edocr Premium Features

edocr Premium Features, updated 10/20/24, 12:36 PM

collectionsBlog Posts

edocr Premium has all the benefits of edocr and more to help you build your brand and business. What are you waiting for? Sign up today for a free trial of edocr Premium.

About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on edocr.com is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

Get publishing now!

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edocr Premium Features
December 2020 Update: Though edocr continues to offer
our easy document sharing features for free, we now
have several paid Premium levels available for purchase
which offer SEO through searchbot indexing, long-term
storage and other advanced features!
edocr Premium offers an array of features to help you build your
brand and business. Sign up today for a special price for edocr
Premium starting at $1.95 /month or $9.95 /year (see link at the end
of this post) to get more out of your documents - get more views,
features, space, and collections.
And, if you are an educational or charity user, and want free Premium
forever, apply with our Philanthropy form.
Please Note: Signing up for a 90 day free trial of Premium features
does not automatically index with search engines any of your shared
documents. Contact edocr for more information.
SEO: The main reason that most of you post on edocr is for exposure
of your published content and for links back to your website, in order
to rank higher in search engines and grab more exposure for your
product or service. The only way to have edocr expose your
documents to search engine crawlers is via a Premium edocr
account. All free account document pages are published with a 'no
index' meta tag. Read more here.
Disable Ads On Your Documents: Showcase your documents
further by disabling ads on your documents. This includes the ability
to use the space used for advertisements for a logo or photo.
Viewer Options: edocr now offers our Premium users the option of
having documents launch 'Full Window' or 'Fit to height' or a per
document basis when anyone views the document.
Link insertion: Place links in existing popular documents as a direct
embed, or as a custom tag on the information sidebar.
Protected Document Storage: Premium accounts not only have a
lot more storage space, but their documents are not subject to be
deleted. With Premium you get an additional 10GB of protected
document storage. In Free accounts, documents that have not been
viewed for over 50 days are marked for deletion sometime in the next
30 days.
Additional Collections: Collections are like a file folder, allowing you
to publish common content together and control the privacy rules of
that collection of content in a single place. With Premium you get an
additional 8 Collections.




Lead Generation: Fill your sales funnel with edocr’s lead generation
feature. edocr provides you with validated leads. Premium users may
set edocr to ask for and collect email addresses provided before
granting access to your document or collection.
Contributor Accounts: Stop sharing passwords. With a contributor
account, you can securely associate yourself and others with multiple
edocr profiles without sharing passwords. This allows the ability for
accounts to be maintained and added to by multiple people or for one
person to control and contribute to multiple edocr accounts.
efill/esign: Premium users may set up their own documents and
forms to be filled out and/or have a verified e-signature.
See this Blog Post.
Text Extraction: Text extraction enhances your SEO, bringing you
more leads. Using Accusoft’s PrizmDoc technology, edocr extracts
text from your documents and creates a tag cloud of keywords that
help search engines find your content.
Googledocs editing: All edocr users have the ability to share a
googledoc, sheet or slides, but with premium we provide you the
ability to edit your googledoc, then refresh your edocr share instantly
to show your edits and updates. Great for web notices and calendars.
See this Blog Post.
Document and Engagement Analytics: See if people are engaging
with your content with edocr’s document analytics—document views,
downloads, and shares. You can also see analytics for social media
and email shares as well as followers of your content.
Annotation & Mark-up: Allows users to annotate & mark up shared
documents with the restriction that only document owners with
Premium account status can permanently alter the document and
save changes. However, anyone can annotate, then download or print
without the ability to save. See this Blog Post.
Collaborative (many to one submittal) Collection Type: Allows the
Account owner to provide a list of people that may submit documents
to a collection, but only allows the Account Owner as able to view or
mark-up. I.e., students cannot see other students papers or tests.






CRM Integration: Manage all of your leads in one location, your
CRM. Integrate your edocr leads into your CRM solution, including
Hubspot, CapsuleCRM, Nimble, Marketo, Mailigen, Infor, Salesforce,
and Sugar.
API Access: Through the edocr API, quickly access information
about documents and users, or load documents from file or web
storage location.
Pricing: https://www.edocr.com/premium
Featuring our Premium Plan Special: $9.95 and also lock this as the
renewal rate for additional years. Normally $12.95 / year or
$1.95 / month.
Philanthropy (Free Premium Account for Education & Charity) accounts
may apply here.
Here are some more great edocr tips and tricks to try out!
What are you waiting for? Sign up today for a free trial of edocr
Premium features. (From your edocr profile, select Account
Settings, Account Information, try Premium)
Want to get started right away having your documents indexed
and found, just purchase one of our inexpensive Premium plans
or contact us for assistance.