
DM-USDA-Security-Policies-and-Procedures-Excluding-Biosafety-Level-Facilities.pdf, updated 10/15/22, 10:30 AM


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United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service

DM 9610-2

USDA Security Policies and Procedures
For Laboratories and Technical Facilities
(Excluding Biosafety Level (BSL)-3 Facilities)







1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. Introduction

4. Abbreviations

5. Definitions

6. Responsibilities

7. Authorities, References, and Organizations

8. Asset Accountability

9. Physical Security

10. Cybersecurity

11. Human Reliability

12. Response Plans




Number 9610-2

SUBJECT: USDA Security Policies and Procedures For

Date: April 30, 2003
Laboratories and Technical Facilities (Excluding Biosafety
Level (BSL)-3 Facilities)
OPI: Agricultural Research


This Departmental Manual establishes the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
policy for the security of critical assets ( e g , equipment, facilities, functions, personnel,
and/or research or regulatory material/projects) with the exception of Biosafety Level
(BSL)-3 facilities, which are covered in USDA policies and procedures, USDA Security
Policies and Procedures for Biosafety Level-3 Facilities, and can be found at

This Manual includes guidance on the risk management approach and assigns
responsibilities for implementation to protect USDA assets. The risk management
approach is a systematic process to analyze threats, risks, and criticality of assets; to
assess consequences and vulnerabilities; and to recommend security countermeasures to
support key decisions linking resources with prioritized efforts for the most effective


This Departmental Manual applies to all USDA organizational elements and their
employees. This Manual also applies to USDA facilities operated on behalf of the USDA
by State and local government, universities, contractors, or other private organizations to
accomplish a USDA function. Finally, human reliability standards apply to anyone
involved in the design, development, acquisition, installation, operation, maintenance and
use of USDA security systems and countermeasures. It does not apply to purely
administrative facilities.


It is the policy of USDA to ensure appropriate levels of protection against unauthorized
access to USDA facilities; prevent the theft, diversion, or loss of USDA property; and
prevent other acts that may cause unacceptable adverse impacts on national security or on
the health and safety of USDA employees, the public, or the environment.
To accomplish this, USDA intends to use a “Risk Management Approach” to address
USDA physical security requirements. As defined by the General Accounting Office
(GAO), Risk Management is a systematic and structured process to consider the
likelihood that a threat will endanger an asset (e.g., a structure, individual, or function)
and to identify actions that reduce the risk and mitigate the consequences of an adverse
action /security breach.

The process begins with the identification of the assets to be protected. For pathogens,
this includes an identification of pathogens. Also, this includes an identification of the
risk involved if there is a release of the pathogen into the environment, either accidental
or deliberate.

An effective Risk Management Plan consists of a threat, vulnerability, and criticality
assessment. A threat assessment identifies and evaluates various threats and the
probability of their occurrence; a vulnerability assessment identifies weakness that may
be exploited and suggests countermeasures to eliminate or mitigate these weaknesses;
and a criticality assessment provides the basis for prioritizing assets when resources for
addressing vulnerabilities are insufficient.

- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- Agriculture Property Management Regulations

- Background Investigation
- Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories

- Biosafety Level
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- Code of Federal Regulations

- Chemical Inventory Program
- Department of Commerce
- General Accounting Office
- General Services Administration
- International Air Transport Association

- Intrusion Detection System

- Incident Response Chief

- Interagency Security Committee

- Information System Security Plan
- Local Area Network

- Limited Background Investigation
- National Agency Check and Inquiry

- National Pathogen Inventory
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Office of Chief Information Officer

- Office of Inspector General

- Office of Personnel Management
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration

- Personnel Suitability Levels

- Public Trust Position
- Standard Operating Procedures
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Public Health Service
- U.S. Postal Service
- Virtual Private Network


a. Administrator. Head of an agency, or equivalent within the Department of Agriculture
regardless of actual title used, e.g., Chief of the Forest Service.

b. Agency. A major program (non-administrative) organization within the USDA headed
by an administrator who reports to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or an Under

c. Asset. Any USDA property or resource, the loss or theft of which could pose potential
harm or threat to the general public.

d. Biological Agent. Any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses,
fungi, rickettsiae, or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring,
bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious
substance, capable of causing:

(1) Death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant or a
another living organism;
(2) Deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or material of any kind;
(3) Deleterious alteration of the environment.

e. Biocontainment. Work practices and construction designed to reduce the risk of an agent
escaping into the environment.

f. Biosafety. Development and implementation of administrative policies, work practices,
facility design, and safety equipment to prevent transmission of biologic agents to
workers, other persons, and the environment.

g. Biosafety Level (BSL). A combination of work practices and physical containment
requirements designed to reduce the risk of laboratory infection when working with
infectious material. The degree of protection recommended is proportional to the risk
associated with an agent. Only non-BSL-3 pathogens are covered by this Manual.

h. BSL-1. Practices, safety equipment, and facility design and construction are appropriate
for undergraduate and secondary educational training and teaching laboratories, and for
other laboratories in which work is done with defined and characterized strains of viable
microorganisms not known to consistently cause disease in healthy adult humans.
Bacillus subtilis, Naegleria gruberi, infectious canine hepatitis virus, and exempt
organisms under the National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Research Involving
Recombinant DNA Molecules are representative of microorganisms meeting these
criteria. Many agents not ordinarily associated with disease processes in humans are,
however, opportunistic pathogens and may cause infection in the young, the aged, and
immunodeficient or immunosuppressed individuals.

i. BSL-2. Practices, equipment, and facility design and construction are applicable to
clinical, diagnostic, teaching, and other laboratories in which work is done with the broad
spectrum of indigenous moderate-risk agents that are present in the community and
associated with human disease of varying severity. With good microbiological
techniques, these agents can be used safely in activities conducted on the open bench,
provided the potential for producing splashes or aerosols is low. Hepatitis B virus (HBV),
the salmonellae, and Toxoplasma spp. are representative of microorganisms assigned to
this containment level. BSL-2 is appropriate when work is done with any human-derived
blood, body fluids, tissues, or primary human cell lines where the presence of an
infectious agent may be unknown. (Laboratory personnel working with human-derived
materials should refer to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Bloodborne Pathogen Standards (²) for specific required precautions.)

