Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning Download

Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning Download, updated 4/6/23, 9:20 PM


The Ironbound PDF Book is about Shelly Manning's program to effectively face hemochromatosis, a disorder in which too much iron builds up in your internal organs. Of course, The program enclosed in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning is not about a general ‘healthy eating’. The Ironbound PDF Program is actually a very specific and highly effective HCT protocol. That's why you should download it. And it's particularly related to gut bacteria.

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Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly
Manning (Program)
Ironbound PDF book by Shelly Manning is about Shelly Manning's original
program to effectively face hemochromatosis, a problematic condition
(commonly known as “iron overload”) in which too much iron builds up in
your joints and in organs like your liver, heart, and pancreas.
Click here to download Ironbound
PDF Book, by Shelly Manning >>>
The program that helped me face this problem effectively is called The
Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning. Actually, there are hundreds of
research papers and experimental results from laboratories and
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universities across the US, Europe, and the rest of the world that show just
how to manage conditions like HCT right out of your life…
But The Ironbound PDF Book and program aims at achieving two simple
sets of goals: a game-changing primary goal and a couple of vitally
important secondary goals.
Goal 1 – The Primary Goal
The primary goal is to stop the HCT gene from creating the HCT condition.
That’s the game-changer. If the gene stops creating the HCT how can you
have HCT?
Do that and that’s our main problem solved.
Goal 2 – The Secondary Goal
The secondary goal is to clear up the huge excess of iron that’s still in the
body – and to start undoing the damage that iron did to tissues and organs
throughout the body.
The actual cause of hemochromatosis
As indicated in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, epigenetics
knows exactly what the HCT gene is doing to give a person HCT.
It isn’t producing enough of something called ‘hepcidin’.
Hepcidin is a peptide hormone that directly regulates iron in our body.
When we’ve absorbed enough iron from food hepcidin goes to the
intestines to shut down any further iron absorption.
Hepcidin is like an on/off switch. It stops iron absorption when we have
enough iron. It keeps iron levels healthy. It stops iron overload.
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It stops hemochromatosis. I had HCT because my faulty gene was not
producing hepcidin. So I couldn’t shut down iron absorption when I had
enough iron in my body.
And this is why you currently have HCT.
As you will read in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, you’re
absorbing dangerous amounts of iron from food because your gene doesn’t
have the hepcidin to stop that absorption.
Why doesn’t your HCT gene have the hepcidin it needs to avoid
over-absorbing iron?
Tackle this problem and it’s all over. So long, HCT.
The Ironbound PDF Program comes down to a simple mechanism that
takes place in, of all places, your gut.
You may already be familiar with the discovery that our gut environment
contains trillions of good, beneficial bacteria.
What scientists know – and have proven – is that these various types of
bacteria are beyond just ‘beneficial’.
They perform functions that are essential to health and to life.
Gut bacteria have been with humans since the beginning of humanity. We
can’t be healthy without them.
They extract nutrients from food that our bodies can’t extract. They
produce hormones and brain chemicals that our bodies can’t produce.
They assist in so many body processes that scientists refer to gut bacteria
as an organ in its own right.
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As you will read in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, a range of
common western diseases are shown to be caused by problems with our
gut populations.
They are disorders like low moods, heart disease, blood sugar imbalances,
obesity and chronic inflammation, just to name a few.
Specifically, it is when we lack certain, specific bacteria types that we get
particular conditions.
As you will read in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, gut
bacteria has been proven to be so important to our health that in America
and Europe transplants of healthy gut bacteria into the guts of sick people
are proving to be almost overnight successes in treating some illnesses.
And it’s gut bacteria that sits at the root of our HCT problem. The
explanation is technical, but here’s the super-simple version.
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If you have HCT it’s because your HCT gene is unable to stop you from
absorbing excess iron. It needs hepcidin, and it doesn’t have any.
Why doesn’t it have any hepcidin? Because it can’t manufacture it.
To manufacture hepcidin we need a substance called butyrate. But there
isn’t enough butyrate in your body to make the hepcidin you need. And
without the butyrate you can’t have the hepcidin.
The program included in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning is
based on a pretty simple chain.
Click here to download Ironbound
PDF Book, by Shelly Manning >>>
Butyrate makes hepcidin. Your genes use hepcidin to stop your body
absorbing excess iron.
If you don’t have the butyrate you can’t have that hepcidin.
Make the butyrate and you get the hepcidin. It’s that simple.
