glucose control,
by 1.2 points, three times the change in the ADA group.
 The vegan group lost an average of about 13 pounds, compared
with about 9 pounds in the ADA group.
 Among those participants who didn’t change their lipid-lowering
medications, the vegan group also had more substantial decreases
in their total and LDL cholesterol levels compared to the ADA
This study illustrates that a plant-based diet can dramatically
improve the health of people with diabetes. It also shows that people
found this way of eating highly acceptable and easy to follow. The
ADA now includes a vegan diet option.
Type 1 Diabetes and Diet
While people with type 2 diabetes can often reduce, and sometimes
eliminate, medications when they lose weight and food and exercise are
better controlled, those with type 1 diabetes will always need insulin.
Even so, a good diet can minimize the amount of insulin required. Type
1 diabetes, formerly called “childhood onset diabetes,” occurs when the
pancreas stops producing insulin. The cause of type 1 diabetes remains
elusive. Several studies have implicated cow’s milk consumption as
a possible contributor.5,6 When milk consumption patterns were
examined across various nations, there was a strong correlation with
the incidence of type 1 diabetes. It may be that milk proteins cause an
autoimmune reaction in which the body mistakenly attacks its own
insulin-producing cells. For this reason, among others, the American
Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommends unmodified cow’s milk
for infants. When breast-feeding women ingest dairy products, the
cow’s milk proteins end up in their own breast milk. For this reason,
breast-feeding mothers may do well to avoid cow’s milk until more
research is completed.
The Remarkably Simple New Dietary Approach to
Give it a Three-Week Trial. What Have You Got to Lose?
1. Build Your Meals from The Power Plate.
It’s not complicated! Fill you plate with
whole grains, legumes (beans, lentils, peas),
fruits, and vegetables. Drink water. Keep nuts
or seeds to a small handful once a day. Visit for more information.
2. Begin a Vegan Diet: Avoid Animal Products.
A vegan diet has no animal products at all: No red meat, poultry,
pork, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Why? Animal products contain
saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease, insulin resistance,
and certain forms of cancer. They also contain cholesterol and, of
course, animal protein. It may surprise you to learn that diets high
in animal protein can aggravate kidney problems and calcium losses.
All the protein you need can be found in whole grains, legumes, and
3. Avoid Added Vegetable Oils and Other High-Fat Foods.
Although vegetable oils are healthier than animal fats, oils are not
health foods. All fats and oils are high in calories; 1 gram of any fat
or oil has nine calories, while 1 gram of carbohydrate has only four
calories. The amount of fat we really need each day is quite small and
comes packed inside the Power Plate vegetables, grains, and beans.
Avoid oily sauces and salad dressings and foods fried in oil. Limit
olives, avocados, nuts, and peanut butter. Read labels, and choose
mostly foods with no more than 2–3 grams of fat per serving.
4. Favor Foods with a Low Glycemic Index.
The glycemic index (GI) identifies foods that raise blood sugar more
than other foods. High GI foods can also raise triglyceride levels.
Fortunately, beans, oats, sweet potatoes, and, surprisingly, white and
wheat pasta, are among foods that are lower GI champions. So are
breads such as pumpernickel, rye, multigrain and sourdough, and
tortillas. Lower GI cereals are bran cereals, muesli, and rolled or steel-
cut oats. Grains such as barley, parboiled rice, couscous, corn, and
quinoa have a low GI. High GI foods to limit are sugar and sugary
products, white and wheat bread, corn flakes, and puffed rice cereals.
5. Go High-Fiber.
Aim for at least 40 grams of fiber each day. Choose beans,
vegetables, fruits, and whole grains (e.g., whole wheat pasta, barley,
oats, quinoa). Aim for at least 3 grams of fiber per serving on
labels and 10 to 15 grams per meal. Start slowly. Expect a change
in bowel habits (usually for the better). Gassiness from beans can
be minimized with small servings and thorough cooking and, if a
problem, will get better over time!
A note on vitamin B12: Those following a diet free of animal
DIET AND DIABETES: Recipes foR success 3
products (and all adults over the age of 50) should take a B12
supplement of at least 5 micrograms per day to protect blood and
nerve cells.
Additional Resources
For more information, visit these websites or
 (Try the Meal Planner Tool)
 Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically
Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs by Neal D.
Barnard, M.D.
 A New Approach to Nutrition for Diabetes (DVD)
 Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food
Cravings—and Seven Steps to End Them Naturally by Neal D.
Barnard, M.D.
 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart: Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol,
and Dramatically Improve Your Health by Neal D. Barnard, M.D.
 Food for Life 90-Day Journal by Neal Barnard, M.D.; Joanne
Evans, M.Ed., R.N., A.P.R.N.; Caroline Trapp, M.S.N., A.P.R.N.,
B.C.-A.D.M., C.D.E.
 The McDougall Quick & Easy Cookbook: Over 300 Delicious Low-
Fat Recipes You Can Prepare in Fifteen Minutes or Less by John A.
McDougall, M.D., and Mary McDougall
Pasta with Lentil Marinara Sauce
Makes 5 servings
1 pound pasta of choice
1 jar (26 ounces) fat-free, low-sodium, tomato-based pasta sauce
1 can (15 ounces) lentils, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup dry red wine (can be nonalcoholic) or low-sodium
vegetarian broth
Salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper
Cook the pasta according to package directions.
Meanwhile, combine the pasta sauce, lentils, and wine or broth in a
medium saucepan. Heat gently and season with the salt and pepper.
Serve over the drained pasta.
Per serving: 470 calories, 19 g protein, 91 g carbohydrates, 9 g sugar, 2 g total fat, 3%
calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 8 g fiber, 173 mg sodium.
Cherry Tomato and Brown Rice Salad with
Artichoke Hearts
Makes 6 servings
This delicious salad is a complete meal and is a great picnic or potluck
dish. Because neither tomatoes nor rice benefit from refrigeration, it
should be served at room temperature.
3 cups warm brown basmati rice
6 ounces marinated artichoke hearts, rinsed in hot water, drained,
and sliced
1 cup chopped scallions
1 1/2 pounds red, yellow, or mixed cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil
1/2 cup fat-free Italian dressing
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 head crisp lettuce
Place the rice in a large salad bowl and add the artichoke hearts,
scallions, tomatoes, and basil. Mix gently.
Combine the Italian dressing, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper in
a small bowl or jar. Whisk or shake until well blended. Pour over the
salad and mix gently. Serve on beds of lettuce on individual plates.
Per serving: 153 calories, 4 g protein, 32 g carbohydrates, 3 g sugar, 1 g total fat, 6%
calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 4 g fiber, 376 mg sodium
Berry Mousse
Makes 4 servings
This is so easy that it’s hardly a recipe! Your blender does most of the
work. This can be eaten as a pudding or used as a topping for fruit.
1 package (12.3 ounces) reduced-fat, extra-firm silken tofu,
2 3/4 cups thawed frozen unsweetened berries of choice
3 tablespoons sugar or 2 tablespoons agave nectar
1 tablespoon berry liqueur (optional)
Blend the tofu, berries, sugar or agave nectar, and liqueur, if using,
in a blender or food processor until smooth. Spoon into 4 pudding
dishes and refrigerate until chilled.
Per serving: 123 calories, 7 g protein, 24 g carbohydrates, 17 g sugar, 1 g total fat, 5%
calories from fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 3 g fiber, 89 mg sodium
Recipes from Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically
Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs by Neal D. Barnard, M.D. Recipes
by Bryanna Clark Grogan.
4 DIET AND DIABETES: Recipes foR success
13153-DIA • 20130722
This fact sheet is not intended as a comprehensive program
for diabetes. Be aware that a change in diet can produce big
results. for some, there is a risk that low blood sugar can occur if
diabetes medications are not lowered or eliminated. if you have
diabetes, consult your health care provider and tailor a program
for your needs.
1. Peterson KF, Dufour S, Befroy D, Garcia R, Shulman GI. Impaired mitochondrial
activity in the insulin-resistant offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med.
2. Barnard RJ, Lattimore L, Holly RG, Cherny S, Pritikin N. Response of non-insulin-
dependent diabetic patients to an intensive program of diet and exercise. Diabetes Care.
3. Barnard RJ, Massey MR, Cherny S, O’Brien LT, Pritikin N. Long-term use of a
high-complex-carbohydrate, high-fiber, low-fat diet and exercise in the treatment of
NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care. 1983;6:268-273.
4. Barnard ND, Cohen, J, Jenkins DJ, et al. A low-fat, vegan diet improves glycemic
control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with
type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2006;29:1777-1783.
5. Scott FW. Cow milk and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: is there a relationship?
Am J Clin Nutr. 1990;51:489-491.
6. Karjalainen J, Martin JM, Knip M, et al. A bovine albumin peptide as a possible trigger
of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. 1992;327:302-307.
Meal Suggestions
■ Hot cereals: oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins, and/or applesauce
■ All-Bran or muesli with nonfat soy or rice milk and/or berries, peach,
or banana
■ Fresh fruit
■ Pumpernickel or rye toast topped with jam (no butter or margarine)
■ Oven-roasted sweet potato home fries solo or smothered with sautéed
mushrooms, peppers, and onions
■ Tofu scramble
■ Mixed-vegetable salad with lemon juice, fat-free dressing, or soy or
teriyaki sauce

