Adiel Gorel, owner of ICG, has helped investors own rental properties and enjoy retirement riches. Learn real estate investing for beginners and the best places to invest in 2022
Warren Buffet Picks This
To Get Rich: Real Estate
Investing For Beginners
Warren Buffett, the great Warren Buffett, who we all know and love,
and is usually a stock-and-company type of investor, has recently
declared a top piece of advice for you on how to get wealthy!
Buffett recommends that you get a
30-year fixed-rate loan because
the 30-year fixed-rate loan is
unimaginably good for real estate
Here is a little real estate investing for beginners tip for you,
that always holds true.
One of the most amazing things that
exists in the United States is our
ability to get that 30-year fixed-rate
loan on any home we might want to
The 30-year fixed-rate loan is where your loan payment and the
balance never keep up with inflation. While everything else in the US
economy expands with inflation, your mortgage stays the same.
Inflation actually erodes the value
of your loan year after year. For
you, this is the heart of the process
of real estate investing for
Assuming your income is “regular”, and you have decent
credit, a beginning investor such as yourself,
can usually easily qualify easily for the
type of investment property that
leverages the 30-year-fixed rate loan
to provide you with a bountiful
The minimum investment or down payment that Fannie Mae
allows you to put as an investor is 15%, with private
mortgage insurance or PMI.
So if you buy an investment property for
$300k, then 15% will be $45,000 plus
closing costs and loan costs— let's say it's
less than $55k. Now you know how much
your initial investment will be, that’s very
knowable and therefore achievable.
“Single-family homes are the most appropriate investments for “real
people,” as opposed to uber-wealthy people, or the very experienced
The single-family home coupled with the
30-year fixed-rate loan is the perfect first
step in real estate investing for
beginners.” – Adiel Gorel, owner of
International Capital Group
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To Get Rich: Real Estate
Investing For Beginners
Warren Buffett, the great Warren Buffett, who we all know and love,
and is usually a stock-and-company type of investor, has recently
declared a top piece of advice for you on how to get wealthy!
Buffett recommends that you get a
30-year fixed-rate loan because
the 30-year fixed-rate loan is
unimaginably good for real estate
Here is a little real estate investing for beginners tip for you,
that always holds true.
One of the most amazing things that
exists in the United States is our
ability to get that 30-year fixed-rate
loan on any home we might want to
The 30-year fixed-rate loan is where your loan payment and the
balance never keep up with inflation. While everything else in the US
economy expands with inflation, your mortgage stays the same.
Inflation actually erodes the value
of your loan year after year. For
you, this is the heart of the process
of real estate investing for
Assuming your income is “regular”, and you have decent
credit, a beginning investor such as yourself,
can usually easily qualify easily for the
type of investment property that
leverages the 30-year-fixed rate loan
to provide you with a bountiful
The minimum investment or down payment that Fannie Mae
allows you to put as an investor is 15%, with private
mortgage insurance or PMI.
So if you buy an investment property for
$300k, then 15% will be $45,000 plus
closing costs and loan costs— let's say it's
less than $55k. Now you know how much
your initial investment will be, that’s very
knowable and therefore achievable.
“Single-family homes are the most appropriate investments for “real
people,” as opposed to uber-wealthy people, or the very experienced
The single-family home coupled with the
30-year fixed-rate loan is the perfect first
step in real estate investing for
beginners.” – Adiel Gorel, owner of
International Capital Group
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