DRAFT Outline Specifications Mos.pdf

DRAFT Outline Specifications Mos.pdf, updated 11/5/22, 2:30 PM


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DRAFT Outline Specifications
Mosaic Commons Cohousing Community
At Sawyer Hill Development
Berlin, MA
Owner: Mosaic Commons LLC
Prepared by:
Kraus-Fitch Architects, Inc.
Mechanical Engineers:
Kohler & Lewis
Joe Kohler, Dan Lewis, Roy Swain
27 Mechanic Street
Keene, NH
Energy Systems Consultant
Marc Rosenbaum
Energy Smiths
PO Box 194
Meriden, NH 03770
Electrical and Fire Suppression Engineers:
S.R. Stafford Engineering, Inc.
491-A Main Street
Groton, MA 01450-4255
July 27, 2006 – DRAFT
Tracking of changes since “post survey” specifications, including feedback from Owner
(August 2 2006)
Mosaic Commons Cohousing – DRAFT Outline Specifications
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Color Coding of this draft Specification is as follows:
Red items are the changes that reflect your survey results, some of these have been
incorporated (black) according to July 17 email from San
Blue Items – feedback requested from Landmark Structures
Yellow highlighted items need to go to Owner for their input
Grey highlighted items need more research by Architect
Green highlighted items need more input from consultants
Blue items are comments from Mechanical engineers that provide additional information
but are not yet resolved.
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Table of Contents
Division 1 - General Requirements .............................................................................. 54
01010: Summary of Work ....................................................................................... 54
01028 Change Order procedure ................................................................................ 65
01100: Alternates ..................................................................................................... 65
01200: Meetings & Coordination ............................................................................ 76
01300: Submittals and Substitutions........................................................................ 87
01350: Selections, Options and Upgrades ............................................................... 87
01400: Quality Control .............................................................................................. 9
01500: Construction Facilities & Temporary Controls ......................................... 109
01505: Construction Waste Management.............................................................. 109
01700: Contract Closeout ...................................................................................... 109
Division 2 - Site Work .............................................................................................. 1110
Division 3 - Concrete .................................................................................................... 11
03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete .................................................................................. 11
Division 5 – Metals....................................................................................................... 11
Division 6 - Wood and Plastics................................................................................. 1211
06100 Rough Carpentry........................................................................................ 1211
06200 Finish Carpentry - Interior ............................................................................. 13
06210 Finish Carpentry - Exterior ............................................................................ 14
06240 Plastic Laminate......................................................................................... 1514
06405 Cabinetry:................................................................................................... 1514
Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection ......................................................... 1615
07110 Foundation Dampproofing:............................................................................ 16
07210 Building Insulation and Air Sealing .............................................................. 16
07311 Roofing ...................................................................................................... 1817
07810 Skylights .................................................................................................... 1918
Division 8 - Doors and Windows.............................................................................. 1918
08100 Exterior Doors: .......................................................................................... 1918
08200 Interior Doors:............................................................................................ 2019
08400 Interior Windows ....................................................................................... 2019
08600 Wood Clad Windows:................................................................................ 2019
Division 9 - Finishes ................................................................................................. 2120
09500: Acoustical Ceilings.................................................................................. 2120
09560 (640?): Wood Flooring ............................................................................. 2120
09601: Flooring Adhesives ................................................................................... 2221
09650: Resilient Flooring .................................................................................... 2221
09700: Epoxy Flooring ........................................................................................ 2221
09900 Painting ...................................................................................................... 2221
09950 Clear Finishes ............................................................................................ 2322
Division 11 - Equipment........................................................................................... 2322
11400 Common House Kitchen Equipment ......................................................... 2322
11450 Residential Equipment ............................................................................... 2322
Division 12: Furnishings.......................................................................................... 2423
Division 15 - Mechanical.......................................................................................... 2423
15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System............................................................... 2423
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15400 Plumbing .................................................................................................... 2423
15500 HVAC ........................................................................................................ 2625
Division 16 - Electrical ............................................................................................. 2927
16400 Electrical .................................................................................................... 2927
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Division 1 - General Requirements
01010: Summary of Work
♦ The overall scope of the project is the Mosaic Commons Neighborhood within the
Sawyer Hill Development. The Scope of the work at Mosaic Commons includes:
o 34 units of housing, in 13 buildings, configured in 4 standard building types.
All buildings are two-story with unfinished, insulated attics. Nine (9) buildings
are slab-on-grade. Four (4) buildings have walkout basements, creating a
variation in two of the four standard building types. The residential units are
configured in duplexes (R-3 use group) and triplexes (R-2 use group). All units
shall be equipped with a 13R automatic fire suppression system and separated
by ½ -hour construction Note: there is no code requirement for fully
accessible units. However, (2) 1-bedroom units shall be accessible to the
degree shown on drawings. Most units will have unfinished attics, but some
will have small areas of finish (to meet 40B area requirements – refer to
drawings for attic finish locations. All units shall have some degree of
accessibility to the ground floor, as indicated on the drawings. Heating systems
for the residential units shall be…
o Common house: one story, trussed roof, slab on grade, approximately 5,000 SF
with automatic fire suppression.
o Workshop building: one story, trussed roof, slab on grade, approximately 820
o Parking structures: Seven total carports, open on one side, (3) 6-car and (4) 4-
car structures, trussed roofs
o Mechanical shed(s): one story, slab on grade, trussed roof, approximately 450
SFto be determined.
o Silo(s) for wood pellet storage: to be determined.
The following are covered by separate specifications and contract:
♦ All site work: roadways, utilities, septic, water, pathways, exterior lighting, etc.
Excavation, blasting, and backfilling for the building foundations is carried under this
contract. Excavation for all utilities and other site work shall be under separate
♦ Camelot Cohousing Neighborhood
♦ Office Building

♦ Equipment and garden sheds (storage sheds attached to residential buildings are
included in this contract)
♦ Commissioning of Mechanical Systems (if included in project)
Energy Conservation and Green Building Goals:
♦ Although LEED certification is not being pursued at this time, this project will
attempt to meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for Homes. LEED items
are referenced throughout this specification to aid in the cost estimator’s and
contractor’s understanding of the goals and details of this project.
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♦ All Residential units and Common House shall comply with air tightness
specifications (exceeds Energy Star requirements). An Airtight Drywall
Approach (ADA) shall be used for achieving air sealing. A blower door test
will be conducted by Energy Star (at no cost to the contractor) in each and
every building. Improvements shall be made by the Contractor to the air
sealing as necessary to bring each and every building into compliance.
Standards for the air sealing are listed within the specifications. The General
Contractor shall submit documentation of experience and test results in
meeting blower door testing on a minimum of three previous projects. See
Mechanical section for passive and active ventilation strategies for “tight”
01028 Change Order procedure
♦ Follow procedures set forth in standard Construction Contract
01100: Alternates
Provide Pricing for the following alternates:
Adds: The following items are to be considered for add alternates in this order. They are
listed in the order of biggest positive environmental (green) impact to the project and/or
difficulty of adding at a later date.
