OnTask Reseller Training

OnTask Reseller Training, updated 4/13/20, 4:47 PM


About Customer Support OnTask

OnTask customer support assists our customers to build their custom workflow templates to automate the creation, routing, reviews, and approvals of their documents and forms. 

With OnTask we can automatically find and place fields on your document to create reusable digital forms in minutes.

Create smarter forms

Save time and money

Phase out paper


Just ask us how! https://www.ontask.io/contact/

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OnTask Introduction
Reseller Training
Starting the Template Assistant
Step 1 - Select Document & Roles
Advanced Settings for Roles
Step 2 - Preparing the Document
Advanced Settings for Field Types 6
Step 3 - Name Workflow & Enhance
Enhancement Options include:
Complete - Finish Template
Using Advanced Process Builder
Step 1 - Edit Workflow Template
Step 2 - Open in Advanced Modeler. 12
Step 3 - Collapse ALL Branches
Reassign Task
Roles> Delegation
Advanced Process Builder Task Types 16
OnTask data collection techniques
Adding a web form to collect files
during a run>
Using data from a digital form or
web form to power the workflow>
Combining various Task types to create
Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Helpful Links

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OnTask Introduction

OnTask is a cloud-based platform that
allows anyone to create reusable workflow
templates containing automated steps such
as the creation, routing, review and
approval of documents and forms. OnTask
offers two methods to create the reusable
workflows. The first is the Template
Assistant and the other is the Advanced
Process Builder.

Reseller Training

In this training guide, we’ll first focus on
using the Template Assistant to guide you
through creating a reusable workflow
template. We’ll modify the workflow with
some powerful tweaks using the Advanced
Process Builder later.

Log into OnTask and let’s begin!

Starting the Template Assistant
Let’s kick off the training by using the
Template Assistant. In three easy steps we’ll
create a reusable workflow template used
for collecting Signatures on a [document].

Select, “I need to have documents signed.”


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Step 1 - Select Document & Roles
Once the Template Assistant knows your
objective, you’ll need to upload the
document that needs to be signed and add
the appropriate roles. OnTask can accept
DOCX, TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMP file types within
the Template Assistant and roles are the
individuals that will be participating in the
workflow once it has been templated. You
can have up to 6 participating roles per

Upload document to OnTask
[​Download a sample document​]

If using the sample document, define these

Office Staff

Each time you add a role, you may notice a
gear appear to the right of the role name.
This is for advanced settings for that specific

Click the gear icon to access the advanced
settings for [Role X] and enable the option
for Delegation.

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Advanced Settings for Roles

Default Participant
Used to supply a default name and email for
a role in order to avoid having to enter it
each time the workflow is run. This is
important if the workflow should always
come back to a specific inbox and (for
example) customers may not know that
when they complete a form. Consider using
read only setting to ‘hard code’ a workflow.

Request Additional Documents
Allows a role to upload supporting
documents for the workflow.

Workflow participants assigned to a role
having this option enabled, will be
presented with a button on their step
screens allowing them to delegate their
step to another person if needed.

For the training example, select,
“Participant can delegate to another

Advanced options per role.

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Step 2 - Preparing the Document

Preparing a document involves placing the
appropriate fields onto the document and
assigning those fields to one of the
previously defined roles. If only one role
was defined, placed fields are automatically
assigned to that role.

For the training example, select scan for
fields and assign all fields except the last
one to the role: Customer. Assign the field
‘For Internal Use Only’ to Office Staff.

Advanced Settings for Field Types
When Date, Text and Checkbox fields are
placed, the Advanced gear button displays
for options including:

Date Field: Pre-populate Date
Date fields can be set to pre-populate with
the date the document was signed,
calculate a future date or use a specific
date. Commonly pre-populating a date field
when the document is acted upon is used to
auto capture the date of when a participant
signed the document.

Text Field: Initial Field Value
This option allows you to define a value to
auto populate the field when the document
loads for a participant during a workflow

Text Field: Character Limit
This option allows you to impose a
maximum number of characters to be
entered into the field.

Step 2 of 3, Prepare Document Fields & Assign Roles

Date field - Advanced Options

Text field - Advanced Options

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Check Box: Initial Checkbox State
Allows users to define a default state for
the checkbox when the document loads for
a participant during a workflow step.

Check Box: Disallow Changes
Applicable when a default state is set and
when enabled, prevents the participant
from changing that state during a workflow

Property Visibility
This is available on each of the advanced
option screens and will enable the field to
be exported into CSV or in webhooks for
easy integration to various third-party

Checkbox -Advanced Options

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Step 3 - Name Workflow & Enhance

On the third and final step of the Template
Assistant, you provide a meaningful name
to the workflow template and can
optionally add enhancements to the

● Enter, “Training - YourNameHere”
as the Workflow Title.

