Comfortable Snoring Mouthpiece With Custom Fit: Top FDA-Approved Anti-Snore Tool 2023

Comfortable Snoring Mouthpiece With Custom Fit: Top FDA-Approved Anti-Snore Tool 2023, updated 5/29/23, 2:00 AM


Stop your snoring, without wrecking your sleep - all you need is the Zyppah. This new sleep aid uses a unique design that's been proven in an FDA-approved clinical study to help more than 90% of people to reduce or eliminate their snoring. Visit

Zyppah 701 South Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701, United States Website Email

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Comfortable Snoring Mouthpiece With Custom Fit: Top
FDA-Approved Anti-Snore Tool 2023
Did you know there's something more annoying than
snoring all night? It's being beside the person who
snores all night - but what if there was an easy way to
prevent it?
Dr. Jonathan Greenburg,
a sleep specialist with
decades of experience -
has finally come up with a
solution that simply works.
His new Zyppah device
was recently tested in an
FDA-approved study, and
it helped out more than
90% of the snoring test
It uses several strategies
you may be familiar with
- and one that's never
been used before in a
snore reducer.
If you've used snore-
reducing devices before,
you'll recognize the
custom boil-and-bite plate,
and the mandibular
What's brand new is the
Zyppah's patented tongue bar
design, which holds that big,
relaxed muscle out of the way
while you sleep, so it doesn't
block your airway.
Not only was the Zippah effective
for more than 90% of test
subjects, but it also comes with a
90-day money-back guarantee if
it doesn't solve your snoring - so
you can't lose.
Find Out More At