The incredible stress of divorce can be alleviated by following seven Buddhist mindfulness tips. Read this new guide, authored by the family lawyers at Ivan Steele Law (647.342.0568). Learn more at
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How To Spiritually Handle Separation:
Mindfulness Tips From Toronto Divorce
With tens of thousands of Canadian married couples filing for divorce
each year, Ivan Steele Law has authored a guide to help individuals
spiritually handle their separations.
The seven
suggestions in the
guide are
accompanied by five
mindfulness tips.
For example, the first step in the
guide is to practice non-
attachment by letting go of
relationship expectations and
pressures. Remember: your pain
and thoughts are not you.
Other tips in the guide revolve
around staying in the present,
practicing compassion, acting
with integrity, and recognizing
that everything is impermanent.
Mindfulness actions to help readers
follow these Buddhist divorce
precepts include breath-focused
meditation, loving-kindness
meditation, and reflections on the
nature of change.
Ivan Steele Law is a Toronto-based law firm that
focuses on family law, immigration law, and gay and
lesbian law.
Read their full guide at
Check it out today!
Mindfulness Tips From Toronto Divorce
With tens of thousands of Canadian married couples filing for divorce
each year, Ivan Steele Law has authored a guide to help individuals
spiritually handle their separations.
The seven
suggestions in the
guide are
accompanied by five
mindfulness tips.
For example, the first step in the
guide is to practice non-
attachment by letting go of
relationship expectations and
pressures. Remember: your pain
and thoughts are not you.
Other tips in the guide revolve
around staying in the present,
practicing compassion, acting
with integrity, and recognizing
that everything is impermanent.
Mindfulness actions to help readers
follow these Buddhist divorce
precepts include breath-focused
meditation, loving-kindness
meditation, and reflections on the
nature of change.
Ivan Steele Law is a Toronto-based law firm that
focuses on family law, immigration law, and gay and
lesbian law.
Read their full guide at
Check it out today!