Our Schools Are Filled With Kryptonite

Our Schools Are Filled With Kryptonite, updated 1/30/18, 4:19 PM


About James H Burns

Since 1977 Jim Burns has been working with students who have learning disabilities and behavioral problems.  He has almost 40 years of experience working as an administrator, teacher, college instructor, and seminar leader.  He is committed to helping administrators, parents, and teachers establish standards of excellence and help them build successful relationships with their staff, students, and children.  He has written and designed The Bully Proof Classroom, a graduate course that is now offered at The College of New Jersey, and La Salle University in Pennsylvania in partnership with The Regional Training Center. This course has been endorsed by the NJEA.  He has also written “Anti Bullying 101.” A book that provides teachers, administrators, support staff and parent’s 101 tips on how to achieve permanent help in dealing with unruly behavior and can be used as part of any anti-bullying program. In May of 2015 Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by Gratz College in recognition of his almost forty years of work in student behavior management and anti bullying.   He is available for on sight in-services and keynotes.

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Kryptonite Syndrome
I have really taken a good hard look at the way things are today as opposed to the way
they used to be. I have gone off on tangents at conferences and did nothing but speak
from my heart. I feel as though my way of thinking is slowly becoming extinct, but I
believe that regardless of popular opinion or political correctness I have a voice, I mean
ever body else does right? I have written hundreds of essays and blog posts but, the
fifteen essays contained in this book are the essays that describe what I call the
Kryptonite Syndrome and explain what really is weakening our schools and at times
weakening us as a society. Here are the abstracts so you can decide if this book is for
Abstract One: We Have Medicalized Education
I choose to joust with no one regarding the condition of ADHD. My only goal with this
essay is to give educators a clear view of the topic and help us all determine what is
organic and what is truly learned behavior. We have medicalized education! Truthfully
we have gotten to the point where meds are the first choice in treating behavior
problems not the last. Medication has proven to help kids with ADHD or ODD. Talk to
any therapist though and they will tell you that medication in combination with therapy is
the plan that nets the best result. In schools meds are relied on too heavily, and need to
be used in combination with solid discipline and effective consequences. Where were
ADHD and ODD 40 years ago? They didn't exist or they weren't invented yet. Why,
because kids with behavior problems were few and far between. Authority was
respected by parents and students. When we discovered that disrespect is now the
norm and not the exception, we began to create conditions to support the behavior. If a
kid acts up today it is usually attributed to the fact that he doesn't take his medication
consistently, when in reality he is not being disciplined effectively.
Abstract Two: Disrespect Is Pervasive In Our Schools
Sadly disrespect is not only pervasive in our schools but in our society. Students aren't
corrected for it and they become adults who believe that they can say and do whatever
they want. And that includes instilling the fear of God into a teacher who tries to correct
their kid. Teachers complain about it, but no one talks about the problem. Why?
Because this fear ascends the ranks and school administrators and even the
superintendent live in fear of irate parents. No one confronts and everybody runs. The
schools are controlled by 20% of the parents with the loudest voice and the most
threatening attitudes and behaviors.

Abstract Three: No one Is Responsible: No one
Everybody knows that excuses are built around circumstance, environmental and
genetic circumstance. Crimes get committed and circumstance is always brought up.
Tough upbringing, or he was raised on the wrong side of the tracks are just two excuses
used. We are determined, that's who we are, and we can't change. Circumstances only
influence they don't determine behavior. Provide enough excuses for anyone and they
will provide you the evidence to support your belief. Teachers have been forced to
excuse behavior by a dysfunctional system. A system that has been shoe horned into
education by a dysfunctional society.
Abstract Four: What Happened To Self-Control?
Self control should be taught but, unfortunately it's not. Have you looked at the condition
of society? 1 in 4 homes are in foreclosure. I guess we can blame the banks, or can
we? Everybody wants something bigger and better. To get bigger and better the money
has to be made to get it, unless the bank doesn't care. But, in the final analysis the
decision is made by the buyer. Teenage obesity, diabetes, addiction, alcoholism, are all
evidence of the lack of self control in society. And oh, did I mention anger issues and
the left over bitterness from childhood that gets carried into adulthood wreaking havoc
on families. Society has lost control of its thoughts, its words, and its actions. Everybody
knows. What produces a nation of people with self-control, consequences do.
Unfortunately many people are sitting in that leaking boat right now and are
experiencing the consequences of the lack of self control.
Abstract Five: We Lie To Kids
Oh we don't mean to but we do lie to kids. We have inflated their grades because we
don't want to destroy their self esteem. By the way, what is self esteem? Today kids feel
good about themselves for no apparent reason. It is almost impossible to be left back,
and if a kid has low test scores the teacher always gets the blame. So we let the kid
know that he is doing great academically, inflate his grades and give him a false sense
of his academic ability. Don't worry someone will tell him, like the college he will be
trying to get into in a few years. Then for sure everybody will know including him.