● Select the Expiration card and
choose, “Always expire the
workflow after a fixed amount of

● Set the value at 14 days

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Enhancement Options include:

Customize Messaging
Each workflow step requiring an individual
role to take action will generate an email
providing a link to the assigned steps. This
optional customization allows each email
output that would go out as part of the
workflow to be modified with unique
writing style or format.

Digitally Certify Document
Enable this enhancement to make legally
binded and tamper resistant documents.

Adding an expiration to the template of a
number of days will expand our model with
an expiration branch. The workflow engine
will then know to follow the regular branch
AND the expiration branch to see if the
workflow run completes within the
expiration time set.

Running Workflow Title
Once workflow templates have running
instances, it can sometimes be difficult to
distinguish one run from another on the
Dashboard. This option allows for
customization of the title by entering free
text and/or using built in data tokens. The
unique title will generate and that is what
will appear on the Dashboard view of

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Complete - Finish Template
After those three steps the Template
Assistant has collected information from
you and the hard work is done.

Click on the FINISH TEMPLATE button

Once the template is finished, there are a
few options available:

Run the template
View the workflow from Dashboard
Edit the template
Integrate into your application

Continue through this document to get into
Editing the created template using the
Advanced Process Builder​.

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Using Advanced Process Builder

When you create a workflow template by
going through the Template Assistant, you
may enable various options along the way.
OnTask automatically adds the necessary
components for these options to your
workflow template for use with every run.

If it becomes necessary to modify and/or
override what the workflow template uses
when running a workflow you can view the
workflow model in the Advanced Process
Builder, and opt to modify the model or
override the enhancement options

Step 1 - Edit Workflow Template
Select the action to EDIT your workflow

This can be done by:

Clicking the
upon completion of the Template
Assistant, followed by clicking the
BUILDER ​button

From the Dashboard, select your
Workflow Template Name on the
left panel and choose ​Edit Template
from the context menu.

Dashboard, left side panel action menu
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Step 2 - Open in Advanced Modeler.
Because the Workflow Template was
created using the Template Assistant, the
assistant will open by default to make
simple modifications to the workflow.

We want to review the model and make
modifications that are only available in the
Advanced Process Builder screen. To
display your workflow in a flow chart style

Select the button labeled,

There will be a block of informational text
explaining about editing the template
without the use of the Template Assistant.
You must opt-in for this and then all further
edits to the workflow will be using the
Advanced Process Builder unless you revert
back to an earlier state.

Select the button labeled:
to edit details of the workflow model.

Bottom right corner of edit template screen

Advanced Modeler View

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Step 3 - Collapse ALL Branches

Once in the modeler, collapse all branches
to begin reviewing the model that was
created by information provided during the

As you collapse and expand branches in the
modeler, you will see the possible paths the
business process can take and that were
built for you by the template assistant.
Expand the first down arrow to view the 2
paths for customer signing and the
expiration timer.

Please note, the regular path is to email the
customer, then once the participant acts on
the button in their email, they will be taken
to the Customer Sign step. These steps can
be renamed as needed so that you can
locate and edit in the future.

Expand the next section following the
Customer Sign task.

The buttons on the Customer Sign task are
Continue and Decline. These can be
changed in that step. These are
mechanical/user choices on a screen that
select between 2 of the 4 exclusive paths.

Reassign Task and Resend Email are two
‘Group Administrator’ paths automatically
added by OnTask to allow each Group
Administrator to keep the workflow run on
task by generating a link to that step to text
or chat to a participant, resend lost emails,
or reassign the customer signature task to
someone else in case of vacation,
termination or wrong email addresses.

Collapse branches screen

Model with partial branch expansion

Dashboard view of Group Administrator actions
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Reassign Task

This branch activates once a group
administrator selects the button on the
instance of the workflow run in their
dashboard. The button will activate the
following branch of the workflow and is
denoted by a star in the advanced process
builder. A webform assigned to the Group
Administrator role will allow the Group
administrator to enter a new email address
effectively assigning a prior task to this new
address. When the Group Administrator
selects REASSIGN on the webform, the
template uses a task type of Link to return
to an earlier task with the email property

Roles> Delegation
In the assistant, we allowed certain roles
and the tasks assigned to them to permit

This option creates the following branch. A
web form is used to collect the email
address to delegate to and an email
notification will let them know they have a
task to complete.

This branch is triggered by the pressing of a
button in the task labelled ‘DELEGATE TO

Reassign Task and links

Delegation branch and links

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Review all tasks in the workflow template
expanding each branch as needed to view
the entire workflow. You will notice that the
workflow templates begin with a web form
to collect information from your first
participant, and on these webforms
participants enter an email address. OnTask
uses email addresses to create participant
user accounts ready to have tasks assigned
to each. Email fields must be required fields
to use in the workflow.

Workflows will typically use a primary
combination of three tasks to power work
getting done. Web forms, emails, and Fill &
Sign will work together to collect email
addresses, send that email address a
notification by email, and assign a Fill & Sign
step to that email address. This is not a hard
and fast rule, just a good guideline to
getting started.

Clicking the plus sign in the Advanced
Process Builder lets you use task types in a
series to design a custom business process

An analogy for these tasks is plastic building
blocks; snap into place and use interesting
combinations to really customize for unique
business processes.

(E.g. Lego building blocks. Just don’t step on
these either!)

Web form with email field

Simple example in our Advanced Process

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Advanced Process Builder Task Types

User Task

Web Form​ – adds a form that will work on
all browsers allowing for fields to be added
for a participant to complete during a
running workflow. Text fields can be set to
the type- email to identify owners of
subsequent tasks. Each field can also be
given a property name which will make it
available to be added into email tasks,
other web forms, into digital forms in Fill
and Sign

Fill and Sign​ – upload a document or form
and create fields on it for signature, date,
and other options. This is now a digital form
and will be displayed in web browsers for
participants to complete. Fields can display
data entered earlier on to a web form.

Create Document Form​ – this choice is a
paired value of steps. Adding will
automatically add the Fill Document step.
In the Create Document Form step,
reference a document that was previously
uploaded to allow participants to add
signature, date, or other fields in a Fill
Document Form step. Choose the Property
Name of the file upload step and
participants will add fields.

In the Fill Document Form step, assign to
the email address field for the individual to
complete the form added in the creation

Consider adding email or other tasks as
needed in between the create and fill steps.

Webform with fields to add

Fill & Sign Task- digitize your forms

Create Document Form

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Edit Document​ – upload an OpenOffice
document (docx file extension) that can be
viewed or edited in a running workflow
View File – reference a document that was
previously uploaded.

Choose Edit mode, suggest mode or view
mode as needed by the participants in this

Send & Save

Email​ – send email notifications to inform a
user that they have a task to complete, or
to let them know the status of a task

Export Document​ – exports a document to
a SharePoint account (requires SharePoint

Export to Salesforce​ – exports a document
to Salesforce (Salesforce credentials

Webhook​ – exports field information
collected while running a workflow and
sends the field values to a URL for
integration to other applications.

For details of webhooks:

Webhooks can send data to a URL at any
point in a workflow run and will send all
collected data from fields that were given a
property name.

Edit Document Task

Email step


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Event Task

Event Tasks create the paths that the
documents, forms and data can take as our
automation engine powers work getting

Complete Workflow​ – complete a workflow
that takes a particular path on a branch.
When the workflow completes, the instance
will be available on the Completed tab of
the dashboard.

Cancel Workflow​ – cancel a workflow that
takes a particular path on a branch. This will
shift the instance to the canceled tab.

Exclusive Branch​ – create multiple paths
that a workflow can be directed to take one
path. Exclusive branches can be powered by
data entered on to a digital form or into a
webform. Exclusive branches can only be
powered by required text fields from a prior
web form. To use data from a Fill & Sign
step, the field needs to be displayed in a
ready only text field on a web form.

Read Only Webform fields will also allow for
web form fields to be used in exclusive
branches. Consider adding confirmation
web forms to power this logic.

Parallel Branch​ – create multiple paths that
a workflow can take each path

Milestone​ – set milestones to mark
important points of progress in a workflow.

Exclusive branch example using Web form
for Option 1, 2, 3, 4

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OnTask data collection techniques

OnTask Supports multiple ways to collect
information from participants during a run.
The two most common forms of data
collection are OnTask’s web forms and the
Fill & Sign steps (also known as digital

In our sample requirements document, the
customer specified,

The web form needs to have
instructions that notify the
employee that they will need to
bring in supporting
documentation (for the form).
It (webform) will have the
instructions of forms of
acceptable documentation. b.
The web form needs to have
check boxes on what
documentation they will bring

Adding a web form to collect files during a

On a web form, select Form Fields then File
Upload. More than one File Upload can be
added, or the File Upload can support more
than one file. If the uploaded document will
be used in this workflow, consider making
the File Upload a single file and enter a
property name that will be easy to
remember in additional steps.

