Judiciary Dispensation Act 2014

Judiciary Dispensation Act 2014, updated 1/5/19, 11:42 PM


This parliamentary Act, by the short title “Judiciary Dispensation Act”, delegates sovereign jurisdictional judiciary authority to an appointed independent Arbitration Court of a United Nations recognized IGO institution, for the administration of justice under the laws of the Order as a nation state. An official legislative or regulatory Act or Law, enacted by the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the nation-state subject of international law embodying the original Knights Templar from 1118 AD.

About Knights Templar Order

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, the direct continuation of the original historical institution of the legendary Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, fully restored as a sovereign subject of international law in 2013 AD, embodying the authentic Templar heritage.

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Act of Dispensation of
Judiciary Administration
Ordo Regius Magistralis Templi Solomonis
Enacted by the Government and Ratified by the Grand Master
(Act of 2014, as Amended in 2016)
The text of this Act is the complete amended version, with all previous Acts, amendments,
sovereign orders and administrative regulations fully incorporated, as consolidated from all
traditional, customary and enacted sovereign protocols and laws of the Sovereign Magistral
Order of the Temple of Solomon since 1118 AD.
2013, 2016 Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon.
All International Rights Reserved.
Whereas, the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon is a sovereign subject of
international law, exercising governmental rights and authorities as a non-territorial
principality of statehood, with legal and jurisdictional independence;
Whereas, the intent of the Grand Mastery and Sovereign Council is for primary operations of
the Order to concentrate on its historical missions of preserving and advancing ecclesiastical
and chivalric traditions, philanthropy and human rights;
Whereas, delegation of the official functions of administration of Justice, to an autonomous
appointed Court of Record of the independent Judiciary, provides a desirable degree of
political separation from legal proceedings, and enables the Order to better concentrate on its
historical humanitarian missions;
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon has enacted the present regulatory
act as a parliamentary Act, to provide for the official, professional and independent
administration of Justice exercising its lawful jurisdiction, for judicial process and
enforcement of the Acts and Laws of the Order as a sovereign subject of international law.
Article 1 Title & Enactment
The full title of this law shall be the "Act of Dispensation of Judiciary Administration of
2014" (as amended in 2016). The short title shall be the "Judiciary Dispensation Act"
(hereinafter "Act").
This public law is duly officially enacted by the Government of the Order of the Temple
of Solomon (hereinafter "the Order") as a sovereign subject of international law, by approval
of its titled officials of the Grand Mastery, and by ratification by His Most Eminent Highness
the Prince Grand Master as Head of State.
The present Act also serves as public law providing benefits supporting the sovereign
rights and authorities of the Ancient Catholic Church, possessing its own autonomous
statehood as a sovereign subject of international law in its own right, as a Sister State under
Ecclesiastical and Sovereign Patronage of the Order, under Constitution Article 12. For the
purposes of this Act, wherever applicable in context, all references to the Order, its
departments and governmental officials fully incorporate simultaneous or alternative
reference to the Ancient Catholic Church, and its analogous departments and pontifical
Article 2 Assignment of Official Judiciary Functions
The present Act constitutes the parliamentary dispensation by assignment of the
jurisdictional authority which is otherwise constitutionally vested in the sovereign judiciary as
the Magistral Courts of Justice of the Order (Constitution, Articles 23-25.)
The Government of the Order hereby appoints the Arbitration Court of International
Justice (ACIJ) as the "Common Court", and its affiliate Sovereign Court of International
Justice (SCIJ) as the "High Court", both United Nations level IGO institutions of the
independent Judiciary, as the authorized official Courts of Record. Sovereign Judiciary
authority is thus delegated to those Courts of Record for the administration of Justice for all
legal matters within the constitutional jurisdiction of the Order as a principality of statehood.
The Arbitration Court (ACIJ) and Sovereign Court (SCIJ) shall be solely responsible
for the interpretation, application, adjudication and enforcement of the sovereign Acts and
Laws of the Order in the course of Judiciary administration. All petitions, motions, responses
and evidence shall be filed directly and independently with the Court of Record.
The independent Court of Record is also empowered to conduct official investigation
and prosecution of violations of the parliamentary Acts and Laws of the Order.
In relation to applying the enacted Acts and Laws of the Order, on the legal basis of
delegation of sovereign state functions to the appointed Court of Record as a government
contractor, all findings, orders and judgments issued by such Court shall carry full weight of
sovereign authority as official governmental determinations under international law.
In connection with the present delegation and assignment, the Order reserves the right
to apply additional investigatory and enforcement measures in its own original official
capacity as a sovereign subject of international law.
Enactment & Ratification
The present Act of Dispensation of Judiciary Administration of 2014, as Amended in 2016, is
hereby fully enacted and ratified, in accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution, by the
following legal acts of the Government and Grand Mastery:
Enacted by the Government:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Excellency Viscount Michael Henry Dunn
Grand Commander as Chairman of the Government
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon
Ratified by Magistral Assent of the Grand Master:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Most Eminent Highness Prince Matthew of Thebes
Sovereign Grand Master as Head of State
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon