Beverly Hills Cancer Center Observes National Minority Cancer Awareness Month In April

Beverly Hills Cancer Center Observes National Minority Cancer Awareness Month In April, updated 4/16/24, 10:20 PM

Beverly Hills Cancer Center is observing National Minority Cancer Awareness Month with a public awareness campaign designed to call attention to the challenges facing minorities in terms of cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatments. Some cancers linked to cultural traditions, lifesty.e choices and dietary concerns. Beverly Hills Cancer Center City: Beverly Hills Address: 8900 Wilshire Blvd, #200 Website: Phone: +1 310 432 8925 Email:

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Beverly Hills Cancer
Center Observes
Na□onal Minority
Cancer Awareness
Cancer is a leading cause of death in the US, with minori□es
facing higher mortality rates due to factors like lack of
healthcare access and awareness programs.
Beverly Hills Cancer Center runs
a campaign during Na□onal
Minority Cancer Awareness
Month to highlight challenges.
For many minori□es, cultural and language barriers exist in
cancer preven□on.
BHCC promotes lifestyle
improvements for health and
emphasizes regular check-ups
and a plant-based diet.
The center priori□zes offering comprehensive care under one
roof to simplify the treatment process and par□cipates in
clinical trials for various cancer types.
Pa□ents receive care from a
compassionate staff focused on
holis□c well-being, a□rac□ng
individuals worldwide for
The campaign stresses preven□on and early detec□on of
cancer in minori□es.
Various factors contribute to high
mortality rates among minori□es,
including late-stage diagnoses and
lifestyle choices.
Diverse minority groups experience dispari□es in
cancer rates and outcomes.
Beverly Hills Cancer Center is
dedicated to providing advanced
diagnos□c and treatment methods
for various cancer types under
one roof.
The center's nurturing staff offers holis□c care, addressing
pa□ents' physical, mental, and emo□onal well-being.
Pa□ents from around the world
seek treatment at BHCC due to its
high-quality services and
compassionate approach to cancer
Find Out More At h□ps://