Denver, CO Trap Musicians Have Women’s Leggings & Men’s Letterman Jackets

Denver, CO Trap Musicians Have Women’s Leggings & Men’s Letterman Jackets, updated 1/15/25, 9:22 PM


If you want to update your wardrobe with some local Denver flair, The RMXKNG has a new range of streetwear for men and women inspired by their urban beats. Go to to find out more.

The RMXKNG City: Denver Address: 1459 North Ogden Street Website: Phone: +1-319-930-6595 Email:

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Denver, CO Trap Musicians Have Women’s
Leggings & Men’s Le□erman Jackets
We all know the old adage dress for success, but The RMXKNG wants you to dress for
a different kind of success; that of the local Denver music scene. Kit yourself out in
their cool new threads and show your pride for the music of your hometown.
Their new collec□on is inspired by the local recording label's
eclec□c musical style and features both the label's iconic logo
and a pas□che of local cultural iconography with an oriental
Japanese aesthe□c.
The new merchandise arrives with the ongoing expansion of the label. With
its focus on discovering up-and-coming local ar□sts, crea□ng an authen□c
produc□on sound and suppor□ng the Denver music scene, The RMXKNG
has developed strong brand recogni□on in Colorado.
With recent headlines regarding Neil Young
versus Spo□fy and Joe Rogan domina□ng the US
news scene, many in local music communi□es
feel that the streaming giant has once again
demonstrated its unilateral preference for money
over music.
The RMXKNG seeks to be the
an□thesis to big, soulless music
produc□on and to do so they seek the
support of the people in Denver, of
people like yourself.
The way that you can con□nue to show your apprecia□on for a local sound
and a truly local scene is through purchasing an item from the label’s new
streetwear collec□on.
The label is currently stocking a range of
unisex hoodies, t-shirts, neck gaiter face
masks, embroidered flat-bill caps, joggers,
tennis socks, tank tops and winter beanies
that you are sure to love.
They also have two gendered ranges
featuring items like leggings and crop tops
for women, and le□erman jackets for
Design-wise, all the items feature bold visual contrasts and eye-grabbing red, black and grey
tones. You can also choose from a selec□on of exclusive designs that capture the style of the
label, including their Taoist ying yang, Falling Angel and Hollows skull art.
The RMXKNG is a bou□que recording studio and label
based in Denver. They are proud to support local
musicians with their high-quality produc□on facili□es
and mixing services, and to contribute to a thriving local
arts scene through their dis□nct merchandise and
underground events.
A spokesperson for the label said, “By
purchasing branded gear, you can
represent your local ar□st. Our mission is
to get local musical acts powerful
enough to be free.”

Go to
m/merchandise to find
out more.