Feb 2021 newsletter

Feb 2021 newsletter, updated 2/2/21, 4:35 AM


About Turtle Survival Alliance

The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) was formed in 2001 as an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) partnership for sustainable captive management of freshwater turtles and tortoises, and initially designated a Task Force of the IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. The TSA arose in response to the rampant and unsustainable harvest of Asian turtle populations to supply Chinese markets, a situation known as the Asian Turtle Crisis.
Since forming, the TSA has become recognized as a global force for turtle conservation, capable of taking swift and decisive action on behalf of critically endangered turtles and tortoises. Although the TSA was organized in response to the Asian Turtle Crisis, the group has been expanded as our understanding of the scope of turtle and tortoise declines has become better understood. The TSA has been particularly involved in recovery efforts where a managed breeding component is part of an overall survival strategy. The TSA employs a comprehensive strategy for evaluating the most critically endangered chelonians that identifies whether a species is prioritized for a captive program or through range country efforts, or a combination of both.
In the past 13 years, TSA secured nonprofit 501(c)(3) status (2005) and has centralized its base operations in South Carolina by opening the Turtle Survival Center (2013). The Turtle Survival Center, which now has AZA certification (2018), is home to a collection of more than 700 turtles and tortoises, representing 30 of the world’s critically endangered species. The TSA has also grown internationally, with significant field projects or programs in Madagascar, Myanmar and India, and additional projects in Belize, Colombia, and throughout Asia.
Today, the TSA is an action-oriented global partnership, focusing on species that are at high risk of extinction, and working in turtle diversity hotspots around the world. Widely recognized as a global catalyst for turtle conservation based on its reputation for swift and decisive action, the TSA has made a bold commitment to zero turtle extinctions in the 21st Century. The TSA is a recognized force for turtle conservation globally. TSA’s conservation actions utilize a three-pronged approach:
1. Restoring populations in the wild where possible;
2. Securing species in captivity through assurance colonies; and
3. Building the capacity to restore, secure and conserve species within their range country.

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Radiated Tortoise

Tampa Bay
Turtle & Tortoise
Society, Inc.

New Guinea Snake-Necked Turtle

Monthly Newsletter
February 2021 Issue

Meeting Date: February 13, 2021, starts at 7:00pm.
Guest speaker: Show & Tell. Show us your pet(s), your set-up and what drawn you to that
particular species. We are still doing a Zoom meetings at this time. Ralph will send everyone the
sign-in and password as the time draws near and is for current members only at this time.

Misc Notes
Please update your email information with Ralph Till at rascal1843@aol.com. We only use this
information for club business and it helps for club members to stay up to date on any last minutes
changes that may occur. It will also help ensure that you receive your electronic copy of our
monthly newsletter.
If you would like to submit an article or pictures to be published in the next upcoming newsletter,
please email it to Kim at sparty@tampabay.rr.com. Please submit by the end of the month to be
published in the next month’s newsletter.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the officers listed below:
Elected & Appointed Officers
President - Ralph Till
727-515-7443 Rascal1843@aol.com
Vice President – Mark Randall

Treasurer/Membership - Ralph Till
727-515-7443 Rascal1843@aol.com
Secretary/Public Relations - Kim Illum

Newsletter Editor – Mark & Kim Illum
Facebook Coordinator – Ralph, Mark R & Kim
New Website under construction:

Hello Everyone,
Hard to believe it's February already, despite not going anywhere but the store for supplies the time
seems to fly by. I'm hoping that everyone is doing well.

At our last Zoom meeting, we heard from member Mark Illum on how he creates and manages his above
ground turtle ponds. I'm still amazed at how he can keep the water so clear. It was an excellent
presentation, thank you Mark.

I know that Repticon is coming up in Tampa in a few weeks. I've decided that due to the restructuring of
the format to acquire a table, and the continuing presence of Covid that I am not planning to attend. If
someone would like to represent the TBTTS while there, that would be great. Let me know.

This month's meeting will once again be on Zoom. Let's try and do a show-and-tell, this way you don't
have to transport any animals as you can do this right from your home. We could all learn something from
viewing each others setup's.

That's really all I have right now, everyone stay well and we'll see you on Saturday evening, February
13th at 7:00 on Zoom.

Ralph Till

Re-Cap from last month’s meeting
Last month’s guest speaker was Mark Illum on how he built his ponds, how a homemade filter was
created and the filter media used, and uv lights used to help keep the water clear.

To view all of the pictures and more details on the filter media and specs for the filter, visit Mark’s
website at:

Upcoming Club Speakers
March 13, 2021 – TBD
April 10, 2021 – TBD
May 8, 2021 – TBD
June 12, 2021 – TBD
July 10, 2021 – TBD
August 14, 2021 – TBD
September 11, 2021 – No speaker, this is our annual auction - pending
October 9, 2021 – TBD
November 13, 2021 – No guest speaker, this is our annual election night (current members only)
December 11, 2021 – No guest speaker, our annual Christmas party (current members only)

NOTE: If you would be interested in doing a talk, pls contact Ralph Till at Rascal1843@aol.com for
additional information.
Upcoming Club Events