1. Window upgrade: Substitute triple–glazed fiberglass windows by Accurate Dorwin,
with insulated sash and frames. (Note: Double hung windows will be replaced with
single hung.)
o Two types of Glazing:
ƒ South and East Elevations: Tripane 3MM glass, Superspace with two
argon filled cavities, PPG Sungate, 500 low E on two surfaces
ƒ North and West Elevations: Tripane 3MM glass, Superspace with two
argon filled cavities, PPG Sungate, 1000 low E on two surfaces
o Whole Unit U-value = 0.22, 0.19
o Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) = 0.56, 0.43
o Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) = 65, 57
2. Super insulation package A: add 1” rigid insulation to exterior of studs. Siding nails
to be increased accordingly.
3. Super insulation package B: add 1” rigid insulation to underside of roof rafters
(headroom problems??). Note: Strapping is already included in base package to hold
the blown-in insulation in place.
4. FSC certified hardwood for Common House Floors: Massachusetts Woodlands
5. Window Trim at Units: add painted poplar or natural no. 2 pine trim in place of
gypsum board returns at all exterior windows.
6. The following items are also to be considered for add alternates. We should get the
input of the Contractor regarding their inclusion. All of these items can be added
fairly easily at a later date.
♦ Workshop Building
♦ 2nd Coat of paint in Common House (primer only in base bid)
♦ Finishing of Common House screen porch (deck only included in base bid)
♦ Tubular Skylights in Common House interior hallways and bathrooms
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♦ Acoustic treatment in kids and multi-purpose room
♦ Common House entry grate (see misc. metals)
♦ Common House central vacuum
♦ Wiring and speakers for Common House sound system (?).
Deducts: The following items are to be considered for deduct alternates in this order.
They are listed in the order of biggest price deduct relative to disruption to project.
1. Deduct all finishes (flooring, painting, trim) in the following Common House rooms:
• Guest Room 1
• Guest Room 2
• Multi-purpose Room
• Exercise Room
♦ Kid’s play rooms
2. Deduct last of two finish coats of interior wall paint at all units. Spray one coat of
finish paint SAME color as ceiling (“Dover White”, no cutting and rolling).
3. Deduct all cubbies, closet shelving, and bulletin boards in common house
4. Deduct all closet doors in units
5. Deduct all finish flooring at second floors of all units, paint subfloor (will banks
accept this???)
6. Reduce the size of front porches on all units to 6’ deep.
7. Deduct dense pack cellulose in walls and sloped ceiling areas. Substitute fiberglass
batts and add vapor barrier to walls (already included at the ceilings).
01200: Meetings & Coordination
♦ Standard Pre-Construction Meeting: Architect, General Contractor, Owner’s
representative. The following shall be provided by the Contractor in advance of the
o Schedule of Values
o List and contact information of all major subcontractors and suppliers
♦ Energy Performance Meeting for all subs with work in energy performance. Note:
The goal of this meeting is to reinforce the air tightness goals and to get everyone on
board (meet and educate subcontractors).
♦ Pre-Submittal Mechanical Meetings: Mechanical Contractor is invited to an optional
pre-submittal meeting at the Kohler and Lewis office to help them prepare submittals.
The ATC subcontractor has a required pre-submittal meeting at Kohler and Lewis
♦ Weekly Jobsite Meetings: Architect, General Contractor, Owner’s representative in
attendance at all meetings. Sub-contractors in attendance for all meetings related
specifically to their work. Mechanical engineers and contractors in attendance at
meetings prior to commencement of work, and as needed. Alternatively, attendance
by speakerphone may be acceptable, for encouraging maximum economy and energy
♦ Progress Schedules (bar chart): required and updated monthly
♦ General Contractor is responsible for the Coordination of scheduling, submittals, and
Work of various sections of Specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of
installation of interdependent construction elements.
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01300: Submittals and Substitutions
Submittals shall be required for the following. Contractor-initiated requests for
substitutions to materials and systems specified, shall be made in writing for review by
♦ Concrete mix
♦ Wall assembly and air sealing: full mockup with window installed and flashed per
♦ Trusses
♦ Cabinetry
♦ Roofing
♦ Doors, frames, hardware
♦ Windows, skylights
♦ Fire code gypsum board
♦ Experience with Airtight Drywall Approach or similar airtight construction: The
General Contractor shall submit documentation of experience in meeting blower door
testing on a minimum of three previous projects.
♦ Paint
♦ Acoustic panels
♦ Equipment
♦ Toilet accessories
♦ Mechanical
♦ Sprinklers
♦ Electrical
♦ Plumbing
01350: Selections, Options and Upgrades
♦ Selections shall be offered to the individual unit Owners at no additional cost for the
following. All color palettes listed within this section shall to be determined by
architect (working with client subcommittee). Distribution of exterior colors within
community shall be determined by architect (working with client subcommittee).
Selection of interior colors shall be by individual home owner.
o Roof shingle colors: from palette of 4 (light colors to minimize heat gain)
o Exterior paint colors: from palette of 5
o Exterior trim paint color: from palette of 3 (see Alternates and Upgrades)
o Interior wall color: from palette of 2 (see Alternates and Upgrades)
o Plastic Laminate color: from palette of 5
o Swanstone Countertop colors: from palette of 5 standard colors.
o Linoleum color: from palette of 3
o Natural pine (with natural finish, all coats) or poplar interior trim (primed
only - Painting by upgrade, see below)
Options and Upgrades: A limited number of predetermined upgrades and options
shall be offered to the individual unit Owners PRIOR to the commencement of
construction. Absolutely no options or upgrades shall be accepted by the Contractor after
construction start-up. The Contractor will establish a cost for each upgrade, dependent
on unit type. The list of upgrades will NOT include any changes that require any
structural changes to the buildings. NOTE: these lists need to be reviewed by selected
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contractor for his/her input on how easily they are accommodated without adding costs
and/or delays to overall project.Upgrades:
o Gas range: substitute standard gas range for standard electric range. To
include gas piping and individual propane tanks located close to unit.
o Painting (walls): 2 coats of finish paint unit walls
o Painting (trim): 2 coats of finish paint unit trim
o Wood flooring upgrade to hardwood from pine
o Countertops: upgrade from standard plastic laminate to other (selections to be
o Kitchen Upper Cabinets (base spec is for lower cabinets only, except at range
o Interior doors:
ƒ upgrade from standard flush, hollow-core birch doors, to solid-core,
ƒ upgrade to solid pine, 4-panel doors
o Kitchen sink: from double to single Roy thinks this can be a selction between
single and double. Check with contractor.
o Toilets: from 1.6 gallon to dual flush
o Carport within shared carport structure (this item needs to be coordinated with
site plan for distribution, etc.)
o Skylights and light-tubes in pre-designed location(s)
o Air conditioning within individual units – ductless mini-split as the only
option to be offered (DISCUSSION ITEM – do we put refrigerant lines in
every unit?)
o Dishwashers: furnish and install standard Energy Star dishwasher within
individual units.
o Microwave ovens: furnish and install standard Energy Star microwave within
individual units
o Waste water heat recovery (per shower, but in slab-on-grade, first floor
locations) – Roy does not recommend this, solar more important
o Solar domestic hot water. DISCUSSION ITEM: possibly include in base spec
for all buildings?
o Additional electric lighting fixtures (e.g. track lights, wall sconces, recessed
cans in uninsulated ceiling areas)
o Additional electric items (ceiling fans, whole house fans)
o Central Vacuum (units, included under base spec for common house)
o RECOMMENATION: Do NOT include finishing of attic as an option. This
is a BIG item and can easily be done by homeowner or contractor later.
