Fashion Industry Networking Platform Helps New Brands Find Materials Suppliers

Fashion Industry Networking Platform Helps New Brands Find Materials Suppliers , updated 4/6/23, 12:39 PM


So, you've got a million-dollar idea for the next big fashion brand? Fashion Index has created THE networking platform for fashion industry professionals so you can turn that beautiful idea into a thriving business. Get started by visiting

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Fashion Industry Networking Platform
Helps New Brands Find Materials
Launching a new apparel brand
is a super exciting, creatively
inspiring endeavor, and... holy
wow, also a ton of work with an
overwhelming amount of details
to consider.
Fashion Index has created THE
all-in-one platform for connecting
fashion industry professionals
with the people, materials, &
places they need to make their
business thrive!
Unfortunately, 1 in 5 U.S.
businesses fails within their first
year, including fashion
businesses. Of the survivors,
only 9% are able to generate a
million dollars in revenue.
This means that less than
9% of fashion brand
startups ever find enough
success to create a
sustainable profit margin,
which often leads to a
short lifespan.
Some of the top reasons
that fashion businesses
fail are subpar product
quality, inaccurate
pricing, and an inability
to reach customers.
Fashion Index allows you to connect with business coaches and industry
consultants, so you can get the expert support and advice you'll need for a
successful fashion brand launch.
You can form professional relationships with specialized designers and
manufacturers, making it easier to ensure the highest quality products possible
for your new business.
Find Out More At