Upcoming reptile shows
Repticon Tampa – February 27th & 28th 2021
Repticon Kissimmee – April 17th & 18th 2021
Repticon Tampa – June 12th & 13th 2021
Repticon Orlando – July 17th & 18th 2021
Daytona National Reptile Breeders Expo – August 19th – 21st 2021
Repticon FIRE show – TBA
Repticon Kissimmee – September 25th & 26th 2021
Repticon Tampa – November 13th & 14th 2021
Repticon Orlando – December 4th & 5th 2021

Turtles/Tortoises Videos
Mote Marine Lab & Aquarium releases 9 sea turtles:


Very slow eating baby gopher tortoise:


Box Turtles Facts Learning Video:


Turtles/Tortoises in the News
San Diego Botanic Garden's beloved tortoise, Sam, has passed away:

Sea Turtles saved from cold temperatures, flown south, and released in the Panhandle:


The Last Known Swinhoe’s Turtle on Earth Was Alone Until This Female Was Found – Researchers Hope for


Kidz Korner

Turtle/Tortoise Tender Tales (rescue stories)
This rescue story and info on gopher tortoises is brought to you from Swamp Girl Adventures:

This gopher tortoise is getting a nebulizer treatment for mycoplasmosis:


Sadly there is no cure for the mycoplasma infection that causes URTD in gopher tortoises but we can
help them gain control of the disease and reduce symptoms. Please don't relocate tortoises or any other
animal, this is not only stressful to the animal but can also further spread diseases like mycoplasma in
tortoises and box turtles and Bunyavirus that is now being found in cooters and softshells!

the gopher tortoises don't have a point of origin to return to, they are either euthanized or need to be
moved to an educational facility as a non releasable. We are trying encouraging the state to create a
special WAIF sites for URTD tortoises. This would aid in the study of the disease and reduce euthanizing.

To read more about gopher tortoises and diseases, pls visit our webite at:

Kim & Crew w/ Swamp Girl Adventures Reptile Rehabilitation
To see more of the rehabs we currently have and some out the out reach programs we done, please visit:
Also like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwampGirlAdventures/

Classified Section
You may place your animals, items, services that you have for sale in the club’s newsletter. Ads will
run month to month and you must renew it for every month that you would like. Ads are free to up
to date/paid members, or $5.00 per month ($8.00 for 2 months) for non-members.

Looking to re-home out your reptile? Place a free ad for any reptile that you are looking to adopt
out (free ads are for reptiles which does NOT have a re-homing fee).

Advertising Rates
1/8th Page = $8 per issue or $75 per year (savings of $21).
1/4th Page = $11 per issue or $100 per year (savings of $32).
1/2 Page = $16 per issue or $150 per year (savings of $42).
Full Page = $25 per issue or $225 per year (savings of $75).
Pricing includes art/graphics/color, however you send the advertisement will be published in our
electronic newsletter.

Please email over the Classified/Adoptions/Advertisement info by the end of the month to: Kim at
All payments for advertisements should be sent directly to:
Moccasin Lake Nature Park
c/o Tampa Bay Turtle & Tortoise Society, Inc.
2750 Park Trail Ln.
Clearwater, FL 33759

Other Herp Societies
The Turtle & Tortoise Club of Florida – Orlando Chapter
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm
Location: Oakland Nature Preserve, 747 Machete Trail, Oakland, FL 34787
Suncoast Herpetological Society Inc.
website: http://www.kingsnake.com/suncoastherpsociety/SHSHome.htm
meets on the 4th Saturday of the month at 6:00pm.
Location: Moccasin Lake Nature Park 2750 Park Trail Ln. Clearwater, FL 33759
Central Florida Herpetological Society
website: Centralfloridaherpsociety.org
meets on the 4th Sunday of every other month at 2:00 PM but you want to be there between 1:00 -
1:30 PM for parking
Location: Orlando Public Library, Downtown Branch, Anderson Room 3rd Floor, 101 East Central
Blvd Orlando, FL 32801
Calusa Herpetological Society
website: calusaherp.org
meets on the first Thursday at 7:00 PM
Location: In the Iona house at the Calusa Nature Center
Jacksonville Herpetological Society
website: jaxherp.tripod.com
meets first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM
Location: Museum of Science and History (MOSH), Museum circle, Jacksonville, FL

Membership and Newsletter subscription form
Annual membership fee: $20.00 per year, and the membership includes:
- Electronic Monthly newsletter sent to your email address
- Free Classified’s in newsletter (members only) as well as low cost
advertisement rates.
- Annual Auction, Christmas Party, and Office Elections
- Monthly Meetings in an indoor classroom setting that consists of the
- Different guest speaker each month
- Raffle Prizes
- Info about upcoming events/reptile shows/field trips/etc..

Date/Time: Meets the 2nd Saturday of every month at 7:00pm
Meeting Address: Moccasin Lake Nature Park 2750 Park Trail Ln.
Clearwater, FL 33759
NEW: We now accept PayPal for membership fees: president@tbtts.org
Complete the form below and bring it with you to the next upcoming meeting
or mail it along with payment to:
Moccasin Lake Nature Park
c/o Tampa Bay Turtle & Tortoise Society, Inc.
2750 Park Trail Ln.
Clearwater, FL 33759
Check one:
_______ New Membership _______ Membership Renewal
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zipcode: ___________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Phone#: ________________________________

NOTE: We would never sell or trade your information. This information is strictly for club use only.
Answer Key