Are Implant-Supported Dentures For You? Find Out At This Top Manitoba Denturist Clinic

Are Implant-Supported Dentures For You? Find Out At This Top Manitoba Denturist Clinic, updated 5/17/23, 2:05 PM


If you're wearing traditional dentures and they're always slipping around, you may benefit from implant-supported dentures. Book an appointment - day or night - at Winnipeg's award-winning Minuk Digital Denture and Implant Centre (204.589.6329) for a better denture solution. Find out more at

Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre 10 Queen Elizabeth Way, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2R1, Canada Website Email

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Are Implant-Supported Dentures For You?
Find Out At This Top Manitoba Denturist
Dentures have come a long way.
If you're wearing a traditional
denture that just doesn't fit
properly, you're probably coping
with a lot of inconveniences.
This isn't a very good way
to live your life, but you do
have options.
With implant-supported
dentures, you can get a more
stable denture that lets you
eat, speak and smile the way
you could before.
Book an appointment, day or
evening, at Minuk Digital
Denture & Implant Centre in
Winnipeg for the advice you
Implant-supported dentures are over-dentures that are
supported by and attached to two or more implants.
Find out if you'd be a good candidate for implant-supported
dentures when you book a consult with knowledgeable Denturists
Find Out More At