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Eagle Scout Recommendation Letters
REQUIREMENT 2. Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the
Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List the names of individuals who
know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation
on your behalf.
Recommendation letters should be sent to the Eagle
Character Board from each person listed on your Eagle
Scout Application.
DON’T WAIT until the last minute to collect your recommendation letters!
People are notoriously slow in writing this kind of letter, so request yours months in
HINT: You can start collecting your letters as soon as you reach Life rank.
You will need the following letters:
• Parents / guardians
• Religious (priest, clergyman, rabbi, chaplain, religious youth leader, etc)
• Education (principal, teacher or school counselor)
• Employer (owner, supervisor or manager – may include volunteer employment – omit
if not ever employed or did not do ongoing volunteer work)
• Personal (letters from TWO adults who are not related to you)
If the person you want to write your recommendation wants more information, it is
available on the Troop Web Site (see the URL address at the bottom on page 2).
BE SURE TO FIRST ASK if the person will write a recommendation letter for you; and if
so, then give him/her PAGE 2 of this document as a reminder.
Furthe r Info r m ation go to : www.tr oop 139.com/letter
Eagle Scout Recommendation Letter
Thank you for offering to write a character / recommendation letter for my Eagle
Scout Character Board of Review. The following is a reminder of what I need:
The category of the letter that I would need from you is checked below:
F Religious (priest, clergyman, rabbi, chaplain, youth leader, or advisor)
F Education (principal, teacher, or school counselor)
F Employer (owner, supervisor or manager – volunteer work is acceptable)
F Personal (adult over age 18 other than a relative)
Content of Your Letter:
Please describe your relationship with me and share on the issues of my leadership and
character (trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brace, clean, and reverent).
Please use the greeting:
Eagle Scout Character Board
• Please attach a note if you wish your letter to remain confidential or if I may keep it.
• Please place your signature across the sealed flap of the envelope used to mail it.
Please mail your recommendation letter to:
Eagle Scout Character Board
Re. Candidate ( Scout's name from above )
c/o Ruben Hueso
502 Wickliffe Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91104-1256
REQUIREMENT 2. Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the
Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List the names of individuals who
know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation
on your behalf.
Recommendation letters should be sent to the Eagle
Character Board from each person listed on your Eagle
Scout Application.
DON’T WAIT until the last minute to collect your recommendation letters!
People are notoriously slow in writing this kind of letter, so request yours months in
HINT: You can start collecting your letters as soon as you reach Life rank.
You will need the following letters:
• Parents / guardians
• Religious (priest, clergyman, rabbi, chaplain, religious youth leader, etc)
• Education (principal, teacher or school counselor)
• Employer (owner, supervisor or manager – may include volunteer employment – omit
if not ever employed or did not do ongoing volunteer work)
• Personal (letters from TWO adults who are not related to you)
If the person you want to write your recommendation wants more information, it is
available on the Troop Web Site (see the URL address at the bottom on page 2).
BE SURE TO FIRST ASK if the person will write a recommendation letter for you; and if
so, then give him/her PAGE 2 of this document as a reminder.
Furthe r Info r m ation go to : www.tr oop 139.com/letter
Eagle Scout Recommendation Letter
Thank you for offering to write a character / recommendation letter for my Eagle
Scout Character Board of Review. The following is a reminder of what I need:
The category of the letter that I would need from you is checked below:
F Religious (priest, clergyman, rabbi, chaplain, youth leader, or advisor)
F Education (principal, teacher, or school counselor)
F Employer (owner, supervisor or manager – volunteer work is acceptable)
F Personal (adult over age 18 other than a relative)
Content of Your Letter:
Please describe your relationship with me and share on the issues of my leadership and
character (trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brace, clean, and reverent).
Please use the greeting:
Eagle Scout Character Board
• Please attach a note if you wish your letter to remain confidential or if I may keep it.
• Please place your signature across the sealed flap of the envelope used to mail it.
Please mail your recommendation letter to:
Eagle Scout Character Board
Re. Candidate ( Scout's name from above )
c/o Ruben Hueso
502 Wickliffe Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91104-1256