Primary hazards to personnel working with these agents relate to accidental percutaneous
or mucous membrane exposures, or ingestion of infectious materials. Extreme caution
should be taken with contaminated needles or sharp instruments. Even though organisms
routinely manipulated at BSL-2 are not known to be transmissible by the aerosol route,
procedures with aerosol or high splash potential that may increase the risk of such
personnel exposure must be conducted in primary containment equipment, or in devices
such as a biological safety cabinet or safety centrifuge cups. Other primary barriers
should be used as appropriate, such as splash shields, face protection gowns, and gloves.

Secondary barriers such as hand washing sinks and waste decontamination facilities must
be available to reduce potential environmental contamination,


j. BSL-3. Practices, safety equipment, and facility design and construction are applicable
to clinical, diagnostic, research, or production facilities in which work is done with
indigenous or exotic agents with a potential for respiratory transmission, and which may
cause serious and potentially lethal infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, St. Louis
encephalitis virus, and Coxiella burnetii are representative of the microorganisms
assigned to this level. Primary hazards to personnel working with these agents relate to
autoinoculation, ingestion, and exposure to infectious aerosols.

At BSL-3, more emphasis is placed on primary and secondary barriers to protect
personnel in contiguous areas, the community, and the environment from exposure to
potentially infectious aerosols. For example, all laboratory manipulations should be
performed in a biological safety cabinet or other enclosed equipment, such as a gas-tight
aerosol generation chamber. Secondary barriers for this level include controlled access to
the laboratory and ventilation requirements that minimize the release of infectious
aerosols from the laboratory.

k. Biosecurity. Protection of high-consequence microbial agents and toxins, or critical
relevant information, against theft or diversion by those who intend to pursue intentional

l. Chain of Custody. The serial holders of an asset, each of whom are responsible for
securing the asset and are accountable for its documentation.

m. Chemical Agent. Any element, chemical compound or mixture of elements and/or
compounds. (29 CFR Part 1200)

n. Concentric Rings. Defined physical boundaries delineating increased security

o. Gap Analysis. An evaluation to determine the void or difference that exists between the
optimal requirements and the existing security processes.

p. Guard Post Orders and Special Instructions. Detailed instructions to the guard force
detailing frequency of patrols, hours of operation, special needs of the facility, and
outlining changes in protocols to address specific incidents. To the maximum extent
permissible under the law, USDA will exercise available authority to arrest and detain.

q. High-Security Facility. Refers to a USDA facility that has, by nature of the pathogens,
programs, or materials housed therein, been determined by the Department to require
special security measures to ensure the integrity of the facility, including the suitability of
all individuals having access to the facility.

r. Incident Response Chief (IRC). A USDA designated agency official responsible for
incident control.


s. Infectious Biological Material. Infectious substances (also referred to as etiologic agents)
by the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS):

A substance containing or suspected of containing an infectious virus, prion, or a viable
microorganism, such as a bacterium, rickettsia, parasite, protozoan, or fungus, that is
known or reasonably believed to cause disease in humans. Toxins known to be
hazardous to humans are to be packaged and shipped as infectious substances.

For purposes of USDA policy, this includes any subunits or genetic elements of
pathogens if those subunits or genetic elements, if inserted into an appropriate host
system, are reasonably believed to be capable of causing disease or toxicosis.

Intrusion Detection System (IDS). A system designed to detect unauthorized entry and to
send an alarm.

u. Pathogen. Synonymous with Biological Agent.

v. Public Trust Position (PTP). A position that can potentially affect public confidence in
the government’s integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness, whether or not the actual
damage occurs, based on the action or inaction of the incumbent. Public Trust positions
are designated Low Risk, Moderate Risk, and High Risk. Public trust classifications do
not substitute for National Security Clearances and do not provide access to classified
information. In the P&P for BSL-3 facilities, these are referred to as Personnel
Suitability Levels (PSL).

(1) Low Risk. Positions that involve duties with the potential for limited impact on
agency or program mission, or on the integrity and efficiency of the service.

(2) Moderate Risk. Positions with duties that are of considerable importance to the
agency or program mission with significant program responsibility or delivery of
service. Positions with the potential for moderate to serious impact on the
integrity and efficiency of the service including:

Investigative or law enforcement responsibilities; duties require carrying a
• assistants to policy development and implementation;
• mid-level management duties;

responsibility for independent or semi-independent action;
• delivery of service positions that demand public confidence or trust.

(3) High Risk. Positions with duties that have a broad scope of responsibility and
authority which are especially critical to the agency or program mission.
Positions with potential for exceptionally serious impact on the integrity and
efficiency of the service including:

• policy-making, policy-determining, and policy-implementing;
• higher level management duties/ assignments, or major program
responsibility; and/or

independent spokesperson or non-management positions with authority for
independent action.

w. Radioactive Material. A substance that emits ionizing radiation in the form of alpha
particles, beta particles, neutrons, x-rays, or gamma rays. (USDA Safety and Health
Manual -Radiation Safety Program Section)

x. Risk Management. A systematic and structured process to consider the likelihood that a
threat will endanger an asset (e.g., a structure, individual, function, or item) and to
identify actions that reduce the risk and mitigate the consequences of an attack.

y. Select Agents. In accordance with the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism
Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (PUB. L. 107-188) CDC and USDA have
established a “Select Agent” listing of biological agents and toxins and established
regulations and requirements for handling these agents. Select Agents, which are human
pathogens, are handled according to USPHS requirements. Agricultural Select Agents are
handled according to APHIS requirements. Agricultural select agents are defined by the
Secretary under the authority of the Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act of 2002,
which is a subtitle of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act. These Select Agents are not restricted to BSL-3 laboratories but, are
nevertheless, deemed of particular sensitivity by the USDA--Bacillus anthracis is an
example. A list of Select Agents can be found in 7CFR 33 1.3 for plant biological agents
and toxins, 9 CFR 121.3 for animal biological agents and toxins, and 42 CFR 73 for
human biological agents.

z. Suitability. An individual’s character, reputation, trustworthiness, and fitness for overall
employment as related to the efficiency of the service.

aa. Vectors. A carrier, usually an arthropod in biology that transfers an infective agent from
one host to another. Transmission can be either mechanical, where no replication occurs
in the vector or biological (the usual case with viruses), where replication in the vector is
required for transmission.