Abstract Six: I Like You But....
The statement, "I like you, but don't like your behavior" is a lie. Be honest you don't like
the kid. The truth is we are all are measured by our behavior. I own my behavior, I am
my behavior. Like me but not my behavior, stop it. There are some adults that we don't
like because of their behavior, we might be married to one, are kids any different. The
truth is I don't like you because of your behavior, and I go home every night praying that
you take the next day off.
Abstract Seven: Reasons Not Excuses
Excuses are built around circumstance, environmental and genetic circumstance.
Crimes get committed and circumstance is always brought up. Tough upbringing, or he
was raised on the wrong side of the tracks are just two excuses used. We are
determined, that's who we are, and we can't change. Circumstances only influence they
don't determine behavior. Provide enough excuses for anyone and they will provide you
the evidence to support your belief. Teachers have been forced to excuse behavior by a
dysfunctional system. A system that has been shoe horned into education by a
dysfunctional society.

Abstract Eight: We Have Lost Our Independent Thinkers
Everyone has to pass the state test. How is it administered? The kids are sitting in rows.
Why are they taught in groups? It is almost mandated in some districts that everyone
sits in groups. Does everyone like working in groups? Some kids are introverted and
prefer to work alone. This kid is going to earn himself a trip to the school psychologist
because he is anti social. How many jobs require people to work in pods of 4-6 all day
long? If they did no one would get any work done. That's just what's happening in our
Abstract Nine: Compliance or Obedience
Years ago the only thing we wanted was for a kid to obey; now it's the last thing we get.
As a matter of fact obedience has become a dirty word. The educational gurus who
have spent their time attacking education from a theoretical standpoint, but never really
spent any time interacting in a classroom with a group of wild kids liken the word
obedience to dog training. They fear that we will destroy the creative side of a kid's
brain by not allowing him to choose and by forcing obedience. Okay already, let's
change obedience to compliance. The definition; doing what you are told when you are
told to do it, with a good attitude. The NJ Turnpike has a sign posted right after you pay
the toll, it reads; you have left the NJ Turnpike OBEY local speed laws. I guess we only
have to obey as we get older.
Abstract Ten: The Playground Is Now a Parking Lot
Run, jump, pull-up, push-up and throw a softball. The requirements for physical fitness
as set forth by President Kennedy in 1961. The president's council on physical fitness
was formed because America was getting soft. Well guess what; it's getting softer. Do
you know why? Because our kids don't get out and play enough at least not in school.
Years ago if we finished our work as a class you know what we did? We got to go out
for a game of football, wiffle ball, or softball. Now when kids are done with work do you
know what they can look forward to? More work, or better yet a brain break for about
two minutes that is equal to a good stretch. Childhood obesity and diabetes let's put an
end to them; you know how. Give kids more opportunity to run around on the
Abstract Eleven: There Is No Fear
Kids don't fear anything today. As a matter of fact parents fear their kids more than kids
fear their parents. Systemic discipline is just a slap on the wrist and dysfunctional
schools fight dysfunctional families. While all of this is going on the kids watch, laugh,
and say and do what they want without any real consequence.
Abstract 12: No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
I agree that no child should be left behind, but they all are. Kids don't leave first grade
on the first grade level because they all don't enter first grade at the same level. By the
time they hit the third grade some kids are already two years behind. Multiple
Intelligences, Differentiated Instruction, Inclusion, all great stuff but truly they don't meet
the needs of the students. All those levels in the same room with an overly ambitious
curriculum; everybody is being left behind.
Abstract Thirteen: Parents Need Parenting
The question is who is going to do it? After speaking to hundreds of parents about their
children what I discovered was they don't talk to their own parents. They lack discipline
skills and are so angry and lost that they take out their rage on their own kids. Three
generations of dysfunction. Everyone knows it, and talks about it, but no one knows
what to do about this disaster that Everybody Knows.
Abstract Fourteen: Political Correctness
Kids have lost their ability to get along and are rapidly becoming adults who have
matured physically, but not mentally, or emotionally. Society has been taught to
disagree, but with the wrong attitude, so don't disagree with me or I won't like you.
Disagreements are things that get walked away from because of the fear of conflict. The
idea that a productive conflict could exist and the two parties involved could leave
enough space between them for a disagreement is too tough to imagine because egos
are just too big. Win-Win, can't happen because someone always has to win and
someone has to lose. Don't talk too loud now because someone will hear, and even
your whispers will get back to the wrong person, like your boss who will muzzle you and
make sure that you always walk the line of political correctness.
Abstract Fifteen: The Intergenerational Tendency
Kids have lost their ability to get along and are rapidly becoming adults who have
matured physically, but not mentally, or emotionally. Society has been taught to
disagree, but with the wrong attitude, so don't disagree with me or I won't like you.
Disagreements are things that get walked away from because of the fear of conflict. The
idea that a productive conflict could exist and the two parties involved could leave
enough space between them for a disagreement is too tough to imagine because egos
are just too big. Win-Win, can't happen because someone always has to win and
someone has to lose. Don't talk too loud now because someone will hear, and even
your whispers will get back to the wrong person, like your boss who will muzzle you and
make sure that you always walk the line of political correctness.
In evaluating your strengths and weakness which one of the problems below to you feel the most
equipped to deal with? Which ones give you an uneasy feeling, or do you feel intimidated or even
frightened to deal with? Does you imprint (your upbringing) get in the way and almost force you to
avoid certain situations or even people?
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