Lawrence, IN Relationship Styles Diversity Counseling & Plant Medicine Spiritual Support

Lawrence, IN Relationship Styles Diversity Counseling & Plant Medicine Spiritual Support, updated 4/16/24, 10:40 PM

Lawrence, IN - Soaring Heart Center - offers mental health counseling services and plant medicine therapies if you're looking for personal growth, spiritual support, and opportunities to participate in community healing and advocacy work. Visit for more details.

Soaring Heart Center City: Indianapolis Address: 819 E 64th St Suite 104 Website: Phone: +1 317 896 0491

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Lawrence, IN Relationship Styles Diversity
Counseling & Plant Medicine Spiritual
If you've been wanting to get serious about inner work
and growth in a safe, accepting environment - check
out the therapies available at Soaring Heart Center!
The folks there are
committed to supporting
you with equity, dignity,
justice, compassion,
acceptance, embodiment,
creativity, integrity, and
Their mental health
services include
counseling for personal
issues like relationships,
anxiety and depression,
trauma, transitioning, and
Data shows evidence-
approaches offer a
number of advantages,
including helping to
overcome the effects of
past trauma.
The therapies at
Soaring Heart Center
give you spiritual,
psychological, and
physical support.
Therapeutical treatments take place at Soaring Heart Center’s
Indianapolis facility but are accessible for residents of Lawrence,
Meridian-Kessler, Geist, & the surrounding areas.
The center’s team applies evidence-based,
current knowledge along with lived experiences
and a shared passion for healing.
Find Out More At