All USDA personnel are responsible for security of USDA assets. Line managers in
USDA are responsible for implementing and managing security and biosafety programs.
The Agency security program will outline individual responsibility to deter, detect, and
respond to any security threat. Each USDA laboratory and technical facility shall create
or modify an existing plan for security. That plan must include inventory control

procedures, physical security systems, cybersecurity systems, personnel suitability, and
incident response plans. Where applicable, the security plan shall also include or
reference a biosecurity plan, a chemical security plan and a radiological plan.

a. The following Agency positions have responsibility for ensuring security procedures and
policies are implemented:

(1) Agency Biosafety Officer or Equivalent - Must ensure adherence to USDA
security and biosafety policy at all agency, or equivalent locations.
(2) Agency Heads or Equivalent - Agency heads are responsible for ensuring that
their organizations adhere to USDA security and biosafety policies and
procedures as outlined in this Manual. Agency Heads will approve the security
(3) Center Director, Laboratory Chief or Director, or Research Leader or Equivalent -
Must ensure effective security and bio-safety implementation at their facility or
(4) Deputy Administrators of Equivalent - Must ensure USDA security and biosafety
policy is implemented at all sub-agency levels.
(5) Location Biosafety/Biosecurity/Quarantine Officer - Must work with local line
managers to ensure laboratories adhere to agency policy on security and pathogen
(6) Scientists - Must ensure that all security procedures are followed and all assets
used in their laboratories are entered into the repository database and that
repository records are current and reflect the materials on hand also to ensure
chain of custody is not compromised.


a. Authorities. All Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) citations can be accessed via the
Internet at

b. Biosafety Levels, Risk Assessment, and Agent Summary Statements.

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 4th Edition
Published by the Office of Biological Safety, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC)
Stock number 0 17-040-00547-4 available from: U.S. Superintendent of Documents
US. Govt. Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 202-275-3318

c. Control List.

7 CFR 330.200 Subpart M-Movement of Plant Pests Regulated; permits required;
7 CFR 331, Possession, Use, and Transfer of Biological Agents and Toxins.


Plant Protection and Quarantine
4700 River Road, Unit 133
Riverdale, Maryland USA 20237-1236

9 CFR 121, Possession, Use, and Transfer of Biological Agents and Toxins; 9 CFR 122,
APHIS Veterinary Services, National Center for Import and Export.
Veterinary Services, National Center for Imports and Exports, Products Program
4700 River Road, Unit 40
Riverdale, Maryland USA 20737-3277

42 CFR 73, Possession, Use and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins

Office of Health and Safety, Center for Disease Control & Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30333

d. Personnel Suitability/Security.

The National Security Act of 1947, dated July 26, 1947, as amended.

Executive Order 12968 access to classified information, August 4, 1995.

5 CFR 731, suitability regulations, revised March 19,2001.

5 CFR 732, national security positions, revised January 1, 2001.

32 CFR 147, adjudicative guidelines for determining eligibility for access to classified
information, July 1, 1999.

Executive Order 10450 security requirement for Government employees, April 27, 1953.

e. Physical Security.

41 CFR Chapter 101, Federal Property Management Regulations

7 CFR Part 2, Delegations of authority by the Secretary of Agriculture and general
officers of the Department


Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Security Design Criteria, May 28, 2001
GAO - Testimony Before Congress -Homeland Security, A Framework for Addressing
the Nation’s Efforts - GAO-01-115ST

Agriculture Property Management Regulations (AGPMR 104.50.1)

Building Safety/Security Occupant Emergency Program, Departmental
Regulation 1650-002

10 CFR Part 20, “Standard Protection Against Radiation”

f. Property.

AGPMR 104.50.1

S 104-50.301-1 Accountable Property

S 104-50.001-10 Sensitive Personal Property

g. Shipping.

49 CFR 171-180, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) hazardous materials

49 CFR 173.143, Division 6.2, Definitions, exemptions, and packing group assignments

42 CFR 72, Interstate Shipment of Etiologic Agents

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
7 CFR Part 331, “Possession of Biological Agents and Toxins”
9 CFR Part 121, “Possession of Biological Agents and Toxins”

15 CFR 742,744, and 774, Department of Commerce (DOC) Control Policy and

39 CFR 111. USPS Domestic Mail Manual

42 CFR 71, USPHS Foreign Quarantine

42 CFR 71.54, Etiologic agents, hosts, and vectors


IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, latest edition
IATA Publications Assistant
2000 Peel Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2R4
514-844-361 1 or 800-716-6326 (phone); 514-844-9089 (fax)

ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air,
1995-1996 Edition
ICAO Document Sales Unit
1000 Sherbrooke Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2R2
514-285-8022 (phone); 514-285-6769 (fax)

Guidelines for the Safe Transport of Infectious Substances and Diagnostic Specimens
World Health Organization, 1997

h. Work Practices, Training.

29 CFR 1910.1030, OSHA, Blood Borne Pathogen Standard


a. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to set policy on the handling, storage, shipping,
disposal, record keeping, and monitoring of assets that may pose biological, chemical,
radiological, or physical threat. The intent of this section is also to ensure that proper
chain of custody procedures are utilized for Select Agents.

(1) Accountability Records for Pathogens. Three types of accountability records are
required: (1) a summary inventory at USDA agency headquarters, i.e., National
Pathogen Inventory (NPI) system; (2) a detailed inventory of repository materials
to be kept at the research or diagnostic facility which should be updated yearly;
and (3) materials accountability for Select Agent pathogens in experimental or
working stocks. In this Manual, the term “Select Agents” refers to those Select
Agents that are classified at a BSL-2 level. Records in the first two systems must
be maintained electronically and backed up on a separate system. The objective
of maintaining such records is to ensure that the Agency or equivalent, is aware
which pathogens are present, or have been present in its facilities, to ensure the
accountability of scientists for the pathogens they store and use, and to be aware
of the final disposition of pathogens, including destruction or shipping to another
facility. The NPI will allow an agency to rapidly identify the facilities at which
particular agents are in use. The format for each is described below:


(a) National Pathogen Inventory (NPI). Agencies or equivalent will maintain a
summary inventory database, consisting of the limited fields listed below, to
provide management with the capability to rapidly determine biological
materials in use at each facility or equivalent. USDA agencies will use an NPI
system for this purpose.