A File upload and a Create Document Form
can be a powerful combination which
allows a participant to upload a document,
prepare signatures or other fields and send
to someone for signing.

Instructions are a field on a web form that
supports mark up

File Upload field on web form

Using data from a digital form or web form
to power the workflow>

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All fields can be given Property Names.
Property Names enables data collection and
transfer of data. The property name is a
behind-the-scenes representation of an
OnTask field. Property Names in the
Advanced Modeler are a powerful
automation feature. Give each field a
unique property name so the information
entered can be used to automate emails,
forms and more. Changing a property name
that is referenced in a workflow template
will prevent the template from being
published or run successfully.

Email – Set email fields to required
and enter a property name. The
property name is used in the
“Assigned to” for steps in our
‘Advanced modeler’ and email steps
allow the property name to be
entered in the To, C.C., B.C.C and
subject lines of the email template.

Web Form – Give Form Fields a
property name by clicking the lock
icon, then type a name for the
property name. The property names
can be used in later Email or Fill&
Sign steps to personalize or pre-fill
fields with information entered by a
participant in a running workflow.
Using a property name that is the
same as one used on a previous Fill
& Sign will display the information
entered on to the digital form.

Fill & Sign- Enter a property name
for each form field to make the field
visible in the dashboard and
available to later tasks. Using the

Property Name can be same or different
than field names and labels, however no
special characters or spaces permitted.

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same property name from a
previous web form will pre-fill the
information for participants.

Webhook – fields with a property
name will be exported by this task
for use in other systems

Combining various Task types to create

In our sample requirements document, we
read that the workflow can be launched by
2 different types of users. In the
requirements, we see the word “if” which
usually means we are in need of an
exclusive branch. Before beginning to build
a custom workflow, it is best to read
through the requirements and highlight
these critical words: IF, AND, OR, BUT as
they usually require a path in our workflow
model. Other words that matter may be
SKIP, DIRECTLY, or other action words.

Once you reach the end of the document,
look at the outcomes the client is trying to
achieve. What is the definition of success?
Is it documents filled in and returned to a
CRM? Or is it data? Or both. In our sample,
it is the paperwork the recruiter sends to an
applicant and the paperwork the applicant
uploads to support their I9 status that must
be returned to OnTask and the recruiter.

Upon additional conversations with the
client, we find out the hiring process and
which I9 instructions display to applicants is
different if the applicant is a US Citizen,
Permanent Resident, or Alien.

Sample from requirements document
showing highlighted key words

Exclusive branch, links, to power an IF in a
custom workflow

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To accomplish this, a webform must ask
which of the four applicants they
self-identify as. OnTask will then use that
answer to select the correct path

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Lesson 1: combinations of the right boxes
creates success.

In this example, we create a template from
scratch and go straight to adding a Create
Document Form step. This step allows a
participant to add fields to a form during a
workflow run. When we add to the
template, a default user of ‘Originator’ is
assigned, and the Create Document Form
asks for a Property when we edit/click the
pencil icon. Note: The Fill Document Form
will also be assigned to originator.

This presents two issues to solve.
1. We need the participant to upload a
file first, or we could supply a
document for this step using a Fill
and Sign step.
2. We would like to assign either (or
both) the Create Document Form
and Fill Document Forms to other
roles than the Originator of the

By adding a webform prior to the Create
Document Form step, we can collect emails
and supply a text field set to required and
email as type.

Box highlighted in red showing error state

Property Names can include documents and

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Assigning the Fill Document Form to a
participant by clicking the Fill Document Form
step and in the right-hand control panel, choose
the Property Name entered for the email

Email addresses and file uploads can be in
multiple web forms. Each must proceed the
step in which they are to be used.

After Assigning the step to an email address, we
realize we have to notify the participant that
they have work to do. Consider adding a Send
Email task in between the Create Document
Form and the Fill Document Form steps.

Our Advanced Process Builder validates our
model and uses red to denote a fatal issue,
orange if we have created or caused invalid

Once all our steps are corrected, we have a full
functional process that collects email addresses
for participants, allows a participant to upload a
document or form, they can then add fields for
someone to complete.

The originator of this workflow can now
download finished documents and forms from
their dashboard.

If the customer would like to be notified that
the document is complete, consider adding a
send email after the Fill Document Form step.

In this way, complex business processes are
templated and ready for use within OnTask.

Assigning a step to an email

Email task with no email address

Email task with an invalid property name (email
field may have been changed or removed)
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Helpful Links





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