Nano Hearing Aids (888-310-NANO) is on a mission to make over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids crackle-proof with their new guide to crackle fixing and their new in-built dehumidifying technology.
Put an end to crackle and enjoy clear hearing at
Hearing At Home LLC City: Coppell Address: 511 South Royal Lane Website: Cloud
Hearing Aid Crackle & How to Fix It: Trusted OTC
Makers Nano Have The Answers
If your hearing aids have a persistent or intermittent
crackle, Nano knows exactly what to do, and have
broken down the steps to OTC aid crackle care in a
user-friendly new guide.
They have also made their OTC
hearing aids as easy to use and
as easy to care for as possible.
They have also been designed to
specifically reduce the possibility
of crackling.
Nano said, "We ensure our FDA-registered, Class 1 OTC hearing aids provide high-quality
sound and minimize issues like crackling, and are safe and effective for everyday use.”
That's why new models like their First Ear Plus ITE
have a dehumidifier built into the charging case; to
reduce the chance of ambient humidity causing
your aids to crackle.
These affordable rechargeable aids, which start from
$347, also boast a sporty design, up to 38 hours of use
on a single charge and sophisticated hearing
Plus, Nano Hearing Aids offers 24/7 customer assistance and can help their shoppers troubleshoot any
crackling issues quickly and effectively.
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Makers Nano Have The Answers
If your hearing aids have a persistent or intermittent
crackle, Nano knows exactly what to do, and have
broken down the steps to OTC aid crackle care in a
user-friendly new guide.
They have also made their OTC
hearing aids as easy to use and
as easy to care for as possible.
They have also been designed to
specifically reduce the possibility
of crackling.
Nano said, "We ensure our FDA-registered, Class 1 OTC hearing aids provide high-quality
sound and minimize issues like crackling, and are safe and effective for everyday use.”
That's why new models like their First Ear Plus ITE
have a dehumidifier built into the charging case; to
reduce the chance of ambient humidity causing
your aids to crackle.
These affordable rechargeable aids, which start from
$347, also boast a sporty design, up to 38 hours of use
on a single charge and sophisticated hearing
Plus, Nano Hearing Aids offers 24/7 customer assistance and can help their shoppers troubleshoot any
crackling issues quickly and effectively.
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