Inventory records must include:

1 Agent name
2 Agency/Location/Laboratory
3 Person responsible for pathogenic material (laboratory supervisor)
4 Contact information

(b) Facility Inventory of Repository Materials. Each USDA facility that stores or
uses any biological agents must maintain a current detailed inventory as
outlined below. The information shall be maintained in a standard database
format. Each facility will maintain a current master database reflecting the
cumulative pathogens of all management units at the facility. The database
will not only serve as a record of current inventory but will also serve as a
historical record of pathogens used at the facility. This will be accomplished
by placing records no longer in use in an inactive file rather than deleting

Information to be included in the database is as follows:

1 Name of the organism, BSL, number of vials or other containers;
2 Storage location (building, room number, freezer number);
3 Storage condition (refrigerator, freezer, -70°C, -2O"C, liquid
nitrogen, lyophilized and stored at room temperature or refrigerator
4 Date of change of status, i.e., removal, change of custody disposal,
5 Site of usage (pinpoint to discrete locations such as building
numbers and room numbers);
6 Disposition including shipping when removed from inventory,
method of destruction, when applicable;
7 Scientists with contact information (telephone number and address
of researcher or diagnostician.

Any working cultures that become new repository stocks must be added to the
inventory. New pathogens (not already in inventory) identified in diagnostic
or experimental samples or generated through recombinant technologies must
be added to the repository and inventory database.


(c) Material Accountability for pathogens in Experimental or Working Stocks.

Experimental samples and repository stock aliquots used for working stocks
or experimental purposes are tracked by laboratory records (laboratory
notebooks, electronic systems). The location of material use must be included
(building and room number). The accountability for Select Agents will be
greater than for other biological agents. The disposition of the infectious
material, including the means of disposal, must be addressed in Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPS).

(2) Packaging and Shipping of Infectious Material. Packing and shipping of
infectious material or biological agents will meet current national and
international regulations and guidelines, which are referenced under Authorities,
References, and Organizations.

Shipping and receiving of infectious material or biological agents will meet
applicable guidelines and be tracked by each agency. Organisms and vectors may
require APHIS permits for transport (9 CFR Part 122 for Animal Pathogens and 7
CFR 330.2 for Plant Pathogens). USDA laboratories utilize a small number of
agents designated by the CDC as Select Agents. Shipping and tracking of these
agents designated such by CDC will be done in accordance with CDC regulations
found in 42 CFR, Part 72.

The DOC regulations, including requirements for export permits, must be met for
the export of pathogenic materials. The Biosafety Officer will review shipping
records in the database on at least an annual basis to ensure compliance.

(3) Physical Review of Accountability Records. Scientists working with infectious
material or biological agents are responsible for the accuracy of electronic
databases and laboratory notebook records which are subject to review by their
supervisor, laboratory director, or other authorized agency personnel. Physical
review will be on an annual basis for biological agents and toxins and more
frequent for Select Agents. Methods used during physical review or reconciliation
may include counts of entire inventory or sampling of records and repository
materials. The Center Director or Laboratory Director or equivalent is
responsible for ensuring the physical reviews are accomplished. Random reviews
shall be conducted on an annual basis by a designated official (not employed at
that specific laboratory) to ensure compliance at the locations.

(4) Pathogen Security. All pathogens shall be stored in secure areas within the
facility. Select Agents must be secured in locked containers within exclusion
areas which are restricted buildings or rooms within the facility. Only personnel
with the appropriate Public Trust designations will have access to freezer keys
and codes. The biosafety level, risk group or biosafety category of the storage
unit will be determined by highest risk pathogen within the storage unit.


(5) Sample Labeling. All sample vials in the inventory shall be labeled in a
permanent manner so that all information is readable. Bar coding may be used
when practical.

(6) Inactivation and Disposal of Pathogens. Procedures must be in place at each
location for this purpose and must include, as appropriate, autoclaving, other
thermal inactivation technology, chemical treatment, or an equally effective
comparable process. All pathogens and contaminated supplies will be treated.
Procedures should be spelled out in Location Biosafety Manual.

(7) Internal Transfer. A pathogen can be transferred to another scientist providing
that the biosafety level for containment and the level of staff competence are
maintained. The receiving scientist must be added as the responsible party in the
pathogen database and all required records must be updated to document such

(8) Chemical & Radiological Assets. Regulatory requirements necessitate keeping
track of the hazardous materials found within USDA facilities or equivalent. The
department Chemical Inventory Program (CIP) tracks and reports storage and use
of hazardous materials to meet federal, state, and local regulatory requirements.
The inventory assists emergency responders, provides USDA employees with
specific hazard and storage information, aids in sharing of chemicals, and
reminds users to dispose of sensitive chemicals before they become unsafe. The
implementation of a CIP can also minimize opportunities for intentional removal
of any hazardous materials from the facility.

The department’s guidance can be found in the USDA Safety and Health Manual,
Chapter 3, Specialized Programs. Section 1, Radiation Safety Programs, outlines
program requirements for using radioactive materials and equipment that
produces ionizing radiation. Section 2, Hazard Communication, Laboratory
Chemical Hygiene and Biological Safety Program, sets policies and program
elements to manage chemical and biological agents. Both programs require the
annual identification of chemical, and biological health hazards associated with
the respective USDA Agency mission operations.

All radiological assets will be kept in compliance with 10 CFR Part 20,
“Standard Protection Against Radiation.” Part 20 includes Agency requirements
for dose limits for radiation workers and members of the public, monitoring
(inventorying) and labeling of radioactive materials, posting radiation areas,
reporting the theft or loss of radioactive material, penalties for not complying with
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations, and tables of individual
radionuclide exposure limits. Subpart I---Storage and Control of Licensed
Materials, Section 20.1801 outlines security procedures for stored materials, and
Section 20.1802 mandates controls for materials not in storage.


(9) Property. Assets that pose a risk of physic .I threat include certain property with
value in excess of $5,000 and other sensitive items. Inventory of property greater
than $5,000 in value is regulated by AGPMR 104.50.1. Sensitive items as identified
by each Agency, shall be inventoried according to AGPMR 104.50.1 and Agency


It is the policy of USDA to ensure appropriate levels of protection against unauthorized
access, theft, diversion, or loss of assets, loss or theft of information related to these
assets, and other acts that may cause unacceptable adverse impacts on national security or
on the health and safety of USDA employees, the public, or the environment.

The physical security assessment shall be designed according to risk management
principles, which will evaluate targets, adversary capabilities, consequences, and
vulnerabilities. Risk management principles acknowledge that while risk generally
cannot be eliminated; enhancing protection from known or potential threats can reduce it.