01400: Quality Control
♦ Energy Star Requirements, Inspections, etc.
♦ Performance Testing - Blower Door testing: 0.18 CFM50/ft2 of shell. (which does
not include any floor slab but does include basement walls – need MR to explain this
better). Note: This is roughly equal to the Energy Crafted Home standard of 1 in 2
ELA per 100 ft2 of shell.
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♦ Commissioning of mechanical systems. Expensive but effective – I recommend it as
an upgrade option for units. Would be a good idea as base bid for the common house
and wood boiler plant. (RS)
♦ Mock-ups – build entire wall mock up including window – use as educational tool for
subs. Contractor shall follow window installation sequence indicated on drawings.
01500: Construction Facilities & Temporary Controls
♦ The General Contractor shall maintain an office on site with facilities for
conferencing and teleconferencing.
♦ Temporary Electric Service installed and paid for by General Contractor
♦ Dumpster provided and paid by General Contractor.
♦ Port-a-potty(ies) shall be provided and maintained on site by General Contractor.
♦ Premises will be left each day by each subcontractor broom clean.
♦ Temporary Controls:
♦ Construction Materials shall be stored off the ground and covered to avoid
absorption of moisture and damage.
♦ Mechanical ducts shall be sealed during construction.
♦ Avoid exposure of absorbent materials to VOCs during construction.
01505: Construction Waste Management
♦ Waste Management: maximum 2.5 lbs per square foot of construction waste sent to
landfill (LEED MR-6.2) – does this impact cost?
♦ Have framers make all cuts in one central area to maximize the usage
of scrap that has already been cut.
♦ Provide Staging Areas for sorting, separating, and storing different types of
construction wastes. Review this section with contractor to determine what is
achievable without significant cost to project.
♦ Contractor shall separate all solid wood scraps. RECOMMENDATION: Owners
shall be responsible for periodic consolidation and storage of wood waste that has
been separated by contractor.
01700: Contract Closeout
♦ Substantial and Final completion as defined in standard Construction Contract
♦ Punch list procedures: Contractor shall walk through each unit with architect and/or
Owner’s representative to determine punch list which shall be monetized by the
♦ Commissioning for the common house and mechanical building would be a separate
contract with a third party commissioning agent. Any optional unit commissioning
would also be separate individual contracts, but should be bid out as one package for
cost economy. Commissioning may not be required for anything but the common
house, depending on the mechanical systems approach to be chosen.
♦ Final Cleaning: We should get the input of the Contractor regarding these items (cost)
o Final cleaning of units and common house (including plumbing fixtures) by
o Unit and Common House windows washed by Owner
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♦ Project Record Documents (as-builts) of all buildings shall be required.
♦ Operation and maintenance manuals of all systems shall be required.
Division 2 - Site Work
Except as noted below, this work is under site specifications and contract
what else should be in this section of spec?? Ask Walt and Mollie Coordinate with site
specifications and GPR.
Owners to install pavers at common house courtyard (are there other areas of pavers) and
plant all trees and shrubs. Coordinate this with GPR, what about fire truck access?
♦ Excavation for building foundations
o Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil under site contract
o Blasting by unit cost. Contractor shall provide a unit cost for blasting and
removal of rock. Rock storage on site as per directives in site contract.
♦ Foundation Drainage: Install 4-inch diameter perforated footing drain in backfill of
gravel or suitable site material, pitched to daylight or drywell. Are there affordable
alternatives to PVC?
♦ Backfilling of Foundations (rough and finish grading under site contract)
Division 3 - Concrete
03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete
♦ All concrete to be 2500 PSI or better; foundation walls to be 3000 PSI or better.
♦ All concrete form tie holes to be water plugged.
♦ Contractor may consider fly-ash additive, if cost effective. MR – I would set a
requirement for either fly ash or blast furnace slag – check with the structural
engineer – there are ASTM and ACI standards for these
Since most of the buildings are slab on grade, does it save much money to have concrete
floors instead of sleepers and wood floors (first floor only). The slabs would be scored at
48” grid, and stained.
03310 Preparation for future Radon Mitigation (LEED 9.1 and/or 9.2 ?)
To permit future radon mitigation, basement slabs and slabs on grade to be constructed as
• Install 4” of clean, uniform-sized stone (approximately 3/4" diameter). Provide capped
pipe to penetrate slab in locations as shown on drawings.
Division 5 – Metals
♦ Fasteners
♦ Grate at common house entrance: 48 x 24 metal grate with 1x2 grill, set flush into
front deck. See Add Alternate List
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Division 6 - Wood and Plastics
06100 Rough Carpentry
Advance framing techniques (LEED MR-2.2) – For more detailed descriptions and
drawings, refer to http://www.buildingscience.com/designsthatwork/advanced
• Space joists and studs at approximately 24” o.c.
• Size headers for actual loads; eliminate headers in non-bearing walls
• Use ladder blocking at rake overhangs
• Use drywall clips
• Use single top plate with plate connectors
• Use two-stud corners
Wall Framing and Sheathing:
♦ Exterior walls: #2 SPF 2x6 studs @ 24" on center (see Alternates for additional 2x
strapping), 1/2" OSB or CDX plywood sheathing. Corners shall be insulated using
advanced framing techniques.
♦ Interior partitions: #2 SPF 2x4 studs @ 16" o.c.. Stand perpendicular walls off
exterior walls to allow gypsum board installation to be continuous.
♦ Party Walls: double 2x6 stud wall detailed as per drawings (separated by 1”, with
sound dampening as per section 07210)
♦ Headers: #2 SPF, sizes as noted in plans; exterior headers to be insulated.
♦ Sills: 2x6, treated with TimberSIL’s patented Sodium Silicate Technology (SST)
♦ Carport frame and walls: #2 SPF 2x4 studs @ 16" on center
♦ As required by code.
♦ Provide additional blocking as required for the following locations:
o Grab bars in all Common House bathrooms
o Future grab bars in first floor bathrooms of all units.
o All kitchen cabinetry, including blocking for future upper cabinets if upper
cabinets are deleted (see Alternates).
♦ Floor joists: TJI, truss joists, sizes as noted on drawings.
