Edocr Website Calendar

Edocr Website Calendar, updated 3/24/22, 11:31 PM

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Publishing documents on edocr is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing (brochures, data sheets, press releases, white papers and case studies), sales (slides, price lists and pro-forma agreements), operations (specifications, operating manuals, installation guides), customer service (user manuals) and financial (annual reports and financial statements) documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions. #SEO #leadgen #content #analytics

About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on edocr.com is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

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edocr Website Calendar
How to place an easy to manage calendar on your website
with the help of Google Sheets and edocr.
Would you like to have a website calendar that is easy to
update and manage. Well, it won't get any easier than this:
This edocr customer placed an edocr iframe onto their Wix
website (does not have to be Wix) while having edocr feed
calendar content directly from a Google Sheet template.
1. You need a Google Drive and an edocr account. Both are
free. If you don't have, come back when you do.
2. In this example we use the Vertex Google Sheet Calendar
3.Once in your Google Drive, there are a few tricks to
managing your calendar. On the bottom tabs there are
months, and you will want to extend to additional years
and delete months as they are in the past. First, way down
on the bottom is a hidden row. Unhide and you will see
how the date is set. For additional months you can just
enter, say 5/1/2020, and that tab will display the appropriat
May 2020 calendar. So to add months, go to the far right
tab, right click and 'duplicate', change the name of tab to
May 20 (for example) then change the hidden row to
5/1/2020, then hide row again. (This is a spreadsheet, so
you can delete and add as you wish). When a month has
passed, right click on its tab and delete.
Hidden row has date code:
Tab options upon right mouse click:
4. Now that your calendar is set up, you can type in the date
cells (turn on word wrapping and adjust font size) or insert
little images, like below:
5.Now, most importantly, place into edocr via the 'Share'
button on the top right of your Google Sheet Calendar,
selecting 'advanced', 'Anyone with the link' - then copy that
link and 'Upload' in edocr in the 'Enter a URL' section, give
a title, other info as you desire (see our blog on sharing
Googledocs with edocr and also our blog on Creating
Shares), and 'Publish'.
6.Once published there is an 'Embed' button on the top right
of the edocr viewer. Click that, and there is the embed
code for your website (see our blog on embedding edocr
on a web page).
7. Very important. As you add and delete months, insert
calendar information and images on your Google Sheet
Calendar template, nothing goes live on your website until
you 'Refresh' your edocr share. Edocr caches what it
passes to the website iframe, and that cache has to be
refreshed for changes to go live. If you are logged into
edocr you will see 'Refresh' on both the thumbnail and full
view of the edocr shared calendar, and once refreshed,
the changes are live on your website.
8. Congratulations, you now have a calendar you can update
and manage in only minutes.
This blog post is also a Google Doc, so if you see an error or
have a suggestion, we can quickly change it without breaking
the URL! Plenty of helpful tips available in our collection of blog
post documents.
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