Qualified individuals who have expertise in physical security shall develop this
assessment. The assessment shall be reviewed regularly, but at least once every 5 years.
The development of this physical security assessment is to reduce and mitigate the risk to
the Department’s mission and critical assets utilizing the following procedures:

a. Development of a Threat Assessment. This will be utilized to evaluate the likelihood
of an attack against a given asset. It will identify and evaluate each threat on the Basis
of various factors, including capability, intention, and impact of an attack. In
characterizing the threat, USDA agencies or equivalent will examine the historical
record of security and safety breaches and obtain location-specific threat information
from governmental organizations and other sources.

b. Development of a Criticality Assessment. This will be utilized to systematically
identify and evaluate important assets and infrastructure in terms of various factors,
such as when the asset is at its most critical state and the mission and significance of a
target. The assessment provides information to prioritize assets and allocate
resources. These assessments consider factors such as the importance of the asset to
accomplish the mission, the ability to reconstitute this capability, and the potential
cost to repair or replace the asset.

c. Performance of a Gap Analysis. To determine the appropriate security
countermeasures needed to protect assets and eliminate/mitigate the risk/threat, a gap
analysis must be performed. The gap analysis will determine the difference between
existing security countermeasures and the risk that was identified through the


d. Development of Vulnerability Assessment. This will be utilized to identify
weaknesses in the protection of a given asset that may be exploited by a criminal or
environmental threat and may suggest options to eliminate or mitigate those

e. Development of a Menu List for Suggested Security Countermeasures. This list will
be recommended utilizing the concentric rings of security (perimeter security
countermeasures) starting from the asset and working out toward the perimeter.

f. Site Assessment. The physical security system shall he designed according to a site-
specific risk assessment, which will evaluate targets, adversary capabilities,
consequences, and vulnerabilities. The risk assessment shall be developed by
qualified individuals who have expertise in physical and biological security. The
objectives and performance of the physical security system shall be reviewed
regularly, but no less than every 5 years, by qualified individuals who have expertise
in physical and biological security.

g. Site-Specific Considerations. The physical security systems will be tailored to
address site-specific characteristics and requirements, ongoing programs, and
operational needs, and to achieve acceptable protection levels using current
technology in a cost-effective manner. The protection strategy may be tailored to
address varying circumstances and may range from prevention to pursuit.

h. Graded Protection. Physical security systems shall provide graded protection in
accordance with the importance of the asset. That is, USDA intends that the highest
level of protection be given to security interests whose loss, theft, compromise, and/or
unauthorized use will seriously affect the national security, and/or the health and
safety of USDA employees, the public, the environment, or USDA programs.

It should be recognized that risks must be accepted (i.e., that actions cannot be taken
to reduce the probability or consequences of all malevolent events to zero); however,
an acceptable level of risk should be determined based on evaluation of a variety of
facility-specific goals and considerations. Protection-related plans shall describe,
justify, and document the graded protection provided to the identified assets. The
plans shall be reviewed and updated annually.

The nature of the threat, the vulnerability of the asset, and the potential consequences
of an adversarial act shall be considered in determining the appropriate level of
protection against risk. Accordingly, physical security systems shall provide graded
protection in accordance with the importance of the asset.

i. Property Protection Area--Lowest Level of Protection. A property protection area is
a security area established to protect against damage, destruction, or theft of USDA-
owned property or equivalent. Physical barriers, where determined to be necessary by
local authority, shall be used to protect property and facilities. All buildings in the
property protection area must be locked and security keys shall be protected. An
accountability system for security keys shall be implemented.
j. Limited Area. (Intermediate Level of Protection). A limited area shall have barriers
identifying its boundaries and encompassing the designated space, as well as access
controls to provide reasonable assurance that only authorized personnel are allowed
to enter and exit the area without escort. For example, a limited area may be a
building that contains an exclusion area.

Access to a limited area shall require a unique security item (i.e., proximity card) and
an appropriate level of intrusion detection. Sufficient exterior lighting should be
provided to allow the protective force to detect and assess intrusions.

k. Exclusion Area--Highest Level of Protection. An exclusion area shall have barriers
identifying its boundaries and encompassing the designated space, as well as access
controls to provide reasonable assurance that only authorized personnel are allowed
to enter and exit the area. This is sometimes referred to as a high containment area.
Access to an exclusion area shall require a unique security item (i.e., proximity card)
and unique knowledge (i.e., personal identification number), and an appropriate level
of intrusion detection. Access control and intrusion detection shall be administered by
protective personnel and/or automated systems.

l. Access Control and Entry/Exit Inspections. Access control points shall be designed to
provide positive control over pedestrian traffic. The access control points shall
provide a barrier to personnel entering limited areas and exclusion areas until such
time as entry is requested and/or authorized. Automated access control systems shall
read data entered by the person requesting access, and if the data is successfully
validated, the portal shall be electrically unlocked.

A security badge that electronically stores information relevant to the badge and
badge holder shall be used for automated access control systems. The access
authorization list shall be updated when an individual’s access authorization has
changed or when an individual is transferred or reassigned. Badge readers shall be
equipped with anti-pass back protection.

Door locks opened by badge readers shall be designed to relock immediately after the
door has closed to deter another person from opening the door without following

The system shall record all transactions -- authorized access (for tracking purposes)
and attempted unauthorized access.

Keypad devices shall have a visual shielding device mounted so that an unauthorized
person in the immediate vicinity cannot observe the numbers entered.

m. Intrusion Detection and Assessment Systems. Intrusion detection systems
appropriate for the risk shall be installed to provide reasonable assurance that
breaches of security boundaries are detected and that assessment information is
provided to protective personnel.

A means for timely detection of intrusion shall be provided by the use of intrusion
detection systems and/or protective force fixed posts and/or mobile patrols.
Assessment of intrusion detection system alarms shall be provided by patrols, closed
circuit television, alarm monitoring centers, or any combination of the above. When
used for detection, patrols shall be conducted at random intervals at a documented

Intrusion detection systems shall provide operable coverage in all local environmental
conditions. There shall be an effective method by which to assess intrusion detection
system alarms (e.g., intrusion, false, nuisance, and tamper).

Response capability to intrusion detection system alarms shall be provided to protect
USDA critical assets.