♦ Sleepers: pressure treated (treated with TimberSIL’s patented Sodium Silicate
Technology (SST)) (first floor over slab on grade): or floating floor on dri-core
♦ Subfloors: 3/4" CDX plywood, complying with the following outgassing standard for
formaldehyde: On the ASTM E-1333 test, the level shall be 100 ppb or less. (Note:
This is more stringent than the HUD compliance level of 300 ppb.) MR – is there a
brand you prefer – it always helps the builder to spec one product that meets
you spec. Does the subfloor need to be plywood or can it be OSB such as
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♦ Underlayment for resilient flooring: additional layer of ULX plywood, complying
with same standard as above if possible. MR – you should find out if it’s possible
and specify what you want
♦ Trussed Roofs (Common House, Carports, Mechanical Shed): engineered and
stamped by truss manufacturer to meet design and loads as designated on drawings.
♦ Main Roof Rafters (all units): sized and spaced as noted on plans (see Alternates for
thicker roof assembly).
♦ Sheathing: 5/8" CDX plywood secured with clips as required for 24” rafter and truss
spacing. MR – is OSB acceptable?
♦ Porch Rafters (Common House and Units): sized and spaced as noted on plans.
♦ Porch sheathing: exposed from below: beaded plywood, painted..
Porches and Decks:
♦ Joists: Treated southern yellow pine, sized and spaced as noted on plans. Treated
with TimberSIL’s patented Sodium Silicate Technology (SST)
♦ Decking: 1 x 6 recycled plastic / wood composite decking - “Trex”, “Choice Deck”,
or equal
Exposed Exterior Posts, Beams, Brackets, & Rafters:
♦ STK cedar, sized as noted on plans, painted (local sustainable, or Port-Orford).
Construction Adhesives:
Water-based adhesives: RL1168 sub-floor and shear wall adhesive by Tacc
International, available from Environmental Construction Outfitters (800-238-5008), or
06200 Finish Carpentry - Interior
Interior Trim:
♦ Common House:
o All door and window trim and baseboard to be No. 2 pine (natural finish, all
coats included)
♦ Units
o All door and interior trim and baseboard to be poplar (primed only, painting as
upgrade), or No. 2 pine (natural finish, all coats listed in painting section
included in base spec.). See Selections and Upgrades.
o Note: exterior windows shall have gypsum board returns with the exception of
the sills (see below). See Alternates for addition of trim.
♦ Sizes of trim shall be as follows (all sizes are nominal):
o 1” x 5” windowsills
o 1x4 headers
o 1x4 casing on sides and aprons
o 1x6 baseboard
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Common House Tack Boards:
♦ Painted Homasote or equal (fire rated?) in pine frame
Common House Closet Shelving:
♦ 6 shelves in lengths and configuration as shown on plans
♦ Solid Pine fixed shelving. DISCUSSION ITEM: Should Common House shelving be
included at all?
Unit Closet Shelving:
♦ All shelving shall be solid pine, fixed. Wooden closet pole.
o Storage, linen closets: 6 shelves in lengths and configuration as shown on plans
o Bedroom and coat closets: 1 rod and two shelves in lengths and configuration
as shown on plans
o DISCUSSION ITEM: Should Unit shelving be included at all?
♦ Basement stairs (4 walk-out units only): utility grade with fir handrail.
♦ Main stairs (all units): Southern yellow pine treads and risers. Half-height walls
where indicated on plans with wood cap (No 2 pine), natural finish.
♦ Attic stairs (all units except 1 BR): utility grade with fir handrail.
♦ Pull down attic stairs (2 locations: 1 BR, second floor units only)
Fireplace (Common House only):
♦ Installation of pre-fabricated fireplace unit and flue. Connect to outside combustion
air duct (LEED 2.2).
♦ Mantel:
06210 Finish Carpentry - Exterior
Siding (Units and Common House):
♦ Hardi-Plank fiber-cement clapboard, factory primed all sides. 5" exposure - 1-1/4"
♦ Check into 15 year paint warranty (manufacturer and colors)???
Siding (carports) – See Options
♦ Hardi-Board panels, vertical siding, painted
Exterior Trim:
Georgia-Pacific Prime-Trim.
♦ Fascia - 1 x 6 w/ 1 x 3 drip
♦ Soffit (Common House only) – Painted T-111 (24” deep vented at eaves, 12” deep
unvented at rake)
♦ Soffit (Units) – Painted pine of T-111 (12” deep vented at eaves, 6” deep unvented at
♦ Rake Fascia -1 x 8 w/ 1 x 3
♦ Window and door trim - 5/4 x 4
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♦ Corner boards - 5/4 x 6
♦ Frieze - 5/4 x 4
♦ Horizontal band - 5/4 x 6
Common House Screened Porch – See Add Alternates
♦ Insect screening in custom frames
♦ Frames: cedar
♦ Window stops
06240 Plastic Laminate
♦ Plastic laminate
o Counter tops and backsplash (Common House bathrooms)
o Counter tops and backsplash (Unit Kitchens) – See Upgrades.
o Wilsonart or equal, matte finish. Color and pattern to be selected by Owner (5
options will be identified for residential units).
♦ Substrate: Exterior grade plywood
♦ Adhesive: Laminate to be adhered to substrate using Elmer's Neoprene Contact
Cement, available from Borden, Inc., 800-426-7336 (stock #E 752), or other water-
based contact adhesive.
06405 Cabinetry:
Unit Kitchens
In configurations as shown on drawings: Note: kitchen cabinets are standardized (5 unit
types with one less cabinet in the 1-BR units and additional “island” in Large 3 and 4 BR
♦ Kitchen Cabinets shall be Solid Pine by Young Cabinets,
o Base cabinets included
o One upper wall cabinet at range ventilation hood only, include additional upper
cabinets as a standard upgrade.
♦ Kitchen base cabinets to be 36” high
♦ Countertops and backsplashes: (see 06240 Plastic Laminate and Upgrades)
Unit Bathroom vanities:
♦ Vanities shall be 36” high
♦ One piece molded sink / countertop – Swanstone VT series, or equal. Standard colors
to be selected by Owner Selection.
Common House kitchen:
♦ All Common House kitchen bases, shelving and overhead racks shall be stainless
steel wire, purchased by Owner and installed by Contractor.
♦ Island counter top: maple butcher block
♦ Pass-thru counter top: Wood?
♦ Work table surfaces: stainless steel counters, purchase by Owner and installed by
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Common House Bathrooms:
♦ No base cabinet (open for handicap access)
♦ One piece molded sink / countertop – Swanstone, or equal. Support countertop with
custom wall mounted bracket, painted.
Common House laundry
♦ Laundry Counter:
o Solid wood supporting frame, unfinished
o Countertops: (see 06240 Plastic Laminate)
Common House coat room
♦ Coat Hooks
o 1x6 hardwood back, in lengths as shown on drawings
o Shaker pegs stagger height @ 3” o.c.
♦ Cubbies
o Cubbies shall be constructed of solid pine. DISCUSSION ITEM: Should
Common House cubbies be included now?
Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
LEED EA-2.3 Above Code Insulation: at least 5% > local code per REScheck
07110 Foundation Dampproofing:
♦ Asphalt foundation coating to be applied on all foundation walls (four walkout
buildings only). MR – I’d spec a water-based dampproofing. I prefer
cementitous dampproofing like Thoroseal.