Guess who makes butyrate? Yes, your gut bacteria make butyrate.
Specific bacteria are responsible for producing butyrate. If you don’t have
enough of that bacteria then you don’t get any butyrate… so you don’t get
any hepcidin.
Want to know how to fix HCT with The Ironbound PDF Program?
Fix those bacteria. Make them healthy again. Let them get on with their job
of producing butyrate…
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… so you can then make hepcidin
… so your HCT gene can finally stop absorbing all that excess iron. s
So how do we fix our gut bacteria?
As you will read in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, scientists
have long known that gut bacteria are ultra-sensitive to the kinds of food
we eat. They respond fantastically well to the right nutrients.
If they’re not getting what they specifically need their numbers reduce
dramatically. Without their health-giving activity illness eventually follows.
However, give them exactly what they need in the quantities and
combinations that they need it… and all that health-giving, life-preserving
bacteria will flourish.
And when it flourishes, so do you.
And this is what I did. I followed The program included in The Ironbound
PDF Book By Shelly Manning, did the right things, and literally ate my
problems away.
Make no mistake. The program enclosed in The Ironbound PDF Book By
Shelly Manning is not about ‘healthy eating’ – not in the sense we hear
about on television and in magazines. In many respects, it’s far easier.
But we’ve got to be smart with this.
Those microscopic, life-saving friends of ours need specific foods in the
right quantities. If they thrive, then we do too.
Remember, we have HCT in the first place because those bacteria are
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We have to address this, so they can get back to doing their vital work for
us. They are the broken link in the chain that leads to HCT. We want to fix
that chain – quickly.
And the right foods in the right quantities at the right time does exactly
this. Which is what I and thousands like me have done.
We used food supplements to heal our gut and so switch back on the supply
of butyrate. The butyrate allowed our HCT genes to start producing
hepcidin… which it then used to stop the over-absorption of excessive iron.
And so ending the overload of iron that creates hemochromatosis.
The Ironbound PDF Program By Shelly Manning was all new to me. I’d
never used a food supplement before. To be honest, until I’d felt them work
on my own body, I just didn’t believe in that kind of thing. I had to see it for
myself before I was convinced beyond any doubts.
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If you’re unsure of these things, I understand.
But as someone who no longer suffers the ravages of HCT, let me say: don’t
underestimate the colossal power of the right supplements in the right
quantities at the right time.
The nutrients we need plenty of come from fruits, plant stems, leaves,
roots… They’re highly reliable, powerful, and they have a transforming
effect on gut health and, therefore, HCT.
But if we’re ill they’re difficult to consume in the quantities we need in
order to get well again. Which is exactly why we take supplements.
Supplements are just concentrated forms of the essential nutrients found
naturally in these foods.
The right supplements presented in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly
Manning are easy to consume because they are very small volumes – but
highly effective.
This is why this supplementation plan works so well. It provides plenty of
what your body badly needs to be well – but in a format that’s easy to
Beware: standard ‘healthy eating’ advice can be dangerous for HCT. The key
to me escaping the clutches of HCT was knowledge.
As you will read in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, certain
foods and supplements work very well when taken on their own… but are
next to useless if you’ve eaten certain other foods around the same time.
Same with some common nutrients: excellent for HCT when taken on their
own… but they work against us if combined with particular other foods.
It’s easy to work around – but you’ve got to have your facts straight.
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The Ironbound PDF Program By Shelly Manning tells you what you need to
know, so you get it right, and then enjoy the effects of getting it right.
Oh, and junk health advice – like ‘don’t drink coffee’ – doesn’t exist in The
Ironbound PDF Program.
Coffee, for example, needs to be kept separate from certain other
substances, but apart from that… I don’t know where I’d be without my
morning cup of Joe!
Again, although the detail is complex, what I had to do to tackle HCT was
easy. The majority of the powerful effects of The Ironbound PDF Book and
Program By Shelly Manning came down to 5 specific nutrients.
Click here to download Ironbound
PDF Book, by Shelly Manning >>>
Together, these 5 superstars – as Shelly calls them – did the following:
● Rejuvenated my gut bacteria, so they produced healthy amounts of
butyrate once more.
● Enabled the HCT gene to produce hepcidin, so it could end the
over-absorption of iron.
● Introduced powerful natural chelating nutrients into my body –
substances that bind with iron making it harmless, so the body can
discharge it as waste.
Combined, these 5 superstar supplements stopped HCT at its source… and
cleaned up all the iron that was soaked into my blood and body tissues.
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I bought these superstars in my local supermarket. They’re not exotic
substances, they’re not expensive and, because they’re completely natural –
they’re food, basically – they’re super easy to consume.
And they’re temporary. I don’t have to take these supplements anymore.
Once they’ve done their work, they are no longer necessary.
After that, The Ironbound PDF Program only requires you to include some
specific foods on a weekly basis, foods that keep your gut bacteria happy.
I buy those foods each week at my local supermarket and I make sure I eat
them. It really doesn’t get more complicated than that.
Those micro-friends in my gut keep on producing the butyrate… so my
HCT gene can manufacture hepcidin… and ensure I never again absorb
excess iron. No more phlebotomy. No more chelation drugs. No more
doctors, hospitals, or procedures.
During the application of The Ironbound PDF Program, I lost weight
without dieting – about 10 pounds of fat in all. Took about 5 months.
I found myself sleeping much, much better – and generally feeling more
energized and cheerful throughout the day.
I also found out that the 5 superstars offer strong protection against
● Heart disease
● Liver and kidney malfunction
● Tumor growth
● Erratic blood sugars
● Chronic inflammation
● Hormonal imbalance
● Bone weakness
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Many people have also pointed out another very desirable side effect of The
program included in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning, namely
that it showed measurable improvement in sexual functioning: sex drive in
men and women, erections in men.
Shelly Manning is not claiming to have invented a way out of HCT. She isn’t
claiming some level of genius that nobody else has. She is a highly
respected alternative health practitioner with a number of hugely
successful natural health remedies to his name. She researches intensely
and experiments widely before releasing her programs.
Click here to download Ironbound
PDF Book, by Shelly Manning >>>
Everything in the program included in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly
Manning is based on two decades of research results and scientific fact
uncovered by universities and research institutions across North America,
Europe and the rest of the world.
None of the claims here are new. None of the discoveries in themselves are
unique. All of it is widely known and accepted by medical scientists
What is new is that Shelly Manning has gathered together a wide range of
complex, proven medicine into a single, simple program designed
specifically for people like you and me who simply don’t want a lifetime of
hemochromatosis: The Ironbound PDF Book.
And as a result The Ironbound Program has several thousand very happy
followers – people like me who despaired of ever being free of HCT but who
today can barely remember what the disease even felt like.
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Shelly Manning’s analysis has resulted in what, for me, was a near-miracle
way out of a disease that I thought I was going to suffer for life.
I am so glad I found The program included in The Ironbound PDF Book By
Shelly Manning – and so relieved that someone had created it!
For all the horrors of hemochromatosis, the way out of that disease was
remarkably straight forward.
Instead of weekly phlebotomy sessions to remove blood…
I ate supplements for about 12 weeks until the HCT gene was working
Instead of chemically clearing out excess iron…
I ate normal foods that specialize in removing excess iron cleanly and
without harm to any part of the body.
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The science behind The Ironbound PDF Program is unanswerable. The
body intends to be well. If you give it what it needs, then it will be well. It
can’t actually do otherwise.
I have enjoyed 3 years in a row with normal iron levels and zero HCT
symptoms. For me, that’s everything I had wished for.
If you’re concerned enough about your illness that you’re looking for a way
out of it… I imagine you do.
The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning was my answer. It’ll be your
answer too – I guarantee it.
Illness doesn’t just happen. It has a cause.
And we now know the cause of HCT. So instead of handling symptoms, we
can go directly to the source of the illness – and handle that instead.
And as you can imagine, when we’ve removed the cause of the illness, you
simply can’t have that illness.
We feed our gut bacteria, so they create the butyrate that makes hepcidin…
which means your HCT gene can stop your body absorbing excess iron.
Instead of a lifetime of unnatural chemical treatments…. We have a few
months of natural supplements that treat HCT at its source.
We don’t have to suffer a lifetime of HCT symptoms – The Ironbound PDF
Book By Shelly Manning is a particularly effective solution.
I went through the standard HCT treatments.
They started off okay, but the side effects got progressively worse.
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And those treatments are required for your entire life. You can never stop.
But one day, I’d be too old to withstand the side effects of bloodletting. And
chemical injections. Then what?
It was infinitely better for me that I fix HCT at its source while I still had
time. A temporary course of supermarket supplements and then a varied
eating program afterwards did everything I wanted.
And the program included in The Ironbound PDF Book By Shelly Manning
will allow you to obtain the same results.
Click here to download Ironbound
PDF Book, by Shelly Manning >>>
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