Response capability may be provided by assigned protective personnel or by the local
law enforcement agency, as applicable. Response times shall be appropriate for the
protection strategy employed at the site.

The intrusion detection systems shall be: (1) monitored continuously by assigned
personnel to assess alarms and initiate appropriate responses; (2) operated and
maintained in a manner ensuring that the number of false and nuisance alarms does
not reduce the system credibility; and (3) tamper-resistant or tamper-alarmed. A
facility or equivalent possessing critical information shall have line supervision for
security sensors. The security sensors shall not be connected to an open computer

Compensatory measures shall be provided during times when the intrusion detection
system is not in operation or at temporary locations where a permanent intrusion
detection system is not practical or cost effective.

Records shall be kept on each actual and/or false nuisance alarm. The record shall be
reviewed, analysis performed, and corrective measures taken to correct system
malfunctions. The record shall contain, at a minimum: date and time of the alarm,
cause of the alarm or a probable cause if definite cause cannot be established, and the
identity of the recorder or the operator on duty with a description of actions taken.

Alarm monitoring systems shall be self-checking and shall annunciate system failure
in the alarm station. Systems shall indicate the type and location of the alarm source.

Systems shall be functionally tested in accordance with established procedures at a
frequency that is documented.

Doors and hatches, which provide access to limited and exclusion areas, shall be
equipped with intrusion detection system devices. A balanced magnetic switch, or
other equally effective device, shall be used on each door to provide detection of
attempted or actual unauthorized access.
Panic hardware or emergency exit mechanisms used on emergency doors located in
limited and exclusion areas shall be operable only from inside the building or room,
be alarmed, and shall meet all applicable life safety codes.

Windows which provide access to exclusion areas shall have intrusion detection
sensors or 18-gauge expanded metal securely fastened on the inside. This also
applies to doors with windows. All windows shall be closed and locked during non-
working hours to preclude surreptitious entry.

Video recorders, when used, shall be activated by alarm signals operated
automatically and sufficiently rapid to record an actual intrusion.

When used as the principal means of alarm assessment and to determine response
level, closed-circuit television cameras shall have tamper-protection, loss-of-video
alarm annunciation, and adequate lighting.

n. Protection of Access Control and Intrusion Detection Systems.
Security-related equipment shall be protected from unauthorized access in a graded
manner consistent with its importance; all detection alarm devices and access control
system components, including transmission lines to annunciators, shall be tamper-
indicating in both the access and secure modes. System components used for
protection of other interests shall be protected consistent with a cost benefit analysis
determined by each facility. Electronics enclosures and junction boxes shall be:
under lock and key control; have tamper switches; have tamper-resistant hardware; or
be welded shut. Line supervision is required. Access to records and information
concerning encoded data and personal identification numbers shall be restricted to
authorized individuals. Records reflecting active assignments of badges, personal
identification numbers, levels of access, and similar system-related records shall be
maintained. All records for access control and intrusion detection systems, including
personnel removed from the system shall be retained for 3 years.

o. Auxiliary Power Sources. Auxiliary power shall have the availability and shall be
capable of maintaining full operation of the intrusion detection and assessment
system for 8 hours or for such a time as would be needed to implement contingency
plans. The period of time necessary to implement contingency plans shall be
documented. Auxiliary power sources shall have the capability to facilitate
operational testing or routine maintenance.

Transfer to auxiliary power shall be automatic upon failure of the primary source and
shall not effect operation of the security system or device. The alarm station shall
receive an alarm indicating failure of the security system power and transfer to the
auxiliary power source.

p. Maintenance. Security-related subsystems and components shall be maintained in an
operable condition. A regularly scheduled testing and maintenance program is
required. Corrective maintenance shall be initiated within 72 hours of the indication

of malfunction. The local cognizant USDA or equivalent authority for physical
security systems shall determine if compensatory measures are necessary.

The following system elements shall be included in a preventive maintenance
program: intrusion detection and assessment systems, central alarm station alarm
annunciators, protective farce equipment, personnel access control and inspection
equipment, security lighting, and security system-related emergency power or
auxiliary power supplies.

Personnel, who test, maintain, or service security system elements shall have access
authorization consistent with the protection level where the maintenance is being

Records of testing shall be retained for 3 years.

q. Performance Testing. Performance assurance programs shall provide for operability
and effectiveness tests of security systems and/or components of systems. Testing
frequencies shall reflect site-specific conditions, operational needs, and threat levels.
However, at least annually, a performance test encompassing protection systems
associated with a comprehensive site or facility threat scenario shall be conducted to
demonstrate overall facility physical security system effectiveness. This includes:
integrated systems of equipment and hardware, administrative procedures, protective
forces, and other staff.

The performance assurance program shall provide for operability and effectiveness
tests. The program will be implemented in a graded manner. The most significant
elements are those that provide protection for Select Agents, information related to
physical security, and aircraft security.

r. Response Forces. Response to intrusion detection alarms shall be by protective
personnel, private security firms, or local law enforcement personnel, as documented
in USDA approved security plans. If the response time by local law enforcement is
inappropriate for the protection strategy, the on-site security force shall be armed.

s. Duress Systems. Activation of duress alarms shall be accomplished in as unobtrusive
a manner as practicable. Duress alarms shall not annunciate at the post initiating the
duress alarm. Mobile duress alarms shall annunciate at the central alarm station.

t. Radios. A continuous electronic recording system shall be provided for all security
radio traffic. The logging recorder shall be equipped with a time track and shall cover
all security channels. Portable radios shall be capable of two-way communication on
the primary security channel from within critical buildings and structures--or an
alternate means of communication shall be provided. Portable radios shall contain
sufficient battery capacity to operate for an 8-hour period at maximum expected duty
cycle. Procedures for radio or battery exchange, or battery recharge, can be used to
meet this requirement.

u. Exit Inspections for Limited and Exclusion Zones. Personnel, vehicles, and hand-
carried items, including packages, briefcases, purses, and lunch pails, may be subject
to random exit inspections to deter and detect unauthorized removal of Select Agents
and information related to Select Agents from security areas.

v. Prohibited Articles. The following articles are prohibited from security areas, unless
approved by the cognizant USDA local authority for physical security systems: any
dangerous weapon, explosive, or other dangerous instrument or material capable of
producing substantial injury or damage to persons or property. Sites shall, at a
minimum, employ administrative procedures to prohibit these articles.

w. Visitor Logs. Visitor logs are required for limited areas and exclusion areas and shall
be retained for 1 year. Information on the visitor logs, should include but not be
limited to, visitor’s name, agency, office telephone number, office to be visited with
point of contact, time/date in and out, and purpose of visit.


a. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to set policy:

(1) To ensure that the required and appropriate level of confidential specific
information related to assets, is preserved by the system that is used to
acquire, store, manipulate, manage, move, control, display, switch,
interchange, receive, or transmit that information;
(2) To protect the physical, technical, and administrative controls and risk
management processes that sec-re USDA information and information related
to assets;
(3) To require that each USDA laboratory tailors the protection mechanisms,
implementation, and security planning for its cybersecurity program to suit its
environment, missions, and threats, while maintaining consistency and
interoperability with USDA’s overall cybersecurity policies and procedures;
(4) To ensure prudent application of resources.