07210 Building Insulation and Air Sealing
Coordinate thermal insulation in exterior walls and sound damping at Party walls with
plumbing contractor to insure proper installation of insulation behind fiberglass tub units.
Thermal Insulation:
♦ Walls: 5 ½” dense-packed cellulose. Cellulose shall be blown to minimum 3.2 pcf
behind Polypropylene Fiber Mesh (“Insul-Web” or equal). Cloth shall be secured to
studs and plates with staples and glue (refer to installation guidelines for Regal Wal
system.) See Alternates for increased wall insulation.
♦ Roofs/Ceilings: dense-packed cellulose to full depth of roof cavity (air space
maintained at sloped ceilings with Propa-Vent, or equal). Blow Min. 3.2 pcf installed
density behind “Insul Web” or similar cloth. Cloth to be secured to plates and studs
with staples and glue. Support insulation in sloped ceilings with 1x strapping @ 16”
o.c. See Alternates for increased ceiling insulation.
♦ First Floor (over unfinished walk-out basements – 4 buildings total): paper faced
fiberglass batts (R-19). Ask MR for his input on type of insulation for this location.
♦ Underslab: 1.5” dense EPS, Type IX (1.5 lb/CF minimum) or XPS (R-7.5),
continuous under entire slab, including walkout basements.
♦ Slab edge: 2” dense EPS, Type IX (1.5 lb/CF minimum), (R-10)
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♦ Sealing of cracks: All exterior cracks to be sealed with Pur-Fill 1G expanding
urethane foam, or equal; for Pur-Fill 1G, use Pageris Foam Gun; both available from
Energy Federation (508-651-3818).
♦ Band joists: Insulate with 2” EPS (R-10) at exterior MR – need to show detail on
drawings. NB that you can’t nail anything substantial in the band joist area if
you use exterior foam.
♦ Headers: Insulate exterior headers with EPS.
♦ Window rough openings: fill with non-expanding foam.
Sound dampening:
♦ Units:
o Party walls:
♦ Acoustic fiberglass or mineral fiber batts in double framed wall.
♦ ¼” sound board, installed on both sides of wall
o Plumbing: Install fiberglass around plumbing pipes in walls and floors above
1st floor deck, and around bathrooms. No plumbing supplies or vents shall be
run within party walls.
♦ Common House
o See 09500 Acoustical Ceilings
o Install fiberglass around bathrooms.
Fire Sealing:
♦ All penetrations in fire separation walls
♦ Fire seal around common house kitchen hood. Units too???
Air Sealing:
♦ Air-tight Drywall Approach (ADA) shall be utilized for air sealing: See 09260
Gypsum Wallboard System.
♦ Air-seal to exceed Energy Star (LEED EA-1.1 and 3.1). Specify
♦ 6 mil polyethylene stapled inside all ceilings, taped or sealed at all joints and
penetrations in ceilings. Note: poly air-barrier is NOT required at the walls in
ADA approach.
♦ Tape: 3M 8086 construction tape or approved equal.
♦ Sealant: Tremco acoustical sealant or approved equal.
♦ Taping to be used instead of sealant wherever practicable.
♦ Sills: Foam between foundation and sills using Pur-Fill 1G expanding urethane foam,
or equal. MR – caulk may be better here as the gaps are usually small. Make
sure they hold the sill seal back ½ inch from inside face of sill to allow for
♦ Other locations: Seal between wall bottom plates and deck and both edges of band
joists with a bead of construction adhesive.
♦ See also "sealing of cracks" above (under "Insulation").
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07311 Roofing
♦ Shingles:
o Units and Common House: 30-year asphalt-fiberglass shingles. Color selected
by Owner (see Selections).
o Carports: cheaper shingle or corrugated translucent panels?
♦ Drip edge: 8" heavy gauge aluminum.
♦ Flashing: as required.
o Step flashing: 3x5 step flashing.
♦ Bituthene in all valleys and eaves
♦ Gutters: none
♦ Rain Diverters: install diverters on porch roofs above all front doors where pitch runs
towards front walk.
♦ Roof venting: Continuous baffled ridge vent (by AirVent) and soffit vent. Propa-
Vents in rafter bays at all eave ends and in sloped ceiling areas. Provide insulation
baffles to maintain continuous ventilation channel at all sloped ceilings (note: all
units have insulated attics); baffles must be sufficiently solid to prevent buckling
during cellulose installation; overlap baffles to prevent cellulose from pushing
through joints into ventilation cavity. I don’t understand the need for roof venting
when the roof is insulated. I wonder if, with the 1” rigid added underneath, no roof
venting would be needed at all. (RS)
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07810 Skylights
♦ Venting Skylights
o See 01350: Options
o Meet ENERGY STAR for windows (LEED EA-4.1)
♦ Tubular skylights
o Common House bathrooms & halls: See Add Alternates
o Units: See 01350: Options
o DayLite 8 by The DayLite Company with light fixture (www.huvco.com), or
o 8” diameter tube with extensions as required to reach roof. Exterior
penetrations shall be on north side of roof (so as not to interfere with current
or future solar collectors on south side).
Division 8 - Doors and Windows
08100 Exterior Doors:
♦ All doors per door schedule on plans, painted.
♦ All glass on exterior doors to be low-e, Argon-filled, tempered.
♦ All exterior doors shall have weatherstripping at full perimeter.
♦ Units:
o DISCUSSION ITEM: Should all unit exterior swing doors be fiberglass?
Survey indicates a slight preference for this choice but it costs more money than
insulated metal. Marc thinks insulated metal is fine – magnetic weatherstrip is
o All exterior doors shall have screen / storm door with heavy duty hardware
DISCUSSION ITEM: do we eliminate screen / storm doors and offer them as
an upgrade?
o Front Doors: half glass
o Side / Rear doors: full glass
♦ Unit Door Hardware
o All exterior doors shall have deadbolts
o DISCUSSION ITEM: Should all residential doors have regular knobs? Should
front door have lever handle? Should lever handles (for all doors in unit) be
provided as a standard upgrade?
♦ Common House
o Front door: Solid wood (fir), double leaf with weatherstripping between panels,
full glass, divided lites.
o Side and rear doors: full or half glass as per plans and schedules.
DISCUSSION ITEM: Should all side and rear common house exterior swing
doors be fiberglass? Survey indicates a slight preference for this choice but it
costs more money than insulated metal.
o Great Room doors: double leaf with weatherstripping between panels, full
glass, removable mullions
o Screen door (one door at back hall near kitchen, only); is sliding type
♦ Common House door hardware
o Lever handles throughout
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o Front and Kitchen door shall have code operation on locking device
o Panic devices as per schedule
o Kick and push plates
o Closers on all exterior (and fire rated?) doors
♦ Mechanical Shed
o Exterior door: insulated flush metal, painted
♦ Screened Porch Doors
08200 Interior Doors:
♦ Interior doors: sizes as indicated on door schedule, natural finish, except as noted
♦ All glazing shall be single, tempered
♦ Unit Interior Doors
o Hollow core, flush birch, 1 3/8” thick, with bi-fold hardware at closet doors
where indicated. See Upgrades. DISCUSSION ITEM: do we eliminate closet
doors and offer them as an upgrade?
