Feedback from 2019 OIR Summit

Feedback from 2019 OIR Summit, updated 10/12/21, 9:52 AM


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Coral Gables, January 18, 2019 – SL FINANCIAL is an actuarial consulting and advisory
firm based in Miami, Florida. We offer complete actuarial solutions in both traditional
(re)insurance and alternative risk financing industries.
The 2019 Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) Summit was held in Tallahassee
Florida from January 15-16, 2019. As Florida-based actuarial consulting firm SL
FINANCIAL attended the conference with emphasis on:
ABCs of an Effective Form Filing – Presented an overview of the form filing
process along with three (3) most important factors for a successful filing and
common issues.
Keynote Address – Discussion with Florida Senator Jeff Brandes in areas
insurance innovation.
Managing Risk and Solvency Position – Discussed latest developments around
solvency modernization initiative, risk-focused examination and analysis,
enterprise risk report, own risk solvency assessment (ORSA) and corporate
governance annual disclosure (CGAD).
Submitting a Successful Rate Filing – Presented the ins and outs of a property
casualty rate filing along with the OIR review process and tips for successful rate
Florida’s Private Flood Insurance Market – provided an overview of the current
state of the private flood insurance market in Florida and at the federal level.
Florida Regulatory Landscape and Addressing the AOB Crisis – Presented OIR’s
response to most powerful storm to hit the U.S. since Hurricane Andrew, and the
steps taken to protect consumers from AOB abuse.
A Consumer Perspective – Presented consumer complaint process along with
the role of an insurance company in facilitating a resolution.
How Reinsurance and Catastrophe Reporting Go Hand in Hand – Presented
OIR’s catastrophe reporting system along with the importance and use of data

Leadership Panel and Expert Session – Discussed emerging issues and hot
topics and gave participants an opportunity for one-on-one conversation with
team OIR.
Overall, SL FINANCIAL managed to its market presence in Florida while representing its
clients’ interest in one-on-one discussion with team OIR.