Network Integrity Systems participating in CGA Conference

Network Integrity Systems participating in CGA Conference, updated 3/2/23, 12:57 AM

Network Integrity Systems will participate in the Common Ground Alliance Conference in 2023. Network Integrity Systems 1937 Tate Blvd. SE , Hickory, NC 28602, United States Website Email

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Network Integrity Systems
participating in CGA Conference
The CGA Conference hosts
damage prevention leaders
nationwide to showcase their
latest innovations, products,
and case studies.
This year's theme is "On
The Road to Zero:
Eliminating Damages in
CGA will feature curated sessions,
with two full days of education and
personal enrichment, plus offering
an interactive exhibit hall to
showcase some of the industry's
best products and solutions.
Network Integrity Systems is
an industry leader in providing
optical fiber monitoring to
prevent physical and cyber
attacks on network
The conference will also host
industry-leading speakers,
including keynote speaker
Susan O’Malley, former
president of Washington Sports
& Entertainment.
Network with the industry’s
Approximately 90% of
attendees are owners, c-level
executives, or managers
NIS performs continuous analysis of
cables, pathways, and points of
vulnerability, such as manholes and
equipment cabinets, and looks for
intrusions that occur as a precursor to a
physical, cyber attack or damage that
could degrade network performance or
NIS's perimeter intrusion detection
solutions are designed to monitor
barrier fence lines to detect attempts to
climb over, tunnel under, or cut through,
providing a physical layer of security for
protecting personnel, property, and
NIS delivers turn-key
solutions to help clients
achieve their mission and
protect their infrastructure.
To learn more about NIS
and its offerings, visit the
link here.
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