♦ Unit Interior Door Hardware:
o DISCUSSION: Should all residential doors have regular knobs? Could lever
handles (for all doors in unit) be provided as a standard upgrade? What is the
cost difference?
o Locks at bathrooms and master bedroom
♦ Common House
o Fire rated doors:
o Regular interior doors: flush, solid-core birch, with a natural wood finish
o Glazed French Doors: Brosco Pine M-3912
o Shuttered openings between Kitchen and Great Room: custom built with
hollow core, flush birch doors (cut to fit) panels, framed as required in solid
♦ Common House Interior Door Hardware
o Lever handles
o Keyed locksets at Guest Rooms
o Locksets at Bathrooms
o Latch (mounted above child’s reach at: mechanical and storage doors)
o Closers on fire rated doors
08400 Interior Windows
♦ Site built frames
♦ Single glass, tempered where indicated on schedule
♦ Removable glazing stops
08600 Exterior Windows:
♦ See Alternates for improved windows.
♦ Windows shall be double hungs (tilt-n-wash) and casements in sizes and locations as
indicated on schedules and drawings.
♦ Window Manufacturer: Andersen , wood-clad (vinyl clad), with double low-e,
Argon-filled glazing. Note: We are researching moderately priced, good quality
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alternatives to Andersen that are not vinyl clad. However, most seem to have reduced
solar heat gain and visible light transmittance.
o “High Performance Glass”: Low-E double-glazing, argon filled
ƒ Whole Unit U-value = 0.32
ƒ Center of glass U-factor = 0.28
ƒ Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) = 0.43
ƒ Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) = 73%
o High-Performance Sun II Glass: Low-E double-glazing, argon filled - Consider
using this glazing on any elevations with western exposure. Would this add
much to the cost?
ƒ Whole Unit U-value = 0.33
ƒ Center of glass U-factor = 0.31
ƒ Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) = 0.31
ƒ Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) = 40%
o Wood interior,vinyl exterior cladding.
o Cladding color shall be standard colors as provided by the manufacturer and as
selected by Owner.
o Provide insect screens for all operable windows: standard flat insect screen
o Hardware shall be standard finish
o Tempered safety glass in any locations??
o Mullions are not included in this project.
♦ Refer to 01400: Quality Control for mock-up of window installation. Contractor
shall follow window installation sequence indicated on drawings.
Division 9 - Finishes
09500: Acoustical Ceilings
♦ Common House
o Great Room Ceiling(s): 1” wrapped, fiberglass panels. “Nubby” by Armstrong,
or equal. Mount with ½” x 1 ½” wood batts, nailed to truss chords in 48” x 48”
grid. RECOMMENDATION: It is fairly easy to add acoustic treatment to
rooms later. Therefore we do not recommend that you treat the Children’s Play
room, music rooms, or recreation room at this time.
09560: Wood Flooring
♦ Common House:
o ALL floor areas except common house kitchen and toilet rooms: Least
expensive hardwood species readily available (see Alternates for FSC certified)
o Note: subfloor on sleepers over slab-on-grade (see Rough Framing)
♦ Units:
o ALL floor areas, including but not limited to Living, Kitchens, Bedrooms, and
bathrooms: White pine, locally sourced if possible. See Upgrades.
DISCUSSION ITEM: Should we consider eliminating flooring in all second
level room and paint subfloor?
o Note: first floor subfloor on sleepers over slab-on-grade (see Rough Framing)
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09601: Flooring Adhesives
♦ Low- or no-VOC, use flooring manufacturer’s recommendation where complies.
♦ Consider max of 150 g/l.
♦ Envirotech, W. F. Taylor.
09650: Resilient Flooring
♦ Install over ULX plywood underlayment (06100 Rough Carpentry). Note: first floor
on sleepers over slab-on-grade units and common house (see Rough Framing)
♦ Common House Bathrooms: either natural linoleum or cork, whichever is least
expensive and/or more readily available, to be decided
♦ Unit Bathrooms: See wood flooring, above.
09700: Epoxy Flooring
♦ Epoxy flooring shall be used in the Common House kitchen – Check pricing. Install
over ULX plywood underlayment (06100 Rough Carpentry). Note: subfloor on
sleepers over slab-on-grade (see Rough Framing).
09260 Gypsum Wallboard System
♦ Airtight Drywall Approach (ADA): for more information and details go to:
♦ For all ceilings and walls, except party walls: 5/8" gypsum board where framing is
24" o.c.; 1/2" gypsum board where framing is 16" o.c..
♦ Party walls, fire-rated ceilings and other fire separation assemblies: 5/8” fire code
gypsum board (in quantity and location as shown on plans and details)
♦ Finish: Smooth finish (no texture applied).
09900 Painting
Interior Paint (units and common house):
♦ Walls: Benjamin Moore Pristine non-VOC latex. Primer and eggshell finish paint –
o 1 coat primer
o 2 finish coats on all walls and ceilings (see Deduct Alternates for finish coats in
units, see Add Alternative for finish coat in Common House).
o See 01350 Selections: for color selections
♦ Ceilings: Benjamin Moore Pristine non-VOC latex. Primer and eggshell finish paint
- 1 coat primer, 1 finish coat on all ceilings, Color: “ceiling white”
♦ Trim:
o See 01350 Selections and Upgrades: for finish and color selections
o See 01100 Add Alternates for addition of window trim
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Exterior Paint:
♦ Hardi-plank: Factory primed all sides. Two top coats 100% acrylic latex exterior
paint. Research Factory painted (first top coat) for 15-year paint warranty.
o See 01350: for color selections
♦ Exterior trim (Georgia-Pacific Prime Trim): Factory primed. Two top coats 100%
acrylic latex exterior paint.
o See 01350: for color selections
♦ Painted doors: Factory primed. Two top coats 100% acrylic latex exterior paint.
o See 01350: for color selections
09950 Clear (“natural”) Finishes
Wood floors (Common House and residential units):
♦ Water-based Polyurethane, Matte, 3 coats, shall be used on all wood floors..
Natural Pine Trim and Interior doors (Common House and residential units):
♦ Water-based Polyurethane, Matte, 2 coats.
Division 11 - Equipment
11400 Common House Kitchen Equipment
♦ Owner to purchase all equipment, Contractor shall install:
o Gas range (6 burner with 2 ovens and grill or one oven/range and
convection oven)
o Electric range (2 burners for accessible range)
o Microwave oven
o Floor-mounted commercial dishwasher (with gas booster heater and
ventilation as required) to be installed. DISCUSSION: Should
Dishwasher be raised +/- 12” or to counter level?
o Range Hood (may require Ansul (or equal) fire suppression). I think the
contractor should purchase and install the range hood system. We
normally spec a variable airflow hood that greatly reduces energy
consumption. We would need to know the size and BTUs of the range to
be used. (RS)
o Refrigerator(s): one or two to be determined
♦ Central Vacuum: installed by supplier under separate Contract (LEED IEQ-
8.2). See Add Alternates
11450 Residential Equipment
♦ Furnish and install the following appliances: Electric oven / range (option Owner-
purchased standard upgrade to gas), multi-speed, quiet range hood, refrigerator.