The Department and its contractors shall systematically integrate cybersecurity into
management and work practices at all levels so that missions are accomplished while
protecting electronic information and electronic information systems. This is to be
accomplished through effective integration of cybersecurity management into all facets of
work planning and execution. In other words, the overall management of cybersecurity
functions and activities shall become an integral part of mission accomplishment.

b. The following are the general policies:

(1) Cyber Resource Protection. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall ensure
that all USDA information resources, including USDA information related to
Select Agents under its purview, are protected in a manner that is consistent with
its threats and missions at all times.

(a) Risk Management. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall use a risk-
based approach to identify information resources and specifically those that are
related to Select Agents. A documented risk assessment process shall be used to
make informed decisions related to the adequacy of protection, cost implications
of further enhanced protection, and acceptance of residual risk.

(2) Resources. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall plan, budget, allocate,
and execute resources sufficient to ensure comprehensive implementation and
maintenance of that organization’s computer security program.

(3) Security Program Plan. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall document
its cybersecurity program in an Information System Security Plan (ISSP)
following NIST Special Publication 800-18. The ISSP shall be approved by the
organization’s local director, field office, and the Office of the Chief Information

(OCIO)-Cybersecurity. USDA organizations may revise their ISSPs as required
by new operational considerations, risks, vulnerabilities, etc. Each USDA
organization shall submit the revised ISSP to its local director, field office, and to
OCIO--Cybersecurity for approval.

(4) ISSP Assessment and Review. To ensure that the ISSP is properly implemented,
it shall be subject to the following reviews:

Implementation of the ISSP shall be internally reviewed no less frequently
than once every year.

The appropriate field office or equivalent shall review the ISSP at least once
every 3 years.

Finally, the Headquarters Cybersecurity Office shall maintain a continuous
program of independent oversight for cybersecurity. The independent
oversight program will include announced and unannounced cybersecurity
inspections, follow-up reviews, remote testing for network vulnerabilities
(network scanning), and penetration testing.

(5) Corrective Action Plans. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall draft and
implement corrective action plans to address security shortfalls revealed as a
result of the oversight review process. The corrective action plans shall include
actions to be taken, responsible organizations and individuals for each action, the
schedule (including key milestones), actions to address root causes and generic
applicability, a process for tracking actions to closure, and steps to verify
effectiveness of actions prior to closure. Each USDA organization shall submit
their corrective action plans to OCIO Cyber Security and provide quarterly
updates on progress.

(6) User Authentication. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall employ user
authentication techniques before allowing users to access systems that support
multiple-user accounts or that contain hard-to-replace or sensitive data. The
organization’s ISSP shall indicate the systems or enclaves that require
authentication and the type of authentication that shall be employed.

(7) Access Protection. Access to each USDA organization’s information resources
shall be protected commensurate with the risks and threats of its environment.

The ISSP shall specify the information resources to be protected and the
protective mechanisms to be used.

(8) Auditing. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall be capable of recording
and maintaining in an audit trail information regarding access to and
modifications of all information resources, where this is identified as appropriate
by risk and vulnerability analysis, and such capability is technically feasible. The
ISSP shall state the systems or enclaves that shall be audited, what information
shall be captured in that audit trail, and how long the audit trail shall be

(9) Continuity of Service. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall employ
procedures and mechanisms to curtail or recover from activities that can disrupt
or otherwise interfere with system availability, where operationally necessary and
technically feasible. The ISSP shall identify the organization’s system and
enclaves that require such mechanisms and procedures and shall detail the
procedures and mechanisms employed.

(10) Security Monitoring and Reporting. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall
report security incidents to the OCIO--Cybersecurity. In addition, each USDA
organization shall provide 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week monitoring of
cybersecurity activities. The ISSP shall specify the type of events that require
monitoring, the enclaves and systems that will be subject to monitoring, how the
24x7 monitoring will be handled, and the composition of the organization incident
response team.

(11) Training. Personnel from USDA organizations and contractors shall be
appropriately trained in cybersecurity vulnerabilities, threats, protection strategies,
and respective organizational and personal responsibilities. The ISSP shall
specify the details of the training program.

(12) Malicious Code. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall establish
procedures and mechanisms consistent with the threat environment to limit (as
technically feasible) the introduction of malicious code into its information
systems. The ISSP shall specify the mechanisms used to detect and deter the
installation of malicious code and the frequency of updating such mechanisms.

(13) System Administrator. Each USDA organization or equivalent shall have a
system administrator, who is responsible for developing, updating, and
implementing the ESP; monitoring cybersecurity activities locally; responding to
cyber incidents in coordination with the appropriate headquarters oversight office;
and ensuring that there is local understanding of USDA cybersecurity policies and

c. The following are the specific policies that should be documented in the ISSP:

(1) Modem Use. All electronic connections from USDA systems to non-USDA or
external systems, including modems, shall go through a firewall. Modems that are
not needed for day-to-day work shall not be plugged into the phone system. If a
modem is needed for outbound traffic only, the internal call-in ability shall be
disabled. Systems with modems that are both on the Local Area Network (LAN)
and are used for day-to-day dial up to additional networks shall have a personal
firewall installed to deny access from one network to the other.

(2) Anti-Virus Software. All systems shall have a virus scanner installed. This virus
scanner shall be enabled to automatically update either directly or via a virus-
scanner proxy. All E-mail shall be virus checked before it is delivered in or out of
the LAN by software on the email server. Each email client system shall have
viral scanner software installed which scans the system on a regular schedule
determine by unit policy.

