Flight Instructor Insurance Is A Necessary Accessory To Instructing In Non-Owned Aircraft

Flight Instructor Insurance Is A Necessary Accessory To Instructing In Non-Owned Aircraft, updated 1/28/21, 6:39 AM


Certified Flight Instructors Are Finding Out the Hard Way that Aircraft Owners Insurance Policies Leave Them Liable

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Flight Instructor Insurance Is A Necessary
Accessory To Instructing In Non-Owned
BWI Aviation Insurance owner
Matt White pleads with CFIs to
understand their legal liability
and that an aircraft owner's
policy may leave them out in the
Purchasing a Flight Instructor
Insurance policy , also called a
CFI non-owned insurance policy
will help mitigate the increased
risk of instructing in aircraft that
you don't own.
BWI Aviation Insurance owner
Matt White is spreading the
word about that liability and
how some CFIs can find
themselves unexpectedly on
the hook.
"In many cases, the CFI is offering
the instruction in a plane not
personally owned and as such, far
too many assume that the owner's
aviation insurance policy has them
covered," said White.
White went on to clarify that
owner's policies are written to
specifically protect the owner
and not necessarily the pilot.
Many pilots purchase what is
known as aviation renters
insurance or non owned
aircraft policies.
"CFIs play a vital role in the
aviation industry and they do not
deserve to have the full burden
of legal liability to unknowingly
fall on their shoulders," added
White pointed out that one of the
most substantial benefits of a
CFI non owners policy is that it
provides for the cost of the legal
defense in the event of litigation.
White encourages all CFIs to
reach out to an aviation
insurance broker and make
sure they have the proper
With a proper CFI non
owned aircraft policy in
place, the CFI can keep
their livelihoods safe as well.
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