Contractor shall select ENERGY STAR appliances from LEED list (LEED EA-9.1).
We would like to spec the range hood, with your suggestions. (RS)
♦ Dishwasher shall be a standard Owner-purchased option in 2, 3 and 4 BR units. See
♦ Microwave shall be a standard Owner-purchased option in all unit types. See Options.
♦ On range hood, install ducting out of the building shell.
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Division 12: Furnishings
Bathroom furnishings:
♦ Units: all accessories (medicine cabinet, mirror, towel bar, toilet paper
holder) will be provided and installed by individual homeowners AFTER
move-in. DISCUSSION ITEM: To have units ready for aging-in-place,
consider 1-inch grab bars as towel bars, securely mounted, installed as
part of the regular project. (RS)
♦ Common House: The following will be furnished by the Owner and installed
by the Contractor: mirrors, towel bars, toilet paper holders.
♦ Grab bars: grab bars for handicap accessible toilets (in Common House) shall
be furnished and installed by the Contractor. See 06100 Rough Carpentry for
Walk-off Mats
♦ Common House entrances: in sizes as shown on plans
U. S. Postal Mail box – Verify that post office accepts this
♦ One central mail box in Common house mail room, include 50 boxes
Division 15 - Mechanical
15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System
♦ Common House – full system
♦ Mechanical Shed??
♦ Units: Sprinklers in all residential buildings
• 13R Residential system.
• Supply: estimated system would require 60 gallons per minute at 50-60 PSI; 20
minute supply. The wells do not supply this, but there is a tank for peak morning
demand which probably could.
• “Wet system” with “T” at the house (domestic and backflow/fire protection).
♦ Plastic pipe (avoid PVC and CPVC?)
♦ Coordinate with alarm
15400 Plumbing
♦ Septic tank and field by separate contract. Plumbing Contractor to bring waste to
point approximately 10’ from building.
♦ Well for domestic water to be by separate contract. Plumbing Contractor to bring
water piping to approximately 10’ from building.
♦ Each residential building and common house to have backflow preventer and shutoff
valves located at the outside of the building.
♦ Water supply piping to be copper. (PEX or PVC/CPVC shall not be considered as an
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♦ Include shut-off valves at all fixtures, including toilets, sinks, washers, and
dishwashers. These shall be ¼ turn ball valves.
♦ No supply piping in exterior walls (except non-freeze outside faucets).
♦ Drain, waste, & vent to be ABS plastic in Units and Common House. Consider a bid
alternate for cast iron pipe in the Common House. Advantages include: made
from a recycled/recyclable material, not made from oil, probably longer
lasting and lowest life cycle cost, and quieter. (RS)
♦ Seal penetrations at tub locations at floor level. For tubs on slab-on-grade floors
access shall be provided to the traps. How do we provide this?
♦ Plumbing contractor to install gas lines within house to stub outside of house. Final
connection shall be by gas company. Run gas piping underslab (in a sleeve and
trench) or ceiling as per drawings. Gas piping to boiler (if there is one, for back-up
purposes when the wood system is out of service), drier (in Common House) and
kitchen range/oven. Also to optional gas ranges in units. And gas driers, if this is an
option. (RS)
♦ Units: Hook-up for washing machine: Single lever control for shutting off the
cold and hot water supplies. Note: see electrical section for drier hook-ups in
♦ Common House: Hook up for 3 washing machines and 2 gas driers These washers
should have the electric valves, and a floor drain in the room. (RS)
♦ See 01350: Selections, Options and Upgrades
♦ Ball valves?
♦ Plumbing Contractor shall coordinate with insulation of exterior and party walls to
insure full thermal and acoustical insulation installation, prior to installation of tubs.
Tub installation shall not block access to wall cavities until they are insulated. No
plumbing supplies or vents (with exception of kitchen sink) shall be run in exterior or
party walls.
Unit Fixtures:
♦ All fixtures (toilets, showers, and faucets) shall be high efficiency (LEED WE-3.1)
♦ Bath / Shower units: one-piece fiberglass tub / shower with grab bars and low-flow
showerhead with shut off (showerhead less than 1.75 GPM @ 50 PSI (except for one model that Marc hated). I
will need help if we want to get to 1.5. (RS)
♦ Accessible Unit Bath / Shower.
♦ Toilets: 1.6 gallon maximum, Dual flush as upgrade only
♦ Bathroom sinks and controls: one piece molded sink / counter, Swanstone, or equal
(see cabinetry section) include low flow aerator (♦ Kitchen sinks and controls: stainless steel, double sink include “trickle” control at
the aerator. High arch faucet and sprayer. Single sink as upgrade only.
♦ Faucets: Single handle, ceramic cartridge faucets. There are several “equal” brands,
including American Standard and Symmons. Sprayer for the kitchen sink. Single
handle pressure balance valve for tub/shower.
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Common House Fixtures:
♦ All fixtures (toilets, showers, and faucets) shall be high efficiency (LEED WE-3.1)
♦ Guest Shower: one-piece acrylic roll-in shower with fold-down seat and grab bars.
Can we get roll-in as prefab, or does it have to be tiled?
♦ Toilets. Dual Flush toilets in all common house bathrooms. Flush valve operation.
♦ Bathroom sinks
o Metering faucet
o Insulate pipes under sinks in handicap accessible toilets, using a stainless steel
guard, no PVC plastic.
♦ Kid’s Room sink?
♦ Laundry sink
♦ Mop sink
♦ Kitchen hand sink
♦ Vegetable washing sink
♦ Pre-rinse sink and sprayer
♦ Pot sink(s)
♦ Bar sink
♦ Will need grease interceptor in the floor (by plumbing engineer) and probably a big
concrete tank outside the building as well (by civil engineer). (RS)
Other requirements:
o Provide and install a minimum of one exterior frost-free faucet at each unit. Note:
Mass plumbing code requires a minimum of one per 100 feet of perimeter.
o Provide and install a minimum of four exterior frost-free faucets at common house
(one per elevation. Note: Mass plumbing code requires a minimum of one per 100
feet of perimeter.
o Grease trap? probably not in the units; will have to check with plumbing inspector.
o Kitchen floor drain(s) in the common house; not in the units. (RS)
15500 HVAC
♦ Outdoor Air ventilation and local exhaust shall meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2 (LEED
IEQ-4.1 and 5.1)
♦ Meet ENERGY STAR for HVAC with manual J & refrigerant charge test (LEED
♦ Space heating and DHW equipment with closed/power-exhaust and CO Monitor
(LEED 2.1) Yes, unless there is a back-up gas boiler (RS).
Propane Fuel
Common House: Buried tank for Common House provided and installed by gas
company, coordinated by General Contractor. Excavating for tank hole and trenching by
General Contractor. Backfilling after inspection by General Contractor. Should the tank
be buried?