Legume-based salads: three-bean, chickpea, lentil, or black bean and
corn salads

Grain-based salads: noodle, couscous, bulgur, or rice salads

Soups: carrot ginger, mixed vegetable, black bean, vegetarian chili,
spinach lentil, minestrone, split pea, etc.
■ Hummus spread on whole-wheat pita with grated carrots, sprouts,
and cucumbers

Black bean and sweet potato burrito with corn and tomatoes

Sandwich made with fat-free meat alternatives such as barbecue
seitan, Lightlife Smart Deli turkey style, or Yves veggie pepperoni
slices and your favorite sandwich veggies

Pasta marinara: can be made with many commercial sauces (any
brand that has less than 2 grams fat per serving and is free of
animal products)

Beans and rice: black beans with salsa, vegetarian baked beans, or
fat-free refried beans

Soft tacos: a flour tortilla filled with beans, lettuce, tomato, and salsa

Fajitas: lightly sautéed sliced bell peppers, onion, and eggplant with
fajita seasonings

Chili: homemade or vegetarian boxed or canned versions

Veggie lasagna: low-fat tofu replaces the ricotta cheese, layered with
grilled veggies

Vegetable stir-fry: vegetables seasoned with soy sauce or other low-
fat stir-fry sauce and served over pasta, beans, or rice


Carrot, celery, or other vegetables with low-fat hummus

Baked tortilla chips with salsa or bean dip

Air-popped popcorn or rice cakes

Toast with jam