(3) Password Policy. Passwords cannot be the same as the login name. They shall be
six (6) characters or more. If the system is in an open or public area, the system
shall also be protected by a boot-up password. Password shall not be kept
anywhere in the open or in a fashion where unauthorized individuals can detect
them. Passwords for network accounts shall be set to expire by administrative
software at a period determined by the unit according to security needs, research
flexibility, and physical accessibility to the network. Systems in open or public
areas shall have a locking screensaver; systems in locking offices should have a
locking screensaver.

(4) External Network. Servers that are open to the public (such as external
Web servers, E-mail servers, File Transfer Protocol servers) shall be on an isolated
(external) network segment. A firewall shall be used and/or each system shall be
secured to the maximum level possible at both the operating system and
application level. Only public data can be on this network.

All Web servers shall have the Web content reviewed before public release. This
is to ensure that details about the laboratory's physical facility and security system
are not openly available, and information related to personnel and those who work
with Select Agents is kept to an absolute minimum.


(5) Internet Network. The internal systems and servers shall be on an isolated
(internal) network that is strongly fire walled. There shall be very little to no traffic
entering this network segment. If the internal network needs to be open to an
outside individual, an encrypted tunnel such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
shall be used. Only select traffic shall be allowed to travel from the external
network to the internal network.

(6) Remote Access. If a user needs to access the internal network from a remote
location, a VPN transport or equivalent solution shall be utilized. The system at
the user’s end shall use “VPN client” or an equivalent. The network end can use
VPN tunneling or an equivalent. Systems on both ends of the VPN shall comply
with this security policy.

(7) E-mail Policy. All E-mail sent and received from an outside network shall be
treated as open to public view. Sensitive data traveling on the Internet shall be
encrypted; this includes E-mail and work performed by remote network users.

(8) Outbound Access. Only necessary traffic shall be permitted to leave the internal
network. Necessary traffic may include: Web browsing, E-mail; File Transfer
Protocol servers, and other standard Internet applications.

(9) Intrusion Detection. Intrusion detection on the network is critical to verify the
security measures are working. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) shall be
installed on the internal network. An IDS system shall also be installed on the
external network. The System Administrator shall review the IDS’s logs and
monitor unusual network traffic. Constant analysis is critical to securing and
maintaining the security on a network.


a. Purpose.

This section sets forth policy on human reliability requirements for USDA and non-
USDA personnel who work in USDA laboratories including collaborators,
cooperators, University personnel and contractors.

(1) Position Risk Designation. Following Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
public trust designation model, agencies are responsible for designating each
position High, Moderate, or Low Risk based upon the documented duties and
responsibilities of the position.

(2) Background Investigations. Following Office of Procurement Policy and
Management instructions, the following investigations will be conducted to
determine the personnel suitability.


(a) Low Risk - National Agency Check With Inquiries (NACI)
(b) Moderate Risk – ANACI to a Limited Background Investigation (LBI)
(c) High Risk - Background Investigation (BI)

(3) Vacancy Announcement. Recruitment announcements will notify all candidates
for permanent and non-permanent positions designated Moderate or High Risk
that the appointment is subject to a background investigation.

(4) Pre-employment. A pre-employment Special Agency Check (SAC) must be
completed for the selectees of Moderate and High Risk positions prior to
appointment. Appointees to low risk positions must have the NACI completed
after entering on duty.


a. Purpose. This section sets policy for responses to specific types of incident in order to
protect personnel and secure pathogen chemical, and radiological holdings.

b. Biosecurity Plan. The biosecurity plan will include responses to the following types of
(1) Biocontainment breach
(2) Biocontainment security breach
(3) Inventory violation
(4) Non-biological incident such as violence
(5) Cybersecurity breach

The plan will address the following issues:

(1) Personnel safety and health
(2) Containment
(3) Inventory control
(4) Notification of managers and responders

The determination of a biosecurity incident is by the IRC who must be notified by
phone call or in person of a potential incident. The IRC, after investigation, will
determine if a biosecurity incident has occurred. If a potential threat exists to either
facilities or personnel, the R C will notify the Federal Protective Service, local police,
and the USDA Office of Inspector General (OIG).

c. Chemical & Radiology Security Plan. The plan will include responses to the
following types of incidents:
(1) Containment/vessel/container breach
(2) Containment/storage area/cabinet security breach
(3) Chemical/Radiological agent inventory violation
(4) Workplace violence incident
(5) Cybersecurity breach
(6) Environment Releases
This plan will address the following issues:

(1) Personnel safety and health

(2) Storage/handling/treating/shipping materials and agents

(3) Proper labeling/signage

(4) Inventory Control

(5) Cleanup Procedures

(6) Notification of manager and responders

(7) Education/training requirements

(8) Environmental Releases

Anyone involved in any chemical/radiological related incidents, regardless of the
severity, will immediately notify their supervisor or designee. The notification will
be by phone or in person. Once an investigation of the situation is completed, the
supervisor, will report the findings through the normal management communication
structure, and to the IRC if the incumbent is not part of the structure. The appropriate
Federal/State/local regulatory official must be contacted if there is an environmental
release, a hospitalization of one or more employees, a property damage incident, a
fire, a major accident/injury/ illness, a motor vehicle accident or a death.

d. Occupant Emergency Plans. In accordance with Departmental Regulation 1650-002,
an Occupant Emergency Program shall be established for all USDA facilities to
safeguard lives and property during emergencies such as fire, explosions, bomb
threats, and natural disasters.

All employees must be given a copy of the Occupant Emergency Plan and they shall
fully cooperate with the Designated Official in the implementation of an Occupant
Emergency Plan and the staffing of an Occupant Emergency organization. The
Designated Official is the official in charge, or his or her designee, at that location.
At General Services Administration (GSA) leased sites, the Designated Official is the
official in charge in the lead agency at that facility. The Designated Official is to be
named in the Occupant Emergency Plan.

When there is immediate danger to persons or property such as fire, explosion, or the
discovery of an explosive device, occupants shall be evacuated or relocated in
accordance with the Occupant Emergency Plan. This shall be accomplished by
sounding the fire alarm system or by other appropriate means.

When there is advance notice of an emergency, the Designated Official shall initiate
appropriate action in accordance with the established Occupant Emergency Plan.

After normal duty hours, the senior official present shall represent the Designated
Official and shall initiate action to cope with emergencies in accordance with the
established Occupant Emergency Plan.