♦ Units: For optional propane at units, small tanks on grade? (RS)
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♦ Common House:
o Pellet Boiler
o Gas-fired back up boiler
o Two or three air handling units in the attic, serving the following zones: (1) Great
Room, dining niche, kitchen, (2) North side rooms, (3) South side rooms; (2) and
(3) might be combined; all these areas would have air conditioning and CO2
optimization of fresh air.
o A fan-powered heating(only) unit for the entry.
o Programmable thermostats. LuxPro PSP511LA (5 day/2 day.
♦ Units:
o One pellet stove per unit
o Chimney or through-the-wall exhaust as required
o Electric baseboard backup in remote rooms and additional locations as may be
required by code or bank
o Programmable thermostats. LuxPro PSP511LA (5 day/2 day
Air Conditioning - Common House
♦ Condensing Units. Mounted on pads on the ground, perhaps outside of kitchen north
wall. One for each AHU. Non-ozone depleting refrigerant, and very efficient, SEER
range 15-20.
♦ Ductwork:
o Supply Air Distribution shall meet ACCA Manual D. (LEED IEQ 6.1)
o Supply Air filtering shall be >/= 8) MERV Filters, with adequate system air flow
(LEED IEQ 7.1)
o Contaminant Control: Seal off all ducts during construction (LEED IEQ 8.1)
o Duct Tightness: third-party duct leakage tested outside (LEED EA-5.1) Do we want to do this - expensive - more of a commercial
issue. (DL)
o All ductwork to be included within the insulated envelope of the units and
common house.
o Seal all duct work (latexDL mastic)
o Duct work trunk lines and plenums should be sealed metal duct (not flex)
o Economizer; variable ventilation based on carbon dioxide monitoring; Direct
Digital Control System (for AHUs and boiler only; conventional thermostats as
described elsewhere). (RS)
Air Conditioning - Units:
♦ By upgrade only (see 01350: Selections, Options and Upgrades)
♦ Ductless mini splits
♦ DISCUSSION ITEM: should we consider plumbing all the units with refrigerant
line. What would this cost? Roy recommends picking locations, placing electrical
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Solar Domestic Hot Water:
♦ By upgrade only (see 01350: Selections, Options and Upgrades)
♦ Meet LEED EA-7.1 and 7.2 for improved hot water distribution, and water heating
Domestic Hot Water
Common House
o Storage tank
♦ Solar panels (per building)
♦ Preheat tank (per building)
♦ Electric tank (per unit)
♦ Outdoor Air ventilation and local exhaust shall meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2 (LEED
4.1 and 5.1).
♦ Units: Exhaust-only ventilation in bathrooms and kitchen with small, 3-inch “passive
inlets” for air admittance – probably not, confirm with MR.
♦ Unit CO2 monitoring. Roy recommends NOT including this because of budget
♦ Unit Bathrooms):
o Provide exhaust-only ventilation using bathroom fans. Options include:
o Use either Panasonic FV-08VQ2 (rated at 90 CFM at 0.1" static pressure,
0.9 sones), or FV-05VQ2 (rated at 50 CFM at 0.1" static pressure), or
equal low-sone constant duty fan (1 sone maximum).
o Some new Panasonic fans (WhisperGreen) can run continuously at a very
low airflow, and then, at the touch of a button, run at a higher speed for a
set amount of time. (DL & RS)
o If the fans don’t have built-in time-delay off, then this can be done with a
simple switch: EFI 5100. (RS)
o Duct exhaust to exterior
♦ Unit Kitchens:
o See 11450 Residential Equipment for kitchen hood
o Kitchen hood ducted directly to exterior
♦ Common House
o ERV unit. – eliminate? Or standard or as a bid alternate (RS)
o CO2 monitoring
o Fireplace combustion air: mechanical damper operated by accessible switch
to outside air. Provide underslab outside combustion air duct to fireplace
o Laundry and toilets would be exhaust air only.
♦ Whole House Fans – by Option only, but may not work with heated attic anyway.
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Division 16 - Electrical
16400 Electrical
Electrical service:
♦ Units: Provide and install 200 amp service, or as required by code.
♦ Common House:
♦ Mechanical Shed:
♦ Workshop, with power off panel
♦ Carports?
♦ Hot tub (location to be determined)
♦ Party walls: avoid back-to-back installations of electrical boxes, etc. that may
transfer noise. (There may be a fire requirement for this, too.) How about keeping
outlets out of exterior walls. (DL) I don’t think we can by code (LF))
♦ Hook-up for drier(s):
o Units: Hook-up for electric drier in each unit
o Common House: Electric valves. See plumbing section for gas driers. .
♦ Emergency electricity generation. A generator could serve the Common House only,
which could also have a gas boiler, so the Common House would be the shared place
of refuge and could be fully functional. (RS)
Smoke Detectors:
♦ Units: Locations and wiring as per code, hardwired with battery backup.
♦ Common House:
Carbon Monoxide Detection:
Units and Common House: Locations and wiring as per code, 1 per floor plus
mechanical space(s).
Other Alarming and fire protection Devises (Common House only):
♦ Fire extinguishers
♦ Pull stations
♦ Horn / Strobes
Lighting fixtures:
♦ In quantities and locations as indicated on drawings and schedules: Meet ENERGY
STAR advanced lighting package (LEED EA-8.2)
♦ Units:
o Dimmers, tracks, additional fixtures, etc. will be discussed in more detail as
possible OPTION items.
o Exterior (porches / doors)– wall mounted compact fluorescent, shielded for
glare and light pollution
o Interior lighting to roughly follow the following guidelines, though specific
floor plan layouts will influence final design:
o Entry – compact fluorescent surface mounted ceiling fixture
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o Living room – RECOMMENDATION: Switched outlets (2) only in Living
Room, no overhead box.
o Dining Room – overhead box, fixture by Owner
o Kitchen – 1-2 compact fluorescent cans, plus one over sink; consider light over
island where applicable
o Bedrooms(s) –Switched outlet (1) only in bedrooms
o Bathroom(s)
ƒ fluorescent over sink
ƒ Exhaust fan (see ventilation section) near shower.
o Hall (s) / Stair(s) – compact fluorescent, surface mounted ceiling fixture, 3-way
o Walk-in closets – compact fluorescent, surface mounted ceiling fixture
o Attic – compact fluorescent, bare bulb
o Basement - compact fluorescent, bare bulb
o Indirect light from wall sconces provides much better lighting than ceiling
fixtures (but probably is more expensive due to needing more fixtures). (RS)
♦ Common House:
o Fixtures as shown on drawings
o Motion sensors in the following rooms:
ƒ Mail/Coat Room
Data / phone / cable
Data: DISCUSSION: Should the Common House have wireless or Ethernet? (The
survey indicates a slight preference for wireless). Should the Individual units have a
choice between Wireless and Ethernet? (The survey indicates a preference for having a
Phone / cable: two locations per unit (three locations for 4-Bedroom unit), as per Owners
directions, coordinated with provider.
Speakers: See Add Alternates
Provide wiring and speakers for the following Common House locations: Great Room,
Kitchen, Multi-purpose Room, and Screened porch.