Mobile Thermography Scans For Long Island Private Practices Help Prevent Breast Disease.

Mobile Thermography Scans For Long Island Private Practices Help Prevent Breast Disease., updated 7/26/23, 2:32 AM


When it comes to cancer, prevention is key. Thermography Solutions ((516-676-0200) can come to your Long Island medical practice to give your patients internal imaging scans that can detect pre-cancerous growth in its earliest stages. Go to

Thermography Solutions 23 Green St. Suite 100A, Huntington, NY 11743, United States Website Phone +1-516-676-0200 Email

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Mobile Thermography Scans For Long Island Private
Practices Help Prevent Breast Disease
Thermography is an FDA-approved, radiation-
free tool for detecting inflammation or increased
blood flow that can suggest pre-cancerous high-
risk areas.
Thermography Solutions can bring its
mobile thermographic scanning unit to your
clinic or practice, giving you more power to
prevent cancer development in your
Thermography uses a specialized infrared
camera to create comprehensive imaging of
a patient's internal heat distribution, pointing
out abnormalities & areas of concern.
For the past few decades,
Long Island has shown
markedly elevated rates of
cancer when compared to
averages in New York state
and the U S
Since cancerous cells
generate quickly, they
require increased blood
flow, which creates heat
that can be detected in a
thermographic scan.
Thermography Solutions can
issue male or female health
panel scans, full-body scans, or
breast-focused scans using the
Niramai - SMILE-100 with AI
analysis technology.
Get follow-up sessions with
Thermography Solutions to
give your patients future scans
so they can track the progress
they've made from using your
treatment plans.
Find Out More At