This is for folks 55+ interest in getting the most out of retirement by Russ Still - retired business owner, songwriter, musician and entrepreneur.
Retired? What Next? by Russ
Russ Still, retired business owner, songwriter
and musician, has released a free tip sheet to
folks 55+ who have been retired for some time,
recently retired or thinking about retirement cut
through the clutter and get to the most important
aspects of how to create a exciting and active
You've got the fire! You've got
the knowledge! You've got the
time! Go get it! Think you don't
know enough to do what you
Maybe you want to try
something brand new,
something you don't know
anything about.
There are literally thousands of
resources about anything you
want to do: articles, videos,
books, adult learning classes
at your local college.
Worried about doing it wrong?
There are no failures in
retirement! If you try
something and it doesn't work
out, ok, try again.
If you realize that thing you
always wanted to do isn't as
fun as you thought it would
be, ok, find something else.
Are you worried about what
others might think about your
new interest? Really!? Hopefully
you're past that, but if not, why?
It's fun when others think you're
The question is not, should
you really do what you want?
The question is, why anyone
would not want you to do what
makes you happy?
The only thing you can do
wrong is not doing the thing
you love! This is you doing
you for you.
"I hope you'll be motivated to do
that thing you've always wanted
to do!" If you're interested in how
Russ is spending his retirement,
check out more on his site and
social media.
Contact Us At:
Russ Still, retired business owner, songwriter
and musician, has released a free tip sheet to
folks 55+ who have been retired for some time,
recently retired or thinking about retirement cut
through the clutter and get to the most important
aspects of how to create a exciting and active
You've got the fire! You've got
the knowledge! You've got the
time! Go get it! Think you don't
know enough to do what you
Maybe you want to try
something brand new,
something you don't know
anything about.
There are literally thousands of
resources about anything you
want to do: articles, videos,
books, adult learning classes
at your local college.
Worried about doing it wrong?
There are no failures in
retirement! If you try
something and it doesn't work
out, ok, try again.
If you realize that thing you
always wanted to do isn't as
fun as you thought it would
be, ok, find something else.
Are you worried about what
others might think about your
new interest? Really!? Hopefully
you're past that, but if not, why?
It's fun when others think you're
The question is not, should
you really do what you want?
The question is, why anyone
would not want you to do what
makes you happy?
The only thing you can do
wrong is not doing the thing
you love! This is you doing
you for you.
"I hope you'll be motivated to do
that thing you've always wanted
to do!" If you're interested in how
Russ is spending his retirement,
check out more on his site and
social media